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Unit 6 Review and Unit 7 Introduction 1. Assignment Reminders Initial posts due by Saturdays before midnight and all other assignments due before Tuesdays.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 Review and Unit 7 Introduction 1. Assignment Reminders Initial posts due by Saturdays before midnight and all other assignments due before Tuesdays."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6 Review and Unit 7 Introduction 1

2 Assignment Reminders Initial posts due by Saturdays before midnight and all other assignments due before Tuesdays at midnight Unit 9 Project---Start thinking about it and bring questions you may have to next week’s seminar. Has anyone had a chance to look at it and have any questions. The project is very specific and if you use the titles presented, you should be fine. 2

3 Warm-Up Activity For today’s warm-up activity, describe one way which you have used integral health development concepts in order to help yourself over the past week. 3

4 Integral Assessment 6 principles of Integral Assessment 1)The goal of integral health is to alleviate suffering and increase flourishing ***What is one example? 2)Integral health recognizes difference between short- and long-term relief ***What are some examples? 3)Integral health recognizes difference between immediate pleasure and long-term flourishing ***What will work for you to accomplish long-term? 4

5 Integral Assessment 4)Must have psycho-spiritual development 5)Integral assessment relies on sincere inner listening and guidance ***What might be an obstacle? 6)Integral assessment addresses aspects, levels, and lines of development of current situation ***Assess one area of your life and what are your plans? 5

6 Work Transformation Youtube Field Trip Work Transformation - The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us Relaxation Music: eature=related 6

7 Work Transformation Steps of transformation through work Practice work as a service—ask what you can do for others and import kindness and care where it may not otherwise have been Try to realize that all efforts are part of the bigger picture. Some may be more integral, but all pieces are important nonetheless Try viewing work as part of a larger process—work is a facet of life that we must go through, but how things go at work can affect us in our lives outside of it negatively or positively, depending on how we approach it 7

8 Work Transformation In what ways did you transform your work environment into a kinder place, one that promotes service (either from you or others)? What smaller piece of the larger puzzle do you provide to your employment? What you contribute outside of your required activities? How does your employment contribute to a more worldly view and for the betterment of others? 8

9 Unit 7 Introduction Journal articles A. Introduce and summarize each article (Describe the study, who, what, when, where, and the results) B. Explain why the study is important and how you may utilize it in your personal or professional life. C. Provide the reference information for each article and include a link (URL) to the article. 9

10 Example of Study Review Pike (2008) stated that a body-mindfulness practice such as meditation can aid the emotional healing process as might occur with an injury. Pike (2008) also found that using a body-mindfulness activity like meditation can simultaneous heal the body as the mind- body connection appears to work collaboratively in healing themselves. Pike, A. (2008).Body-mindfulness for physiotherapy for the management of long-term chronic pain. Physical Therapy Reviews. 13(1). Retrieved on June 22, 2009 from &hid=104&sid=51bad2e2-bb29-46e9-bd06- dd8f9558b8c2%40sessionmgr109&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3 QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=hch&AN=30870178 10

11 4 Points of Human Flourishing according to Dacher (2006) 1)The Truth of Health There are 2 types of health—ordinary focuses primarily on the biology of people, whereas integral focuses on the mind- body-spirit connectedness 2)The Truth of Human Flourishing --The idea of flourishing can only exist if we put our minds to it cognitively and then follow through with development, making necessary adaptations and changes along the way 3)The Truth of the Integral Path --The integral path is holistic, evolutionary, person-centered, intentional, and dynamic 4)The Truth of Fruits --Health, happiness and wholeness are all realized results of taking a proactive approach to an integral path of existence 11

12 The Truth of Health Biological What are 2 truths that you can provide for this forum regarding your biological health? Integral What are 2 truths that you can provide for this forum regarding your integral health? 12

13 Truth of Human Flourishing What is one item that you have cognitively considered during this course and then made the necessary changes and were successful? What were some of the feelings that you had when you were able to make these changes? 13

14 Truth of Integral Path List one behavior for each of the following that you have done since the beginning of this course: Holistic Evolutionary Person-Centered Intentional Dynamic Which of these concepts is the most difficult for you to achieve and why? 14

15 Truth of Fruits List at least one way which you have proactively sought to improve your happiness and wholeness. What are the biggest obstacles you face when attempting to achieve these fruits? 15

16 Reference Dacher, E. (2006). The four essential points. Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications, Inc. 16

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