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Using Docker in a CyVerse World The main portion of this tutorial should take about 45 minutes to go through, and assumes you have already gone through.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Docker in a CyVerse World The main portion of this tutorial should take about 45 minutes to go through, and assumes you have already gone through."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Docker in a CyVerse World The main portion of this tutorial should take about 45 minutes to go through, and assumes you have already gone through the tutorial on the Docker website to learn the Docker basics. All the slides presented will be available to you after the webinar.

2 Topic Coverage: Which apps can you bring to CyVerse? Where can you run your app ? What is Docker container technology? Benefits of running your Docker apps at CyVerse. Taking your container from laptop to CyVerse. Sharing your app with the world (using DE+Docker). Hands-on walk through.

3 To install Docker GO TO Click “Get Started”, follow the directions.

4 What is Docker? Docker, a type of virtualization for software distribution, has revolutionized the way in which scientific software and all dependencies can be packaged, distributed, and deployed. Docker makes the complex and time-consuming installation procedures needed for scientific software a one-time process. Because it enables platform-independent installation, easy versioning of software and redeployment, and reproducibility across environments and versions, Docker is an ideal candidate for the deployment of software on different compute environments (XSEDE, Amazon AWS, etc.). Learn more about Docker.Learn more about Docker.

5 Docker Runs Software Here CyVerse Discovery Environment

6 Run an App in the Discovery Environment




10 Docker Can Run Software in Atmosphere, too

11 Your Computer?


13 Your Software?



16 Inside Your Computer?


18 Docker Overview

19 Docker glossary Docker image: Ready snapshot of a configured software application. Docker container: Instance of a Docker image. Dockerfile: Set of instructions/commands that are used to build the Docker image. Using Docker in the CyVerse DE CyVerse has adopted Docker for integrating software apps that run in the CyVerse DE’s Compute Cluster (Condor). The user creates a Dockerfile, which is used to build the Docker image containing the tool that will be used as an app in the DE.

20 Learn about images & containers Find & run the whalesay image Build your own image Just keep following to the next page of the tutorial – click the orange link at the bottom of each page!

21 1.Integrating a Dockerized tool into the DE enables users to begin creating apps built on the tool. 2.Because Dockerized apps use fewer resources, their analyses process more quickly. 3.Compared to the previous method for tool integration in the DE, this method streamlines the process and makes it more likely that the final DE app will function as the user intended. 4.It also increases the likelihood that more complicated and difficult to install software can be used in the DE. Why do we use Docker for Building Apps in the Discovery Environment?

22 1.You can use your Dockerized apps in the CyVerse Discovery Environment and Atmosphere. 2.If you are a developer or just write a nice script occasionally, or teach classes, or have a collaborative project, or are publishing a paper that uses a specific workflow: a.Share a specific app. b.Share a specific version of an app. c.Share a whole analysis pipeline. 3.Anybody can use your software on any computer running Docker. 4.Anybody can use your software on the Discovery Environment or in Atmosphere. Why do you want to use Docker?

23 Create a Docker Hub Account-- Use it. Keep following the tutorials on the Docker website, just keep clicking the orange text at the bottom of the page….

24 Eventually, even the whale gets tired of broad explanations…

25 BUILDING DOCKERIZED APPS FOR THE DE Docker in the real (CyVerse) world

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