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Attempt %, Win /Losses, and Game Analyses: Assessment as Game Statistics NACA Central Regional Conference October 29, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Attempt %, Win /Losses, and Game Analyses: Assessment as Game Statistics NACA Central Regional Conference October 29, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attempt %, Win /Losses, and Game Analyses: Assessment as Game Statistics NACA Central Regional Conference October 29, 2010

2 Introductions Team affiliation: Name & institution What is your experience with assessment? Why this session?

3 Session Overview Learning Objectives The Basics: What Is Assessment? Why Assess? (Really) How to Assess Obstacles to Assessment Checklist

4 Learning Objectives After attending this session, participants will be able to: Describe the importance of assessment Describe at least four data collection methods Identify assessment resources Articulate a clear series of follow up steps Identify a specific assessment plan for at least one service or program

5 Game Statistics: What Are They Anyway? Data Assessment Statistics Evaluation…… What do you think of when you think of assessment? "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." ~Mark Twain, autobiography, 1904 98% of all statistics are made up. ~Author Unknown Say you were standing with one foot in the oven and one foot in an ice bucket. According to the percentage people, you should be perfectly comfortable. ~Bobby Bragan, 1963 He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lampposts - for support rather than for illumination. ~Andrew Lang

6 Scouting Report How & what do we measure? Learning Outcomes (Objectives) Satisfaction Surveys Program or Service Evaluation Feedback, Word on the Street, Anecdotal Information Focus Groups Inventories

7 Scouting Report Standards Review, Operating Procedures Review, External / Internal Review Needs Assessment Mission, Vision, Goal Analysis Data: Number in attendance, Cost per Attendee Benchmarks, National Trends, Best Practices Reflection or Opinion Random Sampling at an Event Others?

8 Coaching Decisions  Why assessment?  What is assessment on your campus?  What is your campus political environment?  What is your role?  What are your expectations?

9 And, The Kick-Off  What information do you already have?  What resources do you have?  How do you create a shared view?  Who is on board?  What are your expectations?  Just do it.

10 Marching Toward the Goal Line 1.Reinforce your purpose or mission 2.Improve programs and services 3.Compare / measure growth / improvement 4.Inform planning 5.Inform decision making 6.Inform your campus—policies, decisions 7.Evaluate programs 8.Assist in the acquisition of funding & allocations 9.Measure self against best practices 10.Celebrate big & small wins! 11.Reflect on services & programs 12.Create a culture of improvement & growth

11 Breaking Through the Line What are the barriers to creating assessment on your campus?

12 Key Equipment Assessment must be: Meaningful Manageable Flexible Truth-seeking, objective, and ethical Informational Utilized

13 Home Field Advantage 1.Pick a program or service 2.Why do you do or provide it? 3.Is it effective? Do you achieve your purpose? How do you know? 4.How can you measure it?

14 Assessment in Four Downs 1. Know your objectives 2. Determine how to measure your objective 3. Measure it 4. Review and USE results (Just do it!)

15 Writing Effective Objectives The knowledge, skills, or attitudes resulting from your program or service At the conclusion of this program, you will be able to…. As a result of using our service, students will be able to…. List, Identify State, Describe Define, Solve Compare, Contrast Apply, Integrate Know, Comprehend

16 SMART Objectives Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely / Targeted

17 Bringing in the Secret Weapons Online tools (Survey Monkey, StudentVoice, Google Docs) Workshops / training sessions Hire it out--consultants Clear expectations Acknowledge worthy opponents Tie it to current practices

18 More Secret Weapons Buzz-worthy topics Start small Reiterate the benefits Share examples—hold each other accountable Celebrate! Tell your story Use students’ expertise

19 Using the Data Is the program worth the resources? Should the service continue? How can the program be improved? What is our story & “bragging points?” How can the results be used to recognize staff & students?

20 Creating the Game Plan  Implementation timeline?  Who is your campus expert?  What resources already exist on your campus?  Select one program or service to assess in a new manner:  Who will collect the data?  Who will coordinate the overall process?  Who will document the information?  How will the information be used?  Share the results

21 Questions? Shana Warkentine Meyer Fort Hays State University 785-628-5824

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