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1. Swab throat. 5. Read Results Positive = 2 lines. Strep A Rapid Test Strip Procedure For details, consult Lab Manual located at: P:\Clinical\Lab Manual.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Swab throat. 5. Read Results Positive = 2 lines. Strep A Rapid Test Strip Procedure For details, consult Lab Manual located at: P:\Clinical\Lab Manual."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Swab throat. 5. Read Results Positive = 2 lines. Strep A Rapid Test Strip Procedure For details, consult Lab Manual located at: P:\Clinical\Lab Manual *Note: Allow the test dipstick, reagents, and/or controls to reach room temperature 15-30 C (59-86 F) prior to testing. 2. Add 4 drops of Agent A & 4 drops Agent B to the tube. Tap bottom of tube to mix. 3. Add swab to tube, rotate 10 times, let stand 1 min. Squeeze tube as removing swab. 4. Place test strip in tube (liquid should be at or below “Max line. Wait 5 minutes.

2 Urine Culture without Microscopy 1. Dip to line & remove immediately, running the edge of the strip against the rim. 2. Wait 2 minutes.3. Analyze results. For details, consult Lab Manual located at: P:\Clinical\Lab Manual * Note: Allow the strip, urine specimen, and/or controls to reach room temperature (15- 30ºC) prior to testing.

3 Urine Pregnancy Test 1. Dip to line for 5 seconds (do not pass the Max line). 2. Wait 3-4 minutes.3. Read Results: Positive = 2 lines. For details, consult Lab Manual located at: P:\Clinical\Lab Manual *Note: Allow the test dipstick, urine specimen and/or controls to equilibrate to room temperature 15°- 30°C (59°- 86°F) prior to testing.

4 Point of Care INR using CoaguChek 3. Lance finger & wait for large blood droplet to form. 4. Apply blood to strip until beep is heard & wait for machine’s internal quality check. 5. Read Results & document per procedure. For details, consult Lab Manual located at: P:\Clinical\Lab Manual 1. Clean fingertip with alcohol swab. 2. Turn on machine & slide test strip in; verify code matches lot# on bottle. Wait for machine to indicate readiness for sample.

5 Hematocrit 2. Lance finger. 1. Clean fingertip. 6. Read Results & document per procedure. For details, consult Lab Manual located at: P:\Clinical\Lab Manual 3. Collect blood in 2 microtubules. 4. Seal dry end of each tube & tab to ensure contact. 5. Place tubes in Hematastat & spin.

6 For details, consult Lab Manual located at: P:\Clinical\Lab Manual Urine Toxicity Screening Process

7 Ultrasound Probe Disinfection Process For details, consult Lab Manual located at: P:\Clinical\Lab Manual 1. Verify Cidex OPA is within expiration per label. Fill the ultrasound disinfection tubes with Cidex OPA to the line indicated on the tube. 2. Immerse the probes into the disinfection solution as shown in the diagrams for no more than 60 minutes. 3. Rinse the probe up to the point of immersion and then air dry or towel dry with a clean cloth. 4. Examine the probe for damage such as cracks, splitting, fluid leaks, or sharp edges or projections. If damage is evident, discontinue use of the probe and contact the COM immediately.

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