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2 SPECIFIC EXAMPLES IN ESSAY P = PEOPLE P = PEOPLE, alive or dead H = HISTORY E = EVENTS E = EVENTS, current or famous B = BOOKS People.

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Presentation on theme: "2 SPECIFIC EXAMPLES IN ESSAY P = PEOPLE P = PEOPLE, alive or dead H = HISTORY E = EVENTS E = EVENTS, current or famous B = BOOKS People."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 SPECIFIC EXAMPLES IN ESSAY P = PEOPLE P = PEOPLE, alive or dead shop @ H = HISTORY E = EVENTS E = EVENTS, current or famous B = BOOKS People

2  Authors: J. K. Rowling, Emily Dickinson, James Patterson, John Green, Gary Paulsen  Thinkers: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, Ben Franklin, Aristotle, Einstein, the Wright Brothers, Mark Zuckerburg  Leaders: Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther, King, Jr., Gandhi, Johnny F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela  Heroes: Malala Yousafzai, Louis Zamperini, Helen Keller, Jackie Robinson P = PEOPLE P = PEOPLE, alive or dead

3  WW II – Pearl Harbor, D-Day, atomic bombing of Japan, Holocaust  World History – Han Dynasty in China, Rwandan Genocide, Gulf War  The Civil War – Underground Railroad, Lincoln’s assassination  The Revolutionary War  The Great Depression  The Vietnam War H = HISTORY

4  NASA – the moon landing, the 1986 Challenger shuttle disaster, Mars Rover  Berlin Wall falls  Oregon community college  Disrespect to referees in high school football  Deputy Goforth shooting  Kids 4 Kits  Lib Dub project E = EVENTS E = EVENTS, current or famous

5  Hunger Games  Divergent  The One and Only Ivan  Harry Potter  Percy Jackson  Ender’s Game  The Fault in Our Stars  We Were Liars  The Book Thief  Maze Runner B = BOOKS (and movies)

6 PEOPLE @ HEB GENERATING EXAMPLES FOR YOUR SUPPORT Special or Famous P eople : Is there someone in your family that has a special story/history? Have you read about someone famous that has left a lasting impression and of whom you now know very well? H istory : What historical events are you very knowledgeable about? E xperiences : Where have you been? What has impacted you? Treasured Objects : Is there something you have collected or saved that has special meaning? Hobbies or Activities : Is there an activity or interest you are passionate about? Maybe dance, cheer, sports, hiking, cooking, or chess? Regions : Have you lived or visited a region that you have become very knowledgeable B ooks/Movies : What novels or movies do you know very well?

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