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MSD I – P10543 Week 3 Project Update Dale Turley – Project Manager Jason Herrling – Lead Engineer Sam Seibert – System Engineer Dave Wagner – System Engineer.

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Presentation on theme: "MSD I – P10543 Week 3 Project Update Dale Turley – Project Manager Jason Herrling – Lead Engineer Sam Seibert – System Engineer Dave Wagner – System Engineer."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSD I – P10543 Week 3 Project Update Dale Turley – Project Manager Jason Herrling – Lead Engineer Sam Seibert – System Engineer Dave Wagner – System Engineer Upgrade of Spectrophotometer


3 Outline Project Overview Customer Needs Engineering Specifications Proposed System Level Solution MSD 1 Project Plan Risk Assessment/Mitigation

4 Project Overview Color Measurement System: -Allows for repeatable color measurement on all axis -Fully automated process -Use as much of the current equipment as possible -Able to switch in reference sample for test sample at any point Tasks to complete: Design new sample holder Design control system for equipment Design computer interface for user

5 Project Overview Current SystemSample Holder

6 Customer Needs Revisited Revision #:B Customer Need # Importance (out of 5) DescriptionComments/Status Function CN15Takes color measurement dataMet CN25Three degrees of freedom (sample yaw, detector yaw, pitch)Met CN33Automated with minimal user setupMet CN45Select reference vs testMet CN55Measure test sample and reference in same positionMet CN65Ability to measure detection and incident anglesMet CN74Ability to import input data from excel sheetMet Reliability CN85Repeatablilty of sample positionsMet CN95High accuracy of angualar movementsMet CN104Relatively inexpensiveUnknown CN115Feedback from sensors and motorsUnknown CN123Calibration programNot Yet Met CN132Measurements are performed quicklyUnknown CN145Program is configurable and robustMet CN153Easily maintainedUnknown Wants CN162Variable sample measurement rateUnknown CN173Easy to use user interfaceUnknown CN181Variable motor speedsNot Met Physical Constraints CN192Fits on a standard workbenchMet CN203Test sample and reference are same sizeMet Safety CN215Safe to leave unattendedMet

7 Engineering Specs Revisited Revision #:B Engr. Spec. #ImportanceSource Specification (description)Unit of MeasureMarginal ValueIdeal ValueComments/Status ES110%CN3, CN5, CN9AccuracyDeg10.1Per each axis ES210% CN3, CN5, CN8, CN12RepeatabilityDeg10.1Per each axis ES39%CN4, CN14Selectable measurement targetyes/no yes ES49%CN10Cost to build$ 2500 Acuual to be determined ES58%CN2Sample pitchDeg ± 70 ± 180 ES68%CN2Detector yawDeg170360 ES78%CN2Sample yawDeg170360 ES87%CN1, CN6, CN11Digital output of measurementsyes/noyes Measurement output as well as feedback ES97%CN7Importable datayes/no yes From spreadsheet ES106%CN13, CN18Motor driving voltageVolts5120 ES114%CN20Sample/Reference sizecm 10 ± 2 10 ES124%CN20Sample/Reference Thicknesscm2.55 ES134%CN19Working radius of sample holdercm17.7528 ES143%CN21Limit switch/Interlockyes/no yesSo wires don’t tangle ES153%CN21Voltage monitoring/Surge protectionVolts yes ES162%CN19Overall heightcm4026

8 Relating Needs to Specs Engineering Metrics Customer Requirements Customer Weights Detector yaw Sample yaw Sample pitch Sample/Reference size Sample/Reference Thickness Cost to build Repeatability Accuracy Overall height Digital output of measurements Selectable measurement target Importable data Motor driving voltage Working radius of sample holder Limit switch/Interlock Voltage monitoring/Surge protection Takes color measurement data 9 9993139919991311 Three degrees of freedom (sample yaw, detector yaw, pitch) 9 9993313331913911 Automated with minimal user setup 3 9991199919991111 Select reference vs test 9 1199939911933911 Measure test sample and reference in same position 9 3339919911111311 Easy to use user interface 3 1111191119191111 Test sample and reference are same size 3 1119931311911311 Program is configurable and robust 9 1111193319399133 Ability to import input data from excel sheet 9 1111111113391111 Relatively inexpensive 9 3333399913931311 Repeatablilty of sample positions 9 9993399911931111 Accuracy of angular movements 9 9991199911911111 Ability to measure detection and incident angles 9 9931199919991111 Feedback from sensors and motors 9 9991193319339111 Calibration program 3 1113339919191111 Measurements are performed quickly 1 1111199911319131 Easily maintained 3 1111199911311133 Variable sample measurement rate 9 3331139919119111 Variable motor speeds 1 3331139913119111 Fits on a standard workbench 1 1111131191111911 Safe to leave unattended 9 1111131111119299 Technical Targets Raw score 647 665381363735853859161605749567475356233231 Relative Weight 8% 4% 9%10% 2%7%9%7%6%4%3%

9 Relating Needs to Specs Results: Engineering Metrics Detector yaw Sample yaw Sample pitch Sample/Reference size Sample/Reference Thickness Cost to build Repeatability Accuracy Overall height Digital output of measurements Selectable measurement target Importable data Motor driving voltage Working radius of sample holder Limit switch/Interlock Voltage monitoring/Surge protection 8% 4% 9%10% 2%7%9%7%6%4%3%

10 Pugh Selection Process Concepts Sub-categories  Motors  Interface  Control Selection Processers  Encoders

11 Motor Screening Step #1 Screening Motor Selection Concepts P10543 ABCD DC BrushlessStepper Brushed DC Selection CriteriaMotors Motor (Customer Needs)(Reference)(Open Loop)(Closed Loop) Three degrees of freedom0++0 Automated with minimal user setup0++0 Select reference vs test0++0 Sample and reference in same position00+0 Variable sample measurement rate0000 Relatively inexpensive0--- Repeatability of sample positions0-+0 Angular positions are very accurate0-+0 Program is configurable and robust000- Feedback from sensors and motors0-+0 Sum + 's0370 Sum 0's10328 Sum -'s0412 Net Score06-2 Rank2334 Continue?Yes No

12 Motor Selection Motor Selection Concepts A B D (reference) Open Loop Closed Loop Segment DC Brushless Motor Stepper Motor Selection CriteriaWeightRatingNotesWtd Ratin gNotesWtd Ratin gNotesWtd Takes color measurement data7% Function of detector0.00 Three degrees of freedom (sample yaw, detector yaw, pitch)6%2 Not easily extended to 3-d case0.125 Tilt mechanism possible0.305 Automated with minimal user setup4%1Manual system currently0.045 When integrated with Labview0.205 Select reference vs test6%30.185 Foreseeable tilt solution0.305 Measure test sample and reference in same position6%3Less accurate0.185 Accurate with microstepping0.305 Easy to use user interface4% Motor has no effect on this0.00 Test sample and reference are same size4% Motor has no effect on this0.00 Program is configurable and robust6% Motor has no effect on this0.00 Ability to import input data from excel sheet4% Motor has no effect on this0.00 Relatively inexpensive5%5Already in place0.254 Steppers are fairly cheap0.204 Repeatablilty of sample positions6%3Less accurate0.185 Potential for high accuracy0.305 Angualar positions are very accurate6%3Less accurate0.1850.305 Ability to measure detection and incident angles6% Motor has no effect on this0.00 Feedback from sensors and motors6%3Velocity feedback0.1800.0050.30 Calibration program4% Motor has no effect on this0.00 Measurements are performed quickly2% Motor has no effect on this0.00 Easily maintained4% 0.00 Variable sample measurement rate6% 0.00 Variable motor speeds1%5 0.055 5 Fits on a standard workbench2% 0.00 Safe to leave unattended5% 0.00 Total Score 1.31 1.90 2.20 Rank 3 2 1 Continue? No Develop

13 Interface Screening Step #1 Screening Overall System Design Concepts P10543 ABC CurrentLabVIEWMicrocontroller Selection CriteriaSystemBased (Customer Needs)(Reference) Takes color measurement data0++ Automated with minimal user setup0++ Easy to use user interface0+- Program is configurable and robust0++ Import input data from excel sheet0+- Relatively inexpensive0-- Calibration program0++ Easily maintained0++ Variable sample measurement rate0++ Sum + 's086 Sum 0's2112 Sum -'s013 Net Score073 Rank312 Continue?NoYes

14 Interface Selection Motor Selection Concepts A B (reference) LabVIEW Segment Microcontroller Based Based Selection CriteriaWeightRatingNotesWtdRatingNotesWtd Takes color measurement data7%50.005Will input detector values0.35 Three degrees of freedom (sample yaw, detector yaw, pitch)6%50.305 Automated with minimal user setup4%50.205 Select reference vs test6% 0.00 Measure test sample and reference in same position6% 0.00 Easy to use user interface4%3Have to construct interface0.125Easy interface0.20 Test sample and reference are same size4% 0.00 Program is configurable and robust6%50.305 Ability to import input data from excel sheet4%2Complex: USB to Microcontroller0.085Easily done0.20 Relatively inexpensive5%5Cheaper0.252LabVIEW and I/O Board0.10 Repeatablilty of measurements6% 0.00 High accuracy of angular positioning6% 0.00 Ability to measure detection and incident angles6% 0.00 Feedback from sensors and motors6% 0.00 Calibration program4%5A calibration can be run0.205 Measurements are performed quickly2% 0.00 Easily maintained4%50.205 Variable sample measurement rate6% 0.00 Variable motor speeds1% 0.00 Fits on a standard workbench2%50.105 Safe to leave unattended5% 0.00 Total Score 1.65 2.05 Rank 3 2 Continue? No Develop

15 Controller Screening Step #1 Screening Controller Concepts P10543 AB 3 single-axisOne 3-axis Selection CriteriaControllersController (Customer Needs)(Reference) Relatively inexpensive0+ Sum + 's01 Sum 0's2120 Sum -'s00 Net Score01 Rank21 Continue?NoYes

16 Encoder Screening Step #1 Screening Encoder Concepts P10543 AB RelativeAbsolute Selection CriteriaEncoders (Customer Needs)(Reference) Relatively inexpensive0- Repeatability of measurement results0+ High accuracy of angular positioning0+ Sum + 's02 Sum 0's2118 Sum -'s01 Net Score01 Rank21 Continue?NoYes

17 Conclusion Motor: Closed-Loop Steppers Interface: LabVIEW Controller: One 3-axis Encoder: Absolute

18 System-Level Block Diagram LabVIEWI/O Board 3-axis controller Stepper Motor (Tilt) Stepper Motor (Sample Yaw) Stepper Motor (Detector Yaw) Encoder Coordinate List

19 Gantt Chart

20 Work Breakout Structure Phase 1: Project Planning  Customer Interview  Consult Outside Resources  Existing System Analysis  Customer Needs  Define Specifications  Risk Assessment  Team Norms and Values  Team Roles  Work Breakdown Structure  Identify Critical Path  Project Plan Phase 2: Concept Development  Concept Generation  Benchmarking  Concept Selection

21 Work Breakout Structure Phase 3: Design Optimization  Motor Selection  Sensor Selection  Interface Selection  Software Selection  Material Selection  System Architecture  System Design Review  Block Diagram  Software Logic Design Phase 4: Final Design  Mechanical Drawings  Circuit Diagrams  Bill of materials  Dynamic Analysis  Feasibility Analysis  Detailed Design Review  Schedule for MSD2  Final Project Review

22 Risk Assessment IDRisk ItemEffectCause L i k e li h o o d SeverITySeverITy ImportanceImportanceAction to Minimize RiskOwner 1 Inadequate motors Motor not enough power or accuracy Existing motors 236 Prevent by changing out existing motors with stepper motors or servos Sam 2 Collision Damage Can ’ t use damaged parts Fracture due to a force133 Prevent by team member observing routine when in operationTeam 3 Component Redesign Redesign forces delays Not designed with proper components133 Prevent by deliverables and planning done ahead of need by scheduleLead by Dale 4 Inadequate build time Project deliverables unmet Poor scheduling /too ambitious224 Prevent by deliverables and planning done ahead of need by scheduleLead by Dale 5 Components not compatible with software Need new componentIncompatibility224 Reduce by conversation with manufacturer and specialistsSam/Dave 6 System does not interface with color measuremen t software Unable to complete real world routine Color measurement software not chosen or set up313 Minimize by providing outputs and proposed necessary inputs for color measurement softwareJason

23 Risk Assessment IDRisk ItemEffectCause LikelihoodLikelihood SeveritySeverity ImportanceImportanceAction to Minimize RiskOwner 7Budget Cut Redesign to meet new budgetFunding Restrictions133 minimize risk by designing under budgetJason/Sam 8Theft/Loss Time loss/money LossNegligence133 Reduce by locking door to equipmentTeam 9 Component Testing Failure Delay on Deliverables Faulty component poor design122Accept level of riskJason/Dave 10 Part Lead TimeBuild Delay Parts not ordered in Advance224 Prevent by ordering parts from reputable manufacturerSam 12 Loss of team member Added responsibility smaller scaleDrop out of course133Accept level of riskTeam 13Winter Break Team member getting back into project decreased productivityBreak from Project313Accept level of riskTeam

24 Questions/Feedback

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