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Adapting MASSIs for Students with the Most Severe Disabilities Alicia Saunders.

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Presentation on theme: "Adapting MASSIs for Students with the Most Severe Disabilities Alicia Saunders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adapting MASSIs for Students with the Most Severe Disabilities Alicia Saunders

2 Webinar Objectives Define target population for webinar Suggest strategies for adapting MASSIs Provide examples of adaptations Discuss progressing through MASSIs

3 Who Do We Mean? May still be learning to use a communication system –Work towards establishing symbolic communication system as work on the MASSIs May be difficult to assess –Consider least dangerous assumption May have underdeveloped math skills

4 Least Dangerous Assumption Less dangerous to teach the content and assume will grasp some of it than to assume cannot learn and not offer instruction

5 Strategies to Adapt MASSIs Enhance/modify the materials and activity Work towards a selection response and symbol use Target mastery of the EU, but also offer grade aligned content Use a lot of repetition

6 Enhance/Modify the Materials and Activity Procure the materials to do the real activity to give meaning to the math concept Personal connections Modify the activity if it is not relevant to students’ challenges Give students the opportunity to perform the activity while working on the math concept in each lesson

7 Work Towards a Selection Response Targeting active vs. passive responses Observe every response student makes to find what can be used for communication –Any movement or sound –Work with AT specialist to find AAC device/ switch student might use Begin with 2 choice array and implausible distractor

8 Target Mastery of the EU but Teach Grade Aligned Content As Well EU focus on the basic concept and can often be demonstrated using the materials –Then translate to a selection between materials/ pictures so can show on the assessment Do teach grade-aligned content –Least Dangerous Assumption –Opportunity for teaching social and communicative skills like my turn/your turn, attending, and motor responses –But be prepared to be surprised by learning!

9 Use a lot of Repetition Student may need to make the response multiple times every day across several weeks –Several trials of EU skills in beginning of MASSI May need to use zero delay prompting across days or most to least intrusive prompting –But do fade prompts so student can try response without help! Consistency and Persistence!

10 Celebrate Small Gains The student who comes “awake” and focuses on the lesson A student who can make a selection response for the first time The student who can demonstrate the EU or use a new symbol

11 Keep it Motivational for You and the Student Vary the activity while focusing on the same content Use textures, colors, sounds, music, scents that appeal to the student in the lesson Reward the student for working hard with high preference activities Reward yourself for giving your best to teach all students grade-aligned content!

12 Thank you for viewing the webinar on Adapting MASSIs for Students with the Most Severe Disabilities!

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