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UMSI Entrepreneurship UMSI 663 Fall 2015 10/30/2015 Week #8 Nancy A. Benovich Gilby Ehrenberg Director of Entrepreneurship Clinical Associate Professor.

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Presentation on theme: "UMSI Entrepreneurship UMSI 663 Fall 2015 10/30/2015 Week #8 Nancy A. Benovich Gilby Ehrenberg Director of Entrepreneurship Clinical Associate Professor."— Presentation transcript:

1 UMSI Entrepreneurship UMSI 663 Fall 2015 10/30/2015 Week #8 Nancy A. Benovich Gilby Ehrenberg Director of Entrepreneurship Clinical Associate Professor School of Information 650-539-8376

2 Team Project Overview 1.Form your team, establish ground rules, Interviews round 1 2.Review Customer Development Round 1 and Potentially Pivot, Competition, Market size 3.Review Customer Development Round 2, Pivot? 4.Review Customer Development Round 3, Pivot? KJ Affinity Diagram, Test with Users 5.Design Thinking for initial brainstorming, wireframe test with users, Skeleton of App 6.Draft pitch, Dataset, backend, build app scaffolding, 7.All teams pitch and review, MVP prototype 8.Pitch and demo to VCs, Executives, Entrepreneurs Project Week:

3 Are you clear on your target user? Did you get validation for your top 3 urgent problems/needs/meaningful items?

4 Today Full stack development: Intro to Parse Midterm review Share out on KJ Findings Design first prototype wireframe using Crash Course format Initial full-stack application template using Parse assignment Wireframe assignment

5 Full Stack – Parse! mBaaS


7 Assignment #6 Build a Parse Backend – More on Parse

8 We’ll be using User Class and Custom Classes for this week’s assignment

9 Available Data Types to Store

10 You will see these extra fields in your parse app data store but you can not edit them, they are used for a variety of things including analytics

11 Assignment #14 Build an App with a Backend Service Framework – Parse Step 1 Sign up for Parse, using your Facebook or Github or Google Accounts, at, create for Data, Mobile, iOS, select Objective C (but we will write in Swift), New Project

12 Assignment #14 Build an App with Parse Step 2 Download the blank (template) xcode project, unzip, find ParseStarterProject.xcodeproj open to open Xcode, add the SDK to you app via the directions on the screen and below (see next slide for Xcode)

13 Assignment #14 Build an App with Parse Step 3 Add the code to didFinishLaunchingWithOptions as below

14 Assignment #14 Build an App with Parse Step 4 Compile run your app, allow notifications, you’ll see

15 Assignment #14 Build an App with Parse Step 5 To test the SDK, in xcode add the following to the files ParseStarterProjectViewController.h and viewDidLoad method of ParseStarterProjectViewController.m (the text for these will be on the Parse webpage quick start so you don’t need to retype it)

16 Assignment #14 Build an App with Parse Step 6 Run your app. A new object of class TestObject will be sent to the Parse Cloud and saved. When you're ready, click the Test button on the Parse Quick Start web page to test if your data was sent.

17 Assignment #14 Build an App with Parse Step 7 To submit this assignment, take a screen shot of the successful Test, like below and submit (attach) it to Assignment #5 on Canvas, please comment on who the 2 members were that worked together so both get credit! Also submit (attach) your iOS code as a zip file or put the link to a github repository.

18 KJ

19 Share Out Target User Present KJ (as you did to the customer) –Point to and read the Black “What” statement in the upper left of the KJ Diagram –What we heard from target users was …. Point to and read summary statement in Red on the upper right –The details backing this are…. Walk through and point to the flow, starting with the left-top most Blue level statement, point to the next blue level use language: – “leads to” -> – and “mutually affect each other” – |-| “is in contrast to” –The top priorities are: Point to and read the top priority Red XX, Red level statement, repeat with Blue \\\ 2 nd priority Red level statement then Green … 3 rd priority Red level statement –These priorities support, point to and read the upper left Red summary statement. Present 1 quote from each KJ review

20 Your Presentation Format: 7 Minutes We like business plans that present a lot of information in as few words as possible. The following business plan format, within 15–20 slides, is all that’s needed. 1.Company purpose –Define the company/business in a single declarative sentence. 2.Problem –Describe the pain of the customer (or the customer’s customer). –Outline how the customer addresses the issue today. 3.Solution –Demonstrate your company’s value proposition to make the customer’s life better. –Show where your product physically sits. –Provide use cases. 4.Why now –Set-up the historical evolution of your category. –Define recent trends that make your solution possible. 5.Market size –Identify/profile the customer you cater to. –Calculate the TAM (top down), SAM (bottoms up) and SOM. 6.Competition 6.List competitors 7.List competitive advantages 7.Product Detail & Demo o Product line-up (form factor, functionality, features, architecture, intellectual property). o Development roadmap. 6.Team o Founders & Management o Board of Directors/Board of Advisors

21 Design Thinking for your MVP

22 Minimal Viable Product


24 Sample Wildfire KJ Diagram

25 cc Sample Wildfire KJ Diagram: top 1 sections

26 Sample Wildfire KJ Diagram: top 3rd

27 Share out 3 Mins! Target User Present KJ per the description (next page) Present top quotes from each team member on feedback from the KJ

28 How to Present a KJ Diagram (for customer feedback) Put the KJ diagram on the wall. Explain to the customer that this is an affinity diagram made from the most urgent, direct quotes your team heard from conversations with a group of target users. Point to and read the Black “What” statement in the upper left of the KJ Diagram What we heard from target users was …. Point to and read summary statement in Red on the upper right The details backing this are…. Walk through and point to the flow, starting with the left-top most Blue level statement, point to the next blue level use language: – “leads to” -> – and “mutually affect each other” – |-| “is in contrast to” The top priorities are: –Point to and read the top priority Red XX, Red level statement, repeat with Blue \\\ 2 nd priority Red level statement then Green … 3 rd priority Red level statement These priorities support, point to and read the upper left Red summary statement. Point out direct quotes from the customer you are presenting to. Ask them “did we hear you correctly? Is there anything we are missing?” Thank the customer

29 KJ Diagram

30 Simple Example

31 This week assignment #15: Complete MVP Wireframe No user interviews this week, lucky you SUBMIT: Draft Wireframe Make sure to illustrate on the wireframe where you are addressing the top 3 urgent problems/meaningful items that you voted on top 3 in your KJ

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