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Instructions for EDP PowerPoint Presentation This PowerPoint can be used as both your guide for preparing your presentation AND your visual aid during.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions for EDP PowerPoint Presentation This PowerPoint can be used as both your guide for preparing your presentation AND your visual aid during."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions for EDP PowerPoint Presentation This PowerPoint can be used as both your guide for preparing your presentation AND your visual aid during your presentation. The blue slides do not appear in Slideshow mode, and suggest the content and order for the white slides. Do not type on the blue slides, and change the white slides to the design/color theme of your choice. Feel free to add additional slides if needed, keeping in mind that your presentation should last approximately 8 minutes. Be careful not to have long transitions between slides.

2 Instructions for EDP PowerPoint Presentation Each slide you create will act as a visual aid for your audience as they listen to what you say. There should be key words, pictures, and diagrams on most slides, but no long sentences and paragraphs. Before creating your slide, use the notes portion (below) to write out what you plan to say. This helps determine what would be best to put on your slide. In the end, you need to know your project so well that you can talk to the class about it, not just read it out loud.

3 Title Page – A fun title can go here! Operational Title The Effect of (MV) on (RV). First and Last name Class period # Include image(s) to hook your audience.


5 Scientific Field Describe a field of science that is related to your experiment, including example jobs


7 Scientific Field Introduce a scientist working in this field. Give a brief biography including his or her noteworthy accomplishments and experiments.


9 Current Event Describe current research and/or discoveries in your scientific field? Describe how your current event links to the experiment you completed, and why you designed your particular experiment. State the relevance to your field, to society, to science, and/or to the planet. Do additional background research as necessary. Include related pictures/graphics


11 Introduction of Experiment Write your original scientific question. Write your hypothesis/prediction. –Emphasize how reasoning, based on research, backs up your prediction


13 Materials List Include all items needed to conduct your experiment. Include quantities of any items needed. Quantities need to be in metric units. Pictures of specific materials can be helpful for people who may be unfamiliar. (Bullet Points ONLY, no complete sentences)


15 Variables Show your manipulated variable and the 3 or more values Show your responding variable and how it is measured


17 Procedure Numbered steps using key phrases only Diagrams and/or video clips are helpful, photographs of yourself with materials are required Organize to show the logical steps of your experiment, as concisely as possible. Remember, we are already familiar with your manipulated and responding variable.





22 Variables Explain variables (3 or more) that you needed to control, why they needed to be controlled, and how you controlled them. This is a good place to share how your design changed once you started trying things out, or interesting challenges you faced. (Bullet Points ONLY, no complete sentences)



25 Data Table Show data in at least one well-designed table. Additional tables or lists are encouraged for including both qualitative and quantitative data and observations. Metric units only.


27 Results & Graph Display your relevant data in a graph(s) and use it to point out trends, surprises, results.


29 Conclusion Summarize your findings by directly answering your original question, and stating whether your hypothesis was supported or not. Scientific reason, based on research, which could explain your results (Bullet Points ONLY, no complete sentences)


31 Conclusion (continued) Describe possible weakness or error in your experimental design which may have affected your results Describe what the results made you wonder or think about, and propose a follow up experiment to address that.


33 Bibliography Use any online citation creator to format MLA citations (at least 3). Copy and paste them here. Additionally, pictures require source citations as well if not your own. Give credit where credit is due.


35 Acknowledgements This is your chance to thank parents, friends, etc. who helped you with your project.


37 Closing Include an end slide, with a meaningful/relevant graphic, a special thought or a quote that brings clear closure to your presentation. Keep it simple


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