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Biology COE Unit 1 – Inquiry, Field Studies, Application.

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1 Biology COE Unit 1 – Inquiry, Field Studies, Application

2 First 3 Days C – celebrating success H – honoring diversity S- serving others

3 9/3/14 Welcome to Biology COE! Introductions – – Who I am… – Share your name – pronunciation and name you prefer to be called – Best BRIEF Summer Memory Name Cards Setting Goals

4 Ms. Maring


6 BACK OF CARD - lines What do you love about science? What scares you in science? What grade do you hope to achieve? Name one of your strengths Name one of your challenges If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Please use complete sentences! Finished early? Quietly share with your neighbor…

7 Setting Goals Divide a piece of paper into 3 columns. GOAL: At the top of each column, describe a goal you have for this class. STRENGTHS: Describe your path to past successes. What helped you achieve? BLOCKS: Describe some things that have kept you from being successful in the past. STEPS to SUCCESS: Describe steps you will take this year to achieve your goal, using your strengths to overcome the obstacles.

8 9/4/14 Honoring Diversity – please take out your goals sheet. While I take attendance, quietly share with your neighbor one entire column from your sheet. If you dare, ask them to help you be accountable for your goal and action plan! Volunteers to share out. NAME ON TOP…PASS TO THE AISLE

9 Cultivating success…honoring diversity

10 Syllabus and Expectations Review Syllabus Room Tour – including safety features Classroom Expectations Developing Classroom norms

11 Class Community What is a community? What would it mean and look like for this class to be a learning community? Generate 3-5 goals for our class with the person sitting next to you. Share your list with the other table in your row. Pick your top 3. Designate someone to share with the class. I’ll type them out for each class…

12 Learning Community – Per 4 In a learning community, everyone helps each other to learn so that we can all graduate. 1.Being supportive and helping each other when you notice someone struggling. 2.PASS COE = GRADUATE! 3.Turn in every assignment, hopefully on time but always turned in. 4.No distractions, everyone on same page. 5.No one left behind! 6.BE RESPECTFUL OF ALL STUDENTS - Feeling safe – everyone should feel comfortable asking their questions…. 7.Feeling frustrated? Visualize yourself walking across that stage!

13 Class List In your rows, write down reasons why we can't accomplish our class goals on your big piece of paper. Share. In your rows, turn your list into a list of how we can accomplish our goals on the other side of your paper.

14 9/5/14 While I take attendance, make sure you know the names of everyone in your row and… Think of one person in this classroom who has interacted positively with you since school started. “Say Something Nice ” Look at your past Biology EOC results… REMINDER: SIGNED SYLLABUS and ALL MATERIALS due MONDAY, SEPT 8 th !

15 Analyzing results – 400 is passing! On your test scores sheet, notice I’ve highlighted your “EOC SCIENCE BIO” Levels and Scores Subtract your lowest from your highest. How much did you improve your score? Did anyone see a drop in your score? Take your highest score and subtract it from 400. If you were to take it again, how many more points would you need to pass? REFLECTION: Think about how close you came to passing the EOC. Considering this success, write yourself a “pep talk” about being able to pass the COE.

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