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Richard Millhous Nixon chapter 25, sections 1, 2, and 3.

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1 Richard Millhous Nixon chapter 25, sections 1, 2, and 3

2 Nixon the Man Very secretive – Nixon preferred to keep information to himself Very distrusting and paranoid – The Nixon White House conducted business as if they were surrounded by enemies

3 –Nixon even wiretapped members of HIS OWN STAFF –One person Nixon did trust was Henry Kissinger, his National Security Advisor –Kissinger and Nixon hated each other.

4 The “Enemies List –List of people whom Nixon particularly distrusted or disliked. –Politicians, actors and musicians –Used the IRS to harass people on his enemies list (audits)

5 Domestic Policy  Nixon wanted to shrink government spending, so he drastically cut back on LBJ’s social welfare programs.

6 One of Nixon’s main goals was to stop inflation, which had risen steadily in the late 60’s and early 70’s. Nixon initiated 60 and 90 day price freezes in 1971 and 1973. –Inflation would begin to rise again as soon as the freezes were lifted.

7 Oil Crisis Israel went to war with its Arab neighbors in 1973, and we backed Israel.

8 As a result OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) imposed an embargo on the US, causing a shortage of oil. –This embargo caused a huge increase in inflation, and a global recession.

9 Nixon’s Supreme Court In his 1968 campaign, Nixon had criticized the Warren Court for being too liberal. During his first term, 4 of the 9 justices died, resigned or retired Nixon replaced them with more conservative judges.

10 Foreign Policy Nixon had been very tough on Communism during his campaigns, but once elected he begins secret talks with the Chinese. He calls his policy “détente”.

11 The US government officially recognizes Communist China as a legitimate government. The US allows China a seat on the UN Security Council Nixon Visits China (1st President to do so)

12  Nixon hopes he can use improved relations with China as a bargaining chip when dealing with the USSR. (China and the USSR had a very strained relationship)

13 SALT 1 Treaty Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Limited testing of nuclear weapons Limited Anti-Missile weapons Helped to ease many people’s fears about nuclear war.

14 The Watergate Scandal and Nixon’s resignation


16 Spring 1971 Nixon forms “The Plumbers” to locate and discredit Daniel Ellsberg. Ellsberg had leaked information on the mishandling of the Vietnam War by JFK, LBJ and Nixon. Nixon had The Plumbers break into the office and home of Ellsberg’s psychiatrist

17 Election of 1972 Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy The Committee to Re-Elect the President is formed (C.R.E.E.P.) Dirty Tricks - Send Hecklers and Spies to Democratic Conventions

18 Election of 1972 One of C.R.E.E.P.’s job was to destroy Democratic Candidate Edmond Muskie They succeeded

19 June 17, 1972 CREEP breaks into the Watergate Hotel in Washington DC (Democratic Headquarters) to install wiretaps. The intruders are caught and jailed.

20 The Nixon administration pays the burglars hundreds of thousands of dollars in “hush money to remain silent”. Nixon is involved in the decision to COVER UP the break in.

21 November 1972 Nixon is re-elected.

22 January 1973 The Watergate Burglars (CREEP members) are convicted and receive lengthy sentences (Up to 40 years) All are offered reduced sentences in exchange for their cooperation. James McCord, Jr. Roman Gonzalez Frank Sturgis Eugenio Martinez Bernard Baker

23 January 1973 The US Senate begins to investigate the Watergate Break in.

24 1972-1973 Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein have been investigating CREEP. Nixon Administration realizes that the story may go public.

25 May 1973 Senate begins televising the Watergate burglary hearing. The whole nation watches the proceedings. Some Republicans begin turning against Nixon

26 May 1973 Nixon assigns a special prosecutor (Archibald Cox) to investigate the Watergate Break- in. This as an attempt by Nixon to appease growing political pressure and falling public support.

27 October 10 1973 Vice President Spiro Agnew resigns after knowledge of his income tax evasion becomes public.

28 October 20 1973 Cox demands Nixon turn over tape recordings of conversations regarding the incident. Nixon fires Cox, replacing him with Texan Leon Jaworski. This sets off a string of firings and resignations known as “The Saturday Night Massacre”.

29 October 20 1973 There are widespread calls for and impeachment of Nixon. Nixon makes his famous “I’m no crook!” speech.

30 December 7, 1973 Nixon turns over Oval Office tapes to The Senate. One of the tapes has an 18 ½ minute gap.

31 July 24, 1974 The Supreme Court orders Nixon to turn over all tapes

32 July 27, 1974 House Judiciary Committee passes the first of three articles of impeachment, charging obstruction of justice.

33 August 8, 1974 Richard Millhouse Nixon becomes the first American President in history to resign. Gerald Ford is sworn in as President.

34 Effects of Watergate The Watergate Scandal may be the lowest point in the history of American Politics Many Americans lost faith in the U.S. Government because of this scandal.

35  The only bright spot was that the scandal showed the strength of the U.S. Constitutional system, particularly the system of Checks and Balances.

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