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10.2 Human Relationships Ms. Binns.  Discuss considerations involved before, during and after an interview (sample, method, data record etc)  Explain.

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Presentation on theme: "10.2 Human Relationships Ms. Binns.  Discuss considerations involved before, during and after an interview (sample, method, data record etc)  Explain."— Presentation transcript:

1 10.2 Human Relationships Ms. Binns

2  Discuss considerations involved before, during and after an interview (sample, method, data record etc)  Explain how researchers use inductive analysis (thematic analysis) on interview transcripts

3  Consider sampling method ◦ Usually small purposive ◦ Participants will have a common characteristic  Train the interviewer ◦ Need to avoid the interviewer effect  Non-verbal signs need to be suppressed (frowning)  Can not react in ways that would jeopardize the interview  Choice of interviewer ◦ Gender, age, ethic background

4  Create the interview guide ◦ based on theory and previous literature ◦ Include flexibility, small number of open-ended questions  Consider ethical considerations ◦ Informed consent, etc

5  Descriptive: participants give a general account of something  Structural: participants identify structures and meaning to use to make sense of the world  Contrast: participants compare events and experiences  Evaluative: ask the participants feelings about someone or something

6  Taking notes is distracting ◦ Interferes with eye contact and non-verbal  Tape or video recording is common ◦ Ensure that the technology is not distracting ◦ Offer participants a copy of transcript during the briefing  Transcription ◦ Professional transcribers used  Verbatim: exactly with was said  Postmodern: words as well as pauses, interruptions, intonation, volume, laughter

7  Interviewer must maintain rapport  Ethical issues must always be at the forefront ◦ Interview should stop if participant is anxious or upset  Active listening techniques ◦ Good listener, empathetic, non-judgemental, encouraging  Participant expectancy/bias ◦ Especially in face-to-face- participants may conform to what they think the interviewer wants to hear

8  Debrief ◦ How the information will be used ◦ Ethical considerations ◦ Right to withdraw ◦ Confidentiality and anonymity

9  Thematic Analysis (inductive approach) ◦ Grounded theory ◦ IPA- interpretative phenomenological analysis ◦ Identify key themes, concepts and categories  Codes for categories in the data  Aim to generate new theory based on data  Gain insight into how an individual perceives and explains a phenomenon  Outcome is not based on pre-existing theory or assumptions  Analysis is based on the interpretation of participants experiences  Data is analysis until they can not find anything new- data saturation

10  Diversity of human experiences, looking for divergence and convergence of themes in the data ◦ Reading and rereading of transcripts will produce themes, key phrases, connections, contradictions, statements ◦ Identification of emergent themes  Common themes will spring out and be noted on the right hand side- raw data themes ◦ Structuring emergent themes that emerge  Emergent themes are listed and clustered  Clusters are labelled- must be supported by data ◦ Summary table of the structured themes and relevant quotations is made

11  Be a researcher ◦ Describe factors that you would have to consider if you were to conduct research interviews in relation to coping with AIDS cross-culturally? ◦ How could you prepare your research team for these interviews?  Define phenomenology and symbolic interactionism. Discuss how these theories are applied to interview analysis (IPA)  Read the boxes on page 362-3 and answer the questions

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