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Managing People Danny Haydon Haydon Practice Innovations.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing People Danny Haydon Haydon Practice Innovations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing People Danny Haydon Haydon Practice Innovations

2 “Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough and I will move the world” Archimedes c. 287-216 BC Leverage

3 “An integrated network of business and financial consultants - specialists in serving the healthcare community” The Private Practice

4 To be the pre-eminent source of the most up to date knowledge, information, research, technology and strategy around all financial and business matters affecting doctors personal and practice lives. Our Aim

5 To meet the demand for unbiased, un- conflicted, easily accessible business and financial education To help you grow your Practice To help you grow and protect your Wealth To maximise your Potential To help you maintain Balance in your Work and Family Life To provide the support and resources necessary for you to clarify and achieve your goals. Our Objective

6 6 step process 1.Complete an action plan for each subject 2.Ask questions 3.Complete the evaluation forms 4.Make appointment with your team of advisers to discuss and coordinate action items 5.Call The Private Practice Hotline 6.Commit to ongoing business and financial education From learning to action

7 Managing People

8 Human Resource Management Managers responsibilities: Develop a positive workplace culture Motivate our people to do their best Promote teamwork Produce outcomes

9 Human Resource Management HRM ≠ Managing Poor Performance HRM ≠ Effective Termination HRM = A systematic approach to employee management and development HRM = Managing People

10 Management Trinity 1.One on ones – 1:1 2.Feedback 3.Delegation/Coaching Manager Tools

11 Management Trinity 1.One on ones – 1:1 30 minutes each week Direct has the first 10-15 mins Manager has the next 10-15 mins Manager documents issues, actions and responsibility Systematic approach to managing performance

12 Management Trinity 2.Feedback 1.Invitation – “Can I give you some feedback?” 2.Behaviour – “When you do xxxx” 3.Impact – “This is the consequence” 4.Expectation – “This is what I want to see in future”

13 Management Trinity Positive Feedback “I appreciate you letting me know when you have finished tasks [behaviour]. It gives me confidence to give you more challenging opportunities in the future [impact]. Keep up the good work [expectation].” Negative Feedback “When you arrive to work late [behaviour] it puts other staff under pressure and they are starting to resent it [impact]. Can you make sure you are here on time in future [expectation].”

14 Management Trinity 3.Delegating Empowering your people to contribute... No more ‘indispensable’ practice managers Focus on the development of your people Delegate and trust Delegate and coach

15 Why don’t Managers delegate? Common excuses There is no-one to delegate to It won’t get done as well as I can do it My staff don’t have enough experience I can’t afford any mistakes being made I don’t want to lose touch of the details I feel guilty about loading tasks onto busy staff I’ll lose control and I won’t know what is going on If you want a job done well, you’ve got to do it yourself This task is too important to trust to an employee I’m afraid they might do the job better than I can The staff will think I am lazy

16 Why don’t Managers delegate? Lack of trust in employees Reluctance to share power and control Perfectionism High C (Conscientious) DISC profile Poor understanding of leadership and management responsibility Lack of self confidence A desire to be indispensible

17 What to Delegate? Task delegation Transactional tasks - Recurring & routine tasks Small projects or portions of a larger project Tasks appropriate to the employees position and skills Empowering delegation Objective based tasks that enable employees to use judgment and decision making Achievable and challenging Extending an employee’s skill base

18 What NOT to Delegate? Confidential or sensitive matters High risk or high cost tasks Employee discipline Beyond employees qualifications Rushed tasks

19 How to Delegate? Define the task, timeframe and reporting requirements Articulate responsibility and authority Break large tasks down into incremental steps Be mindful of learning styles - show, do, watch and written Be clear about how the task fits into the big picture Talk about the development goals of the employee and your role as the coach Provide all the information required to complete the task

20 Managing Performance Not just an annual event Not a punitive tool Not just used on poor performing staff Not solely focussed on the organisations expectations

21 Managing Performance Annual Performance Reviews 1.Review performances against the job description 2.Feedback Section 3.Review of previous goals and achievements 4.Setting goals for the next 12 months 5.Plan for 3/12 review 6.Sign off and copy

22 Managing Performance Feedback Section What is the most satisfying aspect of your position? What is the most challenging aspect of your position? How could your position be improved? Have you got any feedback to give to your supervisor about his/her performance?

23 Managing Performance Annual Performance Reviews 1.Review performances against the job description 2.Appraisal of the enablers and barriers 3.Review of previous goals and achievements 4.Setting goals for the next 12 months Positional Goals & Personal Goals 5.Plan for 3/12 review 6.Sign off and copy

24 Managing Performance Proactive approach Regular 1:1 meetings Annual Performance Appraisal 3 monthly Development Reviews

25 Positive Workplace Culture

26 Vision & Values Create a strong sense of vision and purpose Clearly articulate the workplace values and the key behaviours that demonstrate those values Refer regularly to the workplace values so that they become alive in the practice Orientate all new staff to the workplace vision, values and key strategic priorities

27 Positive Workplace Culture

28 Managing mindsets Role model expected behaviours Provide staff with regular feedback; positive and negative Foster leadership capacity at all levels Involve staff in developing solutions and making decisions Delegate responsibility for specific tasks to the lowest level possible in the business

29 Positive Workplace Culture Systems Clearly document policies & procedures Ensure communication channels are open and effective Clearly define roles and responsibilities

30 Positive Workplace Culture

31 Symbols Display images that depict the workplace vision & values Provide reward systems that recognise performance Develop socially oriented rituals or habits Have FUN!

32 Conflict Resolution Preventing conflict Provide staff with regular feedback; positive and negative Develop a positive workplace culture Involve staff in developing solutions and making decisions

33 Conflict Resolution Stay above the bar O wnership A ccountableVictor R esponsibility B lame E xcusesVictim D enial

34 Conflict Resolution Managing conflict Stay above the bar Pre-think the process and work through the process Understand the root cause of the issue Focus on behaviours rather than attitudes Manage your own emotions Document and sign off

35 Managing People

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