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Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 1 Setting up the building blocks for the future Spiral2 control system.

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Presentation on theme: "Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 1 Setting up the building blocks for the future Spiral2 control system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 1 Setting up the building blocks for the future Spiral2 control system

2 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 2 Outline  The Spiral2 project Objectives Machine layout Planning  Control system design Collaboration for the accelerator control system Use of Epics Main options  Work in progress Common hardware and software platform Emittance measurement tests Equipment interfaces (PLCs, power supplies, beam profilers …) Investigation for a triggered data acquisition  Pending issues Hardware interface (motors, diagnostics …) High level applications Database management

3 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 3 10 13 -10 14 fissions/s Intermediate step between existing RIB facilities, and future projects like EURISOL or RIA. Spiral2 principle

4 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 4 Project overview Deuteron source Ion source q/A=1/3 RFQ Superconducting Linac RIB production station Converter-target-ion source Mass separator Charge breeder Transfer line to CIME Stable ion beams Experimental area New (Spiral2) Low Energy RIB cave Spiral1 RIB production Existing GANIL experimental area Existing GANIL accelerator facility Existing CIME cyclotron Existing Ganil : "Ganiciel" Ada based home made control system Spiral2 Accelerator Spiral2 RIB production under definition

5 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 5 Collaboration for the CC driver HEBT BTI Linac, HEBT & AEL CNRS-LPSC tests (Grenoble) 2008-2009 CEA-IRFU tests (Saclay) 2009-2010 Injector Ganil commissionning (Caen) 2011-2012

6 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 6 Common architecture  Epics 3.14.9  Linux IOCs Red Hat Enterprise RHEL 5.2 PCs  VME IOCs VxWorks 6.5 (Workbench 2.6) CPU Motorola MVME 5500 (PPC 7457 @ 1 GHz, 512 Mo) BSP Standard I/Os (Epics CEA-IRFU drivers) ADC : Adas ICV 150 32 channels*16 bits DAC : Adas ICV 714 16 channels*12 bits Binary : Adas ICV 196 96 inputs (TTL) / outputs (Open Collector)  Software available from a server (CC IN2P3 Lyon)

7 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 7 Equipment interfaces Power suppliesModbus/TCP (University of Chicago driver) RF amplifiersModbus/RTU (Cometh gateway Modbus/TCP) LLRFSpecific Epics drivers to be developed (CEA-Irfu VME64x FPGA board) Timing systemTo be defined Cavity tuningTo be defined RFQ : water cooling Rebunchers & cavities :motors Interlocks / Siemens S7 PLCs (To be confirmed) s7plc (PSI driver) or Modbus/TCP ? Beam slits with temperature measurement Modbus/RTU (gateway Modbus/TCP) for Ganil stepper motors ADC Adas ICV 150 Faraday cups (To be confirmed) ADC Adas ICV 150 binary Adas ICV 196 96 I/Os Triggered acquisition ADC Adas ICV 108/178 ? Emittance measurement (To be confirmed) OMS MaxV motor control board ISEG VHQ202M HV board DAC Adas ICV 714 binary Adas ICV 196 96 I/Os Triggered acquisition ADC Adas ICV 108/178 ?

8 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 8 Equipment interfaces (continued) DCCT (PCT Bergoz system) (To be confirmed) ADC Adas ICV 150 32*16 bits binary Adas ICV 196 96 I/Os Triggered acquisition ADC Adas ICV 108/178 ? BPMsTo be defined Beam profilers (To be confirmed) Ganil STP/GAE & STP/GAP development Modbus/TCP link Beam loss monitorsTo be defined TOF measurementTo be defined Fast Faraday cupTo be defined ACCTTo be defined

9 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 9 Power supply preliminary tests (Modbus/TCP) EDM screen test Database design Modbus inputs Channel Access inputs Modbus outputs Channel Access outputs Gensub records

10 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 10 Investigation for a triggered acquisition  Beam modes Usually continuous Pulsed for tuning (100µs @ 1 Hz)  Acquisition of Beam intensity Faraday cups DCCT Transverse emittance  VME board specifications 16 bits acquisition, 50KHz bandwidth From 200 kSample/s up to 1MSample/s  Evaluation just started for an Adas ICV 108 / ICV 178 set In test Epics driver to be written

11 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 11 Emittance measurement tests EDM screen for tests Java application Emittance display

12 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 12 Standardisation of PLC communication  Siemens S7 PLCS (LEBT1) Beam Interlocks Vacuum ECR sources  s7plc protocol tested in 2007 In use for the beam emittance measurement test bench Needs to write data by blocks  Use of Modbus/TCP Tested with one client Needs to implement a Modbus/TCP server on the PLC Specific implementation ? Each client must communicate with the server on a dedicated port number Or to configure an IOC to be a PLC Modbus/TCP gateway ?

13 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 13 GUIs  Standard Epics tools EDM, StripTool, Probe … CSS ?  LabView interfaces Use of the Epics gateway (EpicstoLabview.dll, Ca.dll)  High level applications Java programming Eclipse IDE Specifications in progress Link with the TraceWin CEA-Saclay simulation code Design Home made XAL based ? TraceWin code

14 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 14 XAL evaluation Ganil modifications

15 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 15 Test to add a specific class

16 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 16 Use of a derived XAL framework

17 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 17 Adaptation of an existing XAL application XAL Magnet_Cycling application Ganil derived one

18 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 18 Evaluation for an other Alarm Epics manager ?  To provide a common alarm manager both for the existing Ganil machine and the future Spiral2 facility  Java / log4j based (+log4Ada)

19 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 19 Beside Irmis : Epics database configuration ?  Epics Ascii "database " files  Epics IOCs VDCT Visual Database Configuration Tool Any Text Editor Standard way to generate Epics "databases" Needs to be "Epics aware" ! Able to used by any equipment user Relational database (Ingres, Oracle, MySql ) Template files Home made database user interface Configuration procedures Feasible within our environment ?

20 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 20 RIB control system  The N+ beam line should be seen as part of the existing Ganil facility  Legacy “Ganiciel“ control system coupling ? Up to which level ?  Specific requirements Specific beam diagnostics ? Identification systems (1+ & N+ beams) Radioactive beam control  Interconnexion validation (Ganiciel/Ada  ) EasyCA  CA Ada Multitasking

21 Lécorché Eric, Epics meeting, 15/10/2008 21 Thanks and acknowledgments to P. Gillette, C. Haquin, D. Touchard and the Ganil SdA/GIM group, Ganil STP/GAE and STP/GAP groups (Ganil, Caen) J.F. Denis, F. Gougnaud, J.F. Gournay, Y. Lussignol, P. Mattei (CEA-IRFU/SIS/LDII, Saclay) P. Graehling, J. Hosselet, C. Maazouzi, C. Olivetto (CNRS-IPHC, Strasbourg) See also posters at Preliminary implementations for the new Spiral2 project control system ( E. Lécorché et al.) Power supply interface for the new Spiral2 project control system (D. Touchard, C. Haquin)

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