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Receiving and Shipping Materials Completing Paper Administration Tasks Before and After Testing 2014.

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2 Receiving and Shipping Materials Completing Paper Administration Tasks Before and After Testing 2014

3 Overview Calendar of Events Materials Management Before Testing Training Modules - First Things First - Coordinator Resources - Manage Participation Counts - Advance Letter and Materials List - Send Student Data - General Shipping Information - Precode Materials - Order Additional Materials - Braille Materials Receiving and Shipping Materials l 20143

4 Overview Materials Management After Testing Training Modules - Answer Documents, I.D. Sheets and Paper Bands - Answer Document Packing List (ADPL) - Returning Scorable Materials - Returning Nonscorable Materials Reminders Most Common Shipping Errors Receiving and Shipping Materials l 20144

5 Calendar of Events Receiving and Shipping Materials l 20145

6 Materials Management Before Testing Training Modules Receiving and Shipping Materials l 20146 Accessible at: materials-mgmt Short training modules with audio; demos available for some tasks

7 First Things First Verify and/or update District Testing Coordinator contact information at http://askted.tea.state.tx.us Charter schools must contact the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Charter School Division at (512) 463-9575 to update DTC info Updates to shipping address must be submitted by superintendent on district letterhead Receiving and Shipping Materials l 20147

8 Coordinator Resources Distribution of Test Materials — Early January ◦ District and Campus Coordinator Manual ◦ Calendar of Events ◦ Directions for District Coordinators, Campus Coordinators, and Test Administrators for TAKS and TAKS-M ◦ TELPAS Manual for Raters and Test Administrators — Late February ◦ STAAR Test Administrator Manuals for Grades 3-5, 6-8 and EOC Receiving and Shipping Materials l 20148

9 Coordinator Resources Pearson Resources - TEA Resources - Receiving and Shipping Materials l 20149

10 Manage Participation Counts Participation counts refer to the number of students who will take a specific test or type of test Participation counts are entered in the Texas Assessment Management System during the dates indicated on the Calendar of Events The number entered determines the quantity of a district’s initial distribution of test materials Participation Count Summary Reports are available to assist districts monitor counts Participation counts are not used to generate precode materials Note: If counts are not accurate, district must place an additional order Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201410

11 Advance Letter and Materials List Advance Letter — districts will receive either Distribution or Non-Distribution email Materials List — indicates quantities of materials that will be shipped to district for each administration, including district overage (extras) — available approximately one month prior to an administration — posted in the Texas Assessment Management System under Reports > View Published Reports — also posted at the campus level Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201411

12 Send Student Data Student data files are used to register students for online and/or paper testing and for receiving precode materials for paper administrations Three separate actions for submitting files: - Register Students for Testing - Validate Student Registration File - Update Student Directory Deadlines for submitting files posted on Calendar of Events Also see Student Data File Format for Student Registration and Precoding document at > Information > Manuals Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201412

13 General Shipping Info All initial distributions are combined shipments Nonsecure and secure materials are packed together in one shipment Precode materials will be shipped separately for most primary administrations Precode materials for most retest administrations will arrive in the shipment of testing materials, not as a separate shipment (Exception: Summer EOC will be shipped separately) Box 1: Admin Materials Box 2: District Overage Box 3+: Campus Materials Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201413

14 General Shipping Info The Shipment Tracking subtab in the Texas Assessment Management System allows District Testing Coordinators to view the status of existing orders, track order shipments, and view shipping information. In addition, authorized district personnel are able to view and track shipments to Pearson. Additional shipment tracking information can be found in the Tracking Shipment section of the User’s Guide for the Texas Assessment Management System. Districts will not be able to view shipping information — if the order(s) have not yet been approved by the program team if materials are delivered by freight shipment, which is not included in tracking Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201414

15 General Shipping Info Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201415 Shipment Reports available in the Texas Assessment Management System: Additional Order Material Summary: provides a summary of additional material quantities ordered Additional Order Detail: provides individual order details of additional materials ordered for your district Total Material Summary: provides a summary of all material quantities Total Order Detail: provides individual order details of all materials for your district

16 General Shipping Info Shipment Reports available in the Texas Assessment Management System (continued): Shipment Tracking Report: provides tracking numbers for all Shipments Security Checklist Download: provides a summary of secure test booklet security barcode numbers Security Checklist Detail: provides a detailed list of secure test booklet security barcode numbers Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201416

17 Precode Materials Precode Test Materials for STAAR Test Administrations Precoded labels are available for — English I, II, Modified, and grade 4 and 7 writing Precoded answer document are available for — Algebra I, biology, and U.S. history and grades 3–8 reading, mathematics, science, and social studies Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201417

18 Precode Materials Receive Shipment of Precoded Test Materials Precoded materials will arrive in a separate shipment (with the exception of the grades 5 and 8 mathematics and reading retests and December EOC). Precoded Materials will arrive up to three weeks prior to, but no later than, the date noted on the Calendar of Events In addition, districts will receive a Campus Precode Student List, which includes data on all students for whom precoded answer documents or labels have been produced. Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201418

19 Precode Materials All student identification information on the precode materials must be verified and updated, if necessary. Name, PEIMS, date of birth and sex code cannot be updated by overriding precode materials; new answer documents will need to be hand-gridded. As a reminder, only approved personnel are permitted to verify and correct any student’s information. Instructions for Verifying Precoded Student Information document can be found in the District and Campus Coordinator Manual. Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201419

20 Order Additional Materials May be placed by District Testing Coordinator, District Testing Assistant, and Test Setup Assistant One comprehensive list should be submitted for the entire district Additional orders not divided by campus Additional orders placed after the deadline are not guaranteed to arrive in the district by testing day Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201420

21 Braille Materials Ordering Braille Materials broadcast email explains process The email is also posted at > Information > Communications Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201421

22 Materials Management After Testing Training Modules Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201422 Accessed at: /stafftraining/materials-mgmt Short training modules with audio; demos available for some tasks

23 Answer Documents, ID Sheets and Paper Bands Answer Documents Verify all relevant fields on answer documents, including Test Taken Info and Score Code fields Students taking large print and braille tests must have answers transcribed to a scorable answer document See Answer Documents Feature Sample and Gridding Answer Docs for Above Grade-Level Testers resources for additional info ID Sheets Three types of ID sheets: Class ID sheets, Campus and Group ID sheets and Void ID sheets (photocopies are not valid) Paper Bands Paper bands serve to keep all similar answer documents together with the appropriate ID sheet Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201423

24 Answer Document Packing List (ADPL) ADPL is used to indicate the answer document quantities provided to Pearson for scoring ADPLs are included in the District Coordinator Packet located in Box 1 (white box) Blank ADPLs can be downloaded from > Information > Additional Resources There are separate ADPLs for STAAR and STAAR Modified; STAAR and STAAR Spanish are included on same ADPL Returned with scorable materials; placed inside the top of Box 1 If quantities of answer documents submitted do not match ADPL, processing may be delayed until the discrepancy is resolved Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201424

25 Returning Scorable Materials Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201425 Scorable materials must be returned by date indicated on Calendar of Events; delays in return of materials may result in delays in receiving results All used answer documents (completed and voided) are considered scorable; unused answer documents are nonscorable materials Review How to Pack Materials for Return to District Coordinator and How to Pack Materials for Return to Contractor documents for additional information

26 Returning Scorable Materials Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201426 Pearson scorable shipping labels are pre-printed with district name and county-district number and need to be prepared for each box If any errors exist, cross out mistake and correct UPS is the primary parcel carrier for Pearson and each box will require a UPS label Contact UPS (800-823-7459) 24-48 hours prior to requested pickup date

27 Returning Nonscorable Materials Nonscorable materials must be returned by date indicated on Calendar of Events Nonscorable materials include: — Test booklets grouped by grade — Test booklets grouped by course for STAAR EOC — Braille and large-print materials — Unused/voided precoded labels — Voided ID sheets — Unused answer documents Review How to Pack Materials for Return to District Coordinator and How to Pack Materials for Return to Contractor documents for additional information Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201427

28 Returning Nonscorable Materials Pearson nonscorable shipping labels are pre-printed with district name and county-district number and need to be prepared for each box If any errors exist, cross out mistake and correct UPS is the primary parcel carrier for Pearson and each box will require a UPS label Contact UPS (800-823-7459) 24-48 hours prior to requested pickup date Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201428

29 Reminders Scorables and Nonscorables are sent to two different addresses If district has no scorable materials to return: 1. On the front of the ADPL, district should indicate they are returning no answer documents for scoring and the reason why (they had no testers, tested only online, etc.) 2. Fax a copy of the ADPL to 512-989-5040. Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201429

30 Reminders Optional Reports: Pearson will provide optional reports to school districts in accordance with the price schedule indicated in the optional reports brochures Optional reports brochures can be found in the District Coordinator packets included in the initial shipment of materials and at > Information > Reports Must be ordered by the deadline indicated on the Calendar of Events to avoid late processing charges Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201430

31 Reminders Oaths of Test Security and Confidentiality: All district and campus personnel who participate in state mandated testing and/or handle secure test materials must sign the oaths before handling any secure test materials and after all testing for the calendar year has been completed. Additionally, any person who has more than one assessment role (for instance, a TELPAS writing collection verifier who also serves as a TELPAS reading test administrator) must sign an oath for each role. Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201431

32 Reminders Oaths of Test Security and Confidentiality: DTC: Initial and sign the Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality for District Testing Coordinator before testing; sign again after testing is completed for the calendar year. Ensure that the superintendent or chief administrative officer has signed and initialed the applicable oath. Return these oaths after you return the last of your district’s testing materials for the calendar year; all other oaths retained locally for five years. Use the pre-addressed envelope in your district coordinator packet to mail these security oaths. Additional information can be found in the District and Campus Coordinator Manual. Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201432

33 Most Common Errors When Returning Materials Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201433 Score code not gridded on answer document Scorable answer document sent with nonscorables ADPL filled out incorrectly Boxes not numbered correctly (Box ___ of ___) Documents submitted under wrong campus ID sheets Photocopied ID sheets Marks on timing tracks

34 Support If you have difficulty scheduling a pick-up or if you have any shipping questions Call Pearson at 1-800-627-0225 OR email to Receiving and Shipping Materials l 201434

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