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Assignment 4 instructions 4 a) Team presentation (team) 4 b) Critical appraisal (individual)

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1 Assignment 4 instructions 4 a) Team presentation (team) 4 b) Critical appraisal (individual)

2 4 a) Team presentation instructions Choose any business-related topic with your team Plan a 15-minute persuasive team presentation Design creative visuals Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse Visit Christa’s office with your team + ready visuals between 1-4 pm on the day before your presentation to get feedback Deliver the presentation on Thu / Fri Feb 12 / 13 (see schedule on next slides) Act as audience / evaluators for others Evaluation criteria for the assignment: the presentation is evaluated based on the Business Presentations –rubric that is available in Moodle.

3 Team 1 Lauri Quan Van Emilia

4 Team 2 Teemu Isa Mikko

5 Team 3 Valtteri Annika Leena Katariina

6 Team 4 Konsta Jenna Laura Thai

7 Team 5 Juho Titi Vy Jeremias

8 Team 6 Quyen Aia Tiia Karoliina

9 Team 7 My Katri Julia

10 Team 8 Sippo Anu Miika Andy

11 Team 9 Risto Nadya Kaisa An

12 Team 10 Ossi Joona Adela

13 Thursday, February 12 RehearsingPresentingDebriefing QuestionsFeedback Team 1 9.002Team 1 Team 67,8,9,10 9.3032Team 1 76,8,9,10 10.00432 86,7,9,10 10.45543 96,7,8,10 11.15 54 106,7,8,9 5 Presenting (teams 1-5)Audience (teams 6-10) When you are not rehearsing, presenting or debriefing, you’ll be general audience

14 RehearsingPresentingDebriefing QuestionsFeedback Team 6 9.007Team 6 Team 12,3,4,5 9.3087Team 6 21,3,4,5 10.00987 31,2,4,5 10.451098 41,2,3,5 11.15 109 51,2,3,4 10 Presenting (teams 6-10)Audience (teams 1-5) Friday, February 13 When you are not rehearsing, presenting or debriefing, you’ll be general audience

15 4 b) Critical appraisal (individual) 1.Watch your presentation video with your team. 2.Write a one-page evaluation (single-spaced) of your presentation. What aspects of your presentation were successful and what do you think could have been better? You should comment on both your communication strategy and the presentation delivery, and you can comment on both your team’s and your own performance. 3.Make clear references to communication theory (Munter) in the evaluation. Also, use the comments and written feedback you received from the lecturer and class members to help you with your analysis. 4.Ensure that the evaluation is clearly structured and reader-friendly (suitable paragraphing, message headings, listing etc.). 5.Upload your evaluation to the assignment submission box in Moodle by 11 pm on Friday, February 13. Evaluation criteria for the assignment: see next slide

16 4 b) evaluation criteria Grade 5: The appraisal provides a rigorous and highly insightful analysis of the presentation making extensive use of relevant communication theory. The appraisal states both personal and team goals for the presentation. It provides a detailed analytical account of how the student thinks s/he managed to reach both the team’s and her/his own objectives, and those areas where there would still be room for improvement. The appraisal demonstrates an ability to effectively use the macro- and micro-writing tools learned during the course. Grade 4: The appraisal provides a fairly comprehensive analysis of the presentation (s) drawing on relevant communication theory. The appraisal states the student’s personal goals for the presentation. It lists but does not necessarily discuss in detail both those areas where the student thinks s/he managed to reach her/his objectives, and those areas were there would still be room for improvement. The appraisal demonstrates a good knowledge of the macro- and micro-writing tools learned during the course. Grade 3: The appraisal provides a general analysis of the presentation (s) with some references to communication theory. The appraisal lists those areas that the student thinks were strong, as well as areas where there would still be room for improvement. It demonstrates that the student has a basic understanding of the macro- and micro-writing tools learned during the course, but these tools could have been exploited more effectively to increase reader-friendliness.

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