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DO NOW – 2/5/16 Follow Instructions Below 1)Prepare to watch a scene from “The Devil’s Advocate” (1997). 2)As you watch, answer this question: How would.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW – 2/5/16 Follow Instructions Below 1)Prepare to watch a scene from “The Devil’s Advocate” (1997). 2)As you watch, answer this question: How would."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW – 2/5/16 Follow Instructions Below 1)Prepare to watch a scene from “The Devil’s Advocate” (1997). 2)As you watch, answer this question: How would you describe the way Al Pacino portrays the character of Satan? 1)Prepare to watch a scene from “The Devil’s Advocate” (1997). 2)As you watch, answer this question: How would you describe the way Al Pacino portrays the character of Satan?

2 Topic / Objective & Essential Question Topic / Objective: 1) To perform a close reading of Satan’s first speech. Essential Question: 1) What risks are there in telling a story that focuses on an “evil” character? Topic / Objective: 1) To perform a close reading of Satan’s first speech. Essential Question: 1) What risks are there in telling a story that focuses on an “evil” character?

3 On Construction Paper – Two Tasks A)Two partners read over the Book I excerpt. Identify words and phrases that connect or support the setting. Draw a picture using markers of the setting using the words/phrases you found. RED PAPER B)2-3 OTHER members – answer these questions ON THE PINK PAPER: 1) Does evil really exist? If so, how would you define it? 2) Where does evil come from? 3) How do you know if your actions are good or evil?

4 GALLERY WALK SHARE OUT (5 min) 1)WALK around the room slowly and read/observe the charts produced by other groups. 2)Take your WS and fill out the questions at the bottom. 3)TURN IN

5 Setting the Stage for Satan’s 1 st Speech Given your knowledge of the Christian religion, who is Satan, and what are some other names for him? A: The Devil, the Evil One, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub, Lucifer

6 Central Questions in “Paradise Lost” Milton attempts to answer several questions that have challenged Christian believers for hundreds of years: -How can an all-powerful, loving God, allow evil to exist?

7 Central Themes in “Paradise Lost” -If God knows everything ( he’s omniscient), and therefore he knows about man’s ability to choose right and wrong, why would he allow us to choose a path against him?

8 Setting the Stage for Satan’s 1 st Speech Satan and the other fallen angels have been banished to Hell for the failed attempt to overthrow God. Satan makes a choice: instead of attacking God again, he determines that it’s easier to trick and condemn God’s most beloved creation: mankind.

9 Close Reading Analysis Three readings of the same passage, each time looking deeper into the text in order to aid our understanding. 1 st Reading – listen to my reading, annotate your text, and record observations in notes.

10 Close Reading Analysis 2 nd Reading – Class members read different passages. Identify, underline, circle words and phrases that seem interesting, puzzling, or that you don’t understand.

11 Close Reading Analysis 3 rd Reading – Mostly silent. Answer these questions in your notes in pairs. 1) What does Satan mean when he says, “The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n”?

12 Close Reading Analysis Answer these questions in your notes in pairs. 1)What does Satan mean when he says, “The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n”? 2)Is Satan making a choice in this passage? How so?

13 EXIT TICKET Answer this question with a paragraph response, using your previous responses and your knowledge of the poem thus far: Q: Why is Satan “secure” in his choice, to “reign in Hell” rather than “serve in Heavn’”?

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