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© IBM Corporation 2008 WebSphere demonstration Maurits André – WebSphere Technical Sales.

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Presentation on theme: "© IBM Corporation 2008 WebSphere demonstration Maurits André – WebSphere Technical Sales."— Presentation transcript:

1 © IBM Corporation 2008 WebSphere demonstration Maurits André – WebSphere Technical Sales

2 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 2 Agenda  Case introduction –Background –Process  Demonstration –End user perspective – runtime –Developer perspective – development time

3 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 3 Customer’s case  “Woningcorporatie” – housing  Objectives with SOA Infrastructure –Improve efficiency at execution of administrative tasks Lower the number of manual tasks. –Make processes more transparent for all stakeholders E.g. incorporate tenants in the internal processes –Enhance quality of data Reduce multiple entry Better control on data –Develop new services together with partners Results in new information flows –Be able to react quickly on changing market situations Introduce “event driven” process steps

4 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 4 Business Innovation & Optimization Services Development Services Integrated environment for design and creation of solution assets Manage and secure services, applications & resources Facilitates better decision-making with real-time business information IT Service Management Infrastructure Services Optimizes throughput, availability and performance ESB Facilitates communication between services Apps & Info Assets Partner ServicesBusiness App ServicesAccess Services Connect with trading partners Build on a robust, scaleable, and secure services environment Facilitates interactions with existing information and application assets Interaction ServicesProcess ServicesInformation Services Enables collaboration between people, processes & information Orchestrate and automate business processes Manages diverse data and content in a unified manner IBM SOA Reference Architecture WebSphere Process Server WebSphere ESB WebSphere Integration Dev. WebSphere Application Server WebSphere Adapters

5 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 5 e*Gate TM Comm. Adapter WSDL Comm. Adapter Adapter Enterprise Service Bus Start Web CRM Housing B2B Business Processes Integration Services Backend systems WSDL Slecteren gegevens kandidaat huurder Selecteren woning Afspraak maken Aanbiedings brief Huur contract Bijwerken gegevens Versturen Corresponden tie Afspraak huurder Contract Gegevens wijzigen Definitief contract Einde How do processes work with services

6 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 6 Process implemented in BPEL

7 © IBM Corporation 2008 Demonstratie

8 IBM Nederland B.V. 8 Solution outline DB2 database directory server WebSphere Application Server WebSphere Process Server HTTP server mail server Business Process Custom User Interface Service 1 Service 2 User with browser Service n Standard User Interface WebSphere Integration Developer

9 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 9 How did we built it…

10 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 10 … a service? A repeatable business task – e.g., check customer credit; open new account What is …? … service orientation? A way of integrating your business as linked services and the outcomes that they bring … service oriented architecture (SOA)? An IT architectural style that supports service orientation … a composite application? A set of related & integrated services that support a business process built on an SOA

11 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 11 A Basic Service …  Service Provider provides an Interface  Service Caller invokes the Service Provider’s Interface  Logical components: –Interface – Contract for the Service –Reference – Service needed in order to execute

12 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 12 The Logical Interface …  Service provides an Interface  Caller expects to call same Interface

13 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 13 Processes and Services …  Process invokes Services  Process exposes an Interface

14 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 14 Logical View of Processes and Services …  Process exposes an Interface  Process invokes Services  It looks just like any other Service

15 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 15 Service Component Architecture: Overview Java BPEL Business Rules Selector Human Task State Machine Implementation Types Java WSDL Port Type InterfaceReference Java WSDL Port Type Interface Maps

16 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 16 Assembling Components …

17 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 17 Composition: Modules, Imports and Exports …  Exports advertise capability out from a module  Imports include capability from external services or modules Module

18 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 18 Using Modules for Building Applications Encapsulation and Reuse Functionality Module: Process Order Process: Order Store Order doOrder Get Customer Status Approve Order Module: Customer Status Business Rule: Get Customer Status Customer Status Module: Approve Order Manually Human Task: Approve Order Approve Order SAP Module: Update Order Database Store Order Adapter for Relational DB Interface Map Convert to SAP BO: SAPOrder IF: SAPAdapter Library: OrderLib BO:Order IF: StoreOrder Module: Approve Order Automatic Business Rule: Approve Order Approve Order  Modules: Encapsulate and Reuse Functionality  Libraries: Share common definitions  Modules: Encapsulate and Reuse Functionality  Libraries: Share common definitions  Change Approval to Business Rule  Store Order in DB2 instead of SAP  All without affecting common objects or consumers  Change Approval to Business Rule  Store Order in DB2 instead of SAP  All without affecting common objects or consumers SAP Module: Update Order Database Store Order Adapter for Relational DB Interface Map Convert to SAP BO: SAPOrder IF: SAPAdapter DB2 Module: Update Order DB2 Store Order Adapter for DB2 Interface Map Convert to DB2 BO: DB2Order IF: DB2Adapter Business Value:  Module granularity according to business needs  Leave process logic untouched  React to change quickly Business Value:  Module granularity according to business needs  Leave process logic untouched  React to change quickly

19 © IBM Corporation 2008 IBM Nederland B.V. 19 Why IBM WebSphere?  Single integrated platform for SOA –Single runtime, WebSphere Application Server –Single development, Eclipse  Extensible platform –Start simple, grow fast  Based on open standards  6500 SOA implementations –Small and big  Stable supplier with many partners

20 © IBM Corporation 2008 End

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