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1 Mobile Health Plus+ Presented by: Amaresh Sahoo (SIMSR, PGDM 2013-15) Prashant Gianani (SIMSR, PGDM 2013-15)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mobile Health Plus+ Presented by: Amaresh Sahoo (SIMSR, PGDM 2013-15) Prashant Gianani (SIMSR, PGDM 2013-15)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mobile Health Plus+ Presented by: Amaresh Sahoo (SIMSR, PGDM 2013-15) Prashant Gianani (SIMSR, PGDM 2013-15)

2 Contents Present Scenario Indian Perspective Solution by Health Plus Functionality of Health Plus Patient Doctor Pharmaceutical Companies Medical Stores Why SAP HANA Prototype User and Data Security Conclusion Feedback References

3 Present Scenario Unorganized health care sector in most of the countries Rising cost of the health care expenditures and new medicines Lack of awareness on latest technologies and research Exhaustive data required for clinical trials and R&D Traditional methods of feedback on drugs Only 3.2% of patients having adverse drug reactions are documented in India Over 2 million serious Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) cases observed resulting to 1 lakh deaths per year in US

4 Indian Perspective Healthcare sector is a USD 40 Billion Industry The ratio of approximately 0.6 doctors to 10000 people in India portrays the poor state of Healthcare industry in India where approximately 70% of Indian population stays in rural areas and bereft of all modern facilities In such a scenario this app would do wonders in reaching out to the masses and connecting them to the modern day facilities Physical maintenance of pharmacovigilance data ParameterCount Population1.24 Bn Doctors840,130 Hospitals19,500 Chemists6,50,000

5 Need for exhaustive medical records for tracking new drugs Real time feedback Confirming the clinical research results Handling crisis situations Inventory issues Accurate Diagnosis Feedback from Patients Report to Pharma companies Early Diagnosis Improved Treatment Check for Drug availability Patient Doctor/ Hospital Pharmaceutical companies Medical Stores

6 Solution by Health Plus+ Collection and integration of varied medical data from all over the world and storing it in SAP HANA Creating a Medical expertise solution on SAP HANA also capable of suggesting treatment Helps fastening the treatment process, optimizing the cost and improving treatment efficiency Connects all the participants to a single application Introducing the feedback mechanism, helps to track the outcome of new drugs and thus helping prevent further ADRs

7 Functionality of Health Plus+ Divided into four major functionalities: 1) Patient 2) Doctor/ Hospital 3) Pharmaceutical companies 4) Medical stores

8 Patient The patient submits a detailed symptoms report and the app checks for availability of doctors in the vicinity, with the family doctor given the first preference App provides suggestions on diet, lifestyle and other preventive measures on a timely basis based on history Based on response from the doctor, the app checks for the drugs available in the market Additionally, the patient informs about any ADRs Provision of taking feedback on the drug Provides a comprehensive list of the drugs and their associated ADRs

9 Doctor Doctor provides the first line of treatment and advices on various preventive measures For further treatment, refers the patient to doctors in the vicinity Checks the ADR case and analyses the cause for occurrence like drug interaction, allergy to specific component etc. Also, suggests alternatives to that drug Provide inputs to the pharma companies regarding the ADRs Advice the pharma companies on altering the present drug composition or on new drug development Archive the Patient history in the database

10 Pharmaceutical companies Archive all the clinical research results in SAP HANA Archive all the symptoms-treatment/ADRs cases recorded along with the doctor’s inputs Remove the duplicate ADR cases and assign doctors to work on them Analyze the feedback received from various sources to drive R&D Compare drug effects with clinical trial results

11 Medical Stores Helps in managing inventory and providing sales inputs Alerts from Pharma companies about severe ADRs helps to mitigate further impact

12 Why SAP HANA ? Number of health issues reported per month is 1.2 billion in US as per WHO statistics This huge and complex data can be recorded and retrieved quickly by SAP HANA Helps to provide consolidated information regarding various ADRs associated with drugs Quick analysis of massive data helping pharma companies to prevent ADRs Improved sales and distribution of drugs

13 Prototype  Each screen will have the login credentials of the respective functional group  The first time users will have to register and enter all the required data like age, sex etc.  After successful login each user will have its own customized page to enter the data and send it to the appropriate group

14  After logging into the account, the patient has to enter the necessary details to report a symptom/ ADR  The historical data will be present in the HANA database  Once the patient submits the data it is sent first to the family doctor and then sent to other doctors for further analysis  The current location of the patient is also taken into account which helps in delivering better service Patient Home Screen

15 User & Data Security Each user will have its own customized page, where they can enter the information When a patient sends symptoms/ ADR case, the app will mask the personal details and only family doctor will receive the patient’s personal data Similarly, pharma companies will have access to only ADR related data and not patient’s data

16 Conclusion Combines the utility of mobile technology to reach out to the masses and quick real-time processing using SAP HANA Increase the efficiency of treatment processes using feedback mechanisms Cost Effectiveness in terms of managing huge database as doctors can cater to masses and reduce costs Better handling of pharmacovigilance data

17 Feedback We had prepared a questionnaire for the idea and the responses are recorded in the below Google spreadsheet: VBdElyTFRueF9jZi1rN1RHRGw4QlQ3cGc#gid=0

18 References products/Medicines/TheYellowCardScheme/Informationforthepharmac euticalindustry/ASPRs/index.htm products/Medicines/TheYellowCardScheme/Informationforthepharmac euticalindustry/ASPRs/index.htm mrging_trends_in_healthcare.pdf mrging_trends_in_healthcare.pdf ig-data_revolution_in_us_health_care ig-data_revolution_in_us_health_care big_data_can_revolutionize_pharmaceutical_r_and_d big_data_can_revolutionize_pharmaceutical_r_and_d

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