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Live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

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1 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

2 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 MY C AMPUS E NTERPRISE E NHANCEMENTS / C USTOM P ORTLETS Tiffany Maiuri, Director of Application Development & Support Services Jami Holmes, Web Services Manager University of Maine System

3 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 B ACKGROUND Why custom portlets?  Deliver PeopleSoft data to Faculty and Advisors natively in the portal.  Deliver functionality specifically engineered for our campuses based on requests. Who was involved?  Maine System PeopleSoft Developers  Maine System Portal Group  CampusEAI development Group

4 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 H OW WILL DATA BE DELIVERED ?  Explored WSRP – found it was not a good option due to lack of control over the presentation.  Final Model - PeopleSoft WSDLs (Web Services Description Language) which allowed the data to be transferred in an XML message format.  PS WSDLs are created dynamically from custom PS Components using PeopleTools.  Worked with PS group to develop the queries needed for the WSDLs and xpath definitions.  Used SOAPUI to test response and load times.

5 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 SOAP R EQUEST T ESTING

6 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 S OFTWARE S PECIFICATIONS Significant time developing the initial Software Specifications

7 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 A DVISEE L IST P ORTLET - D ATA R EQUESTS Page requested myCampus only has screen name data, it begins with LDAP request for EMPLID Formats response data and presents output Returns Advisor EMPLID LDAP Request Returns list of Advisee Data SOAP Request to PS WSDL Returns Img BLOB Builds Img URL Image DB Request

8 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 C AMPUS H YPERLINK P ROPERTIES

9 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 A DVISEE L IST

10 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 C OURSE L IST

11 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 C LASS R OSTER

12 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 C USTOM C ONFIGURATION

13 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 R OLE F ILTER  Manual roles + LDAP imported roles = 400 roles  Significant need for a filter to make permissioning more efficient for campus administrators  based on User Details -> Select Regular Role -> Role Search webapps/ROOT/html/portlet/enterprise_admin/select_regular_role.jsp  JSP code modification to webapps/ROOT/html/portlet/portlet_configuration/edit_permissions_algorithm_5_to_6.jsp

14 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 P ERMISSION R EPORTS  Query-based permission reports generated on the fly using QuickLaunch2 GEIS application and web content display.  Based on the delivered reporting feature.  Adding Page, Portlet and Web Content Block permission reports.  Adding CSV export feature.

15 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639 C HANGE M ANAGEMENT  Developed a Change Management procedure for custom code and modifications to reduce negative impact when applying changes, tracking change and patching.  Documentation needed for local use and on app servers. We manage the change management documents using SVN - allows for svn updates from multiple places.

16 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

17 live. learn. work. play. 1111 Superior Ave E Suite 310 Cleveland Ohio 44114 Tel: 216.589.9626 Fax: 216.589.9639

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