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Ready for First Unit 6 Vocabulary. Go out (with): Carry on a regular romantic, and sometimes sexual, relationship Fall out (with): Have an argument Split.

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Presentation on theme: "Ready for First Unit 6 Vocabulary. Go out (with): Carry on a regular romantic, and sometimes sexual, relationship Fall out (with): Have an argument Split."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ready for First Unit 6 Vocabulary

2 Go out (with): Carry on a regular romantic, and sometimes sexual, relationship Fall out (with): Have an argument Split up: An ending of a relationship or partnership; a separation Get over: Recover from (an ailment or an upsetting or startling experience) / Overcome (a difficulty). Fall for: Be captivated by; fall in love with / Be deceived by (something) Get on (with): chiefly British, another way of saying get along / like a person and able to be friendly with them. Phrasal Verbs: Page 70

3 Mood (n): A temporary state of mind or feeling / An angry, irritable, or sullen state of mind The word Mood can also be used when discussing literature. By definition it is: The atmosphere or pervading tone of something. ‘Monet’s “Mornings on the Seine” series, with their hushed and delicate mood’ Family: Page 70


5 Role Model (n): A person looked to by others as an example to be imitated. Tolerance (n): The ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behaviour that one does not necessarily agree with Generosity (n): The quality of being kind and generous Family: Page 70

6 Stress (n): A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from negative or very demanding circumstances. Occupied (adj): Busy and active / (Of a building, seat, etc.) being used by someone Lack of (something): Be without or not having enough of something. Listening Page 71

7 Adapt (to) (v): Make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose / Become adjusted to new conditions: Injustice (of) (n): Lack of fairness or justice Sympathy (for) (n): Feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune / Understanding between people; common feeling Listening Page 71

8 Glance (v): Take a brief or hurried look Glimpse (v): A momentary or partial view Gaze (v): Look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought Look (v): Direct one’s gaze in a specified direction Stare (V): Look fixedly or vacantly at someone or something with one’s eyes wide open. Page 73: Multiple-Choice cloze Ways of Looking

9 Funeral (n): A ceremony or service held shortly after a person’s death, usually including the person’s burial or cremation Essential (adj): Absolutely necessary; extremely important Temporary (adj): Lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent Impersonate (v) Pretend to be (another person) for entertainment or fraud Page 73: Multiple-Choice cloze

10 Sort out (phrasal v) to deal with somebody’s/your own problems successfully Pretend (v) Behave so as to make it appear that something is the case when in fact it is not Quantity (n) A certain, usually specified, amount or number of something Page 73: Multiple-Choice cloze

11 Preparation (n): Something done to get ready for an event or undertaking Plump (adj): Having a full rounded shape Decorate (v): Make (something) look more attractive by adding extra items or images to it Stem (n): A long, thin supportive or main section of something ( a glass, a flower) Page 74: Reading

12 Envious (adj) - the feeling of: Desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable thing belonging to (someone else) Linguist (n): A person skilled in foreign languages. Downmarket (adj) (moving) towards, or relating to, the cheaper or less prestigious sector of the market Tacky (adj): cheap, badly made and/or lacking in taste Page 74: Reading

13 Contagious (adj): (Of a person) having a disease that can be transmitted by contact with other people Phenomenon (n) A fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question / A remarkable person or thing Perplexed (adj): confused and anxious because you are unable to understand something; showing this Page 76 Open Cloze

14 Impulse (n): A sudden strong feeling to act Empathy (n): The ability to understand and share the feelings of another Analyse (v) : Examine (something) in detail, typically in order to explain and interpret it Acquaintance (n): A person you know slightly, but who is not a close friend Interpret (v): Explain the meaning of (information or actions) Page 76 Open Cloze

15 Scruffy (adj): In poor condition through long use or lack of care, untidy, dirty Piercing (adj): seeming to cut through you (n) Holes in parts of the body to put jewelry Wrinkle (n): A slight line or fold in something, especially fabric or the skin of the face Complexion (n) The natural colour, texture, and appearance of a person’s skin, especially of the face Page 77 Appearance

16 Fat (negative connotation): weigh too much, more than is healthy Plump (More positive): Can mean weighing a little too much or can be used as a `polite` way of describing someone who is fat. Overweight (factual): This is the most neutral way to describe excess weight of a person. Differences between (adjectives)

17 Thin (neutral): Of having little fat on the body Slim (positive): attractively thin Skinny (negative): unattractively thin Differences between (adjectives)

18 Distracting (adj): Preventing concentration or diverting attention; disturbing. Punctuality (n): The fact or quality of being on time Determined (adj): Having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it. Page 78 Listening & Language focus

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