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Installation check for the Catania Science Gateway Framework development environment Riccardo Bruno INFN Dpt. Of

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1 Installation check for the Catania Science Gateway Framework development environment Riccardo Bruno ( INFN Dpt. Of Web course on the development of applications for Catania Science Gateways, 9 July 2013

2 2 Outline  Liferay bundle  The log file  Stop/Start the domain  Connect to the domain  Show tables  Liferay-SDK   build-common.xml  Create and deploy a portlet  The GridEngine  Files  The UsersTrackingDB  Other settings  Directory grid-security  VPN connection to the eTokenServer

3 Liferay bundled with glassfish 1/2  The liferay log file (ever check its content):  tail -f $LIFERAY_HOME/glassfish- 3.1.2/domains/domain1/logs/server.log Files are rotating after a given size  Stop and re-start the domain and check the log output  asadmin stop-domain domain1  asadmin start-domain domain1

4 Liferay bundled with glassfish 2/2  Connect the web browser to the liferay portal Virtual/Remote machines: http:// :8080 Local installations: http://localhost:8080  Connect to the Liferay database # mysql -u root lportal sql> show tables Should return a long list of tables sql > quit

5 Liferay SDK 1/3  Open the file: /opt/liferay-plugins-sdk-6.1.1/ Uncomment: app.server.type=glassfish app.server.dir= /glassfish-3.1.2 (adjust the path) app.server.deploy.dir=${app.server.dir}/autodeploy${app.server.dir}/domains/domain1/lib app.server.portal.dir=${app.server.dir}/domains/domain1/applications/liferay-portal Comment Tomcat related lines: #app.server.type=tomcat #app.server.dir=${project.dir}/../bundles/tomcat-7.0.27 #app.server.deploy.dir=${app.server.dir}/webapps${app.server.dir}/lib/ext #app.server.portal.dir=${app.server.dir}/webapps/ROOT  The glassfish-web.xml must contain: <class-loader delegate="true" extra-class-path="… all jar files in /opt/GridEngine/lib …

6 Liferay SDK 2/3  Change the file: $LIFERAY_SDK_HOME/build- common.xml <fileset dir="${}” includes="*.jar" /> <fileset dir="${app.server.lib.portal.dir}” includes="annotations.jar … /> … <fileset dir="/opt/GridEngine/lib” includes="*.jar" />

7 Liferay SDK 3/3  Do your first portlet: # cd $LIFERAY_SDK_HOME/portlets # chmod +x./ #./ hello-world "Hello-World” # cd hello-world-portlet # ant deploy Then watch the log file... wait for message: 'Successfully autodeployed’  Install the portlet into the portal

8 GridEngine v1.5.1  Check Grid Engine files: # find /opt/GridEngine  Show Users Tracking database tables: # mysql -u tracking_user -pusertracking userstracking mysql> show tables; +-------------------------+ | Tables_in_userstracking | +-------------------------+ | ActiveGridInteractions | | ActiveJobCollections | | GridInteractions | | GridOperations | | JobCollections | | JobDescription | | all_ces | +-------------------------+

9 Other settings 1/2 Grid certificates and th e eTokenServer’ VPN settings  Check the grid certificate files: # find /etc/grid-security /etc/grid-security/ /etc/grid-security/certificates /etc/grid-security/certificates/UKeScienceRoot-2007.pem /etc/grid-security/certificates/9b59ecad.r0 /etc/grid-security/certificates/ … many other files  These files must be updated timely re-executing the instructions in the Wiki

10 Other settings 2/2 Grid certificates and th e eTokenServer’ VPN settings  VPN settings for the eTokenServer  Request the VPN access to sg-licence mailing list (sg-  Any user receives a p12 file and an OVPN file:  # openvpn --config User001-TO-IPCop.ovpn  …  Then try: Connect to the eToken server with a browser: curl Get a robot proxy certificate: # curl d4c3ace2a4c54907ea0c379b?voms=eumed:/eumed&proxy- renewal=true&disable-voms-proxy=false

11 Questions?  Now you are ready to create your own distributed applications for the Catania Science Gateway

12 12 Thank you !

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