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ZEROTRADE A Public Private Governance Model for Zero Carbon Trade Sector 2 nd Steering Group Meeting - Odense 19 th -20 th December 2011

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1 ZEROTRADE A Public Private Governance Model for Zero Carbon Trade Sector 2 nd Steering Group Meeting - Odense 19 th -20 th December 2011

2 BEST PRACTICES INDENTIFIED A. 2.2 Partners identify Best Practices (BP) implemented at European level and in their regions to reduce CO2 emissions in Trade Sector and suitable to be transferred. Best Practices identified by the Municipality of Cesena: Eco Purchase Trentino Last Minute Market

3 ECO PURCHASE TRENTINO The main aim of the project is to reduce CO2 emissions in Trade Sector. To reach this goal a voluntary agreement between the Autonomous Province of Trento and retailers was introduced. The “Eco-purchases” label enables consumers to know those “virtuous” outlets where make sensible purchases to reduce waste and to have a better recycling. 108 retail shops signed the Voluntary Agreement

4 The outlets awarded with the “Eco-purchases” label undertake actions addressed primarily to waste reduction and then to a better recycle. There are some compulsory activities to be satisfied by the retail shops and a minimum number of optional activities to be fulfilled in order to have the recognition of the brand “Eco-purchases”. Examples of compulsory activities: - processing technique and food-processing in order to reduce CO2 emissions; - sustainable food packaging (canvas bag, carton boxes, compostable wrapping, etc…); - intelligent use of communication material (avoid polluting inks, use of certified paper, etc…); - selling of on draft products and returnable bottles (water, milk, oil, soaps, detergents, etc…) and appropriate communication; - selling of rechargeable batteries and appropriate communication; - selling of products near the use-by date with low prices or selling to charity associations; - proper training of the retail shop staff to avoid waste; … etc… Description of the project

5 The Autonomous Province of Trento has improved the results through a detailed plan of communication to citizens and organizations to have a larger impact on the initiative. Communication and education activities in schools have been carried out. The resources allocated for communication were 100.000 euro and they went through radio, TV and newspapers. A local comedienne was involved in the communication campaign and a series of seminars with public forums and comic sketches were held to involve citizens. The communication material was also translated in English and German to involve tourists in the initiative. Communication of the project

6 The retail shops provide each year monitoring data to the Autonomous Province of Trento, to underline results and the improvements of the initiative. This will allow to have a constant measure of the effectiveness of the initiative. A Provincial “Eco-purchase” Committee is established to issue the brand to the retail shops, to update a public list of the “virtuous” shops, to elect qualified controllers that have to monitor the efficiency of the shops during time. The Provincial “Eco-purchase” Committee nominates qualified controllers in order to monitor the efficiency of the shops. If a discordance to the “Eco-purchase” requirements is found by the controller, the retail shop will have 2 months to remove the incompliance. If within 2 months the incompliance is not removed, the label will be revoked by the Provincial “Eco-purchase” Committee. Each month a negotiations forum is organized between the Autonomous Province of Trento and retailers, to focus and analyze activities, to monitor results and to introduce eventually new convenient actions and measures. Monitoring of the project

7 LAST MINUTE MARKET The main aim of the initiative is to reduce food and goods waste through the valorization of unsold goods to have positive environmental and social impact. The project was developed as a research project of the University of Bologna to analyze all the steps of the agricultural supply chain and to indentify where and why goods waste arise.

8 The logistical and organizational models allow to retrieve all the categories of unsold goods with security and quality, including fresh goods. Last Minute Market does not manage directly products and does not have store or means to transport and collect goods. Last Minute Market allows the meeting between supply and demand and is in charge of the meticulous security measures of all the steps of the system. The project is divided in 4 phases: 1st phase: individuation of the “potential offer” of goods (unsold goods, damaged packaging, etc); 2nd phase: individuation of the “potential demand”. All the underprivileged have not access to the traditional retail shops, therefore they represent an unexpressed demand; 3rd phase: definition of the strategy to reduce waste and costs. The operative model is a win-win system, since all the users have more benefits and less costs (retail shops, large retailers, fruit and vegetables markets, charity foundations, etc..); 4th phase: security process of the retrieving system, administrative control of the different phases and logistical organization. Description of the project

9 Through the years the model was expanded to others type of goods and to trade and manufacturing processes. Now the system involves various companies, societies, schools canteen, shops, supermarkets, pharmacies, publishing houses, etc. The saving of goods regards different sectors and different stage of the manufacturing and processing system. The production phase, the processing phase, the retailing phase and the consumption phase. In this way the target audience is various and involve different levels: the manufacturer, the retailer, the consumer and also the non-profit and voluntary sector. Communication of the project

10 The impact that Last Minute Market has on the territory is monitored and an indicator of its success is the increasing application demands. The monitoring programme analyze costs saving. Here some data as example: - hospitals: from the canteen of the Bologna hospital Last Minute Market saved 30 meals/day achieving a saving of 35 000 euro/year; - pharmacy: from the collection of pharmaceuticals in municipal pharmacies a 11 300 euro/year saving is achieved; - schools: in 8 school canteens a saving of 8 tonne/year of cooked products is achieved, corresponding to 15 000 meals/year; Due to Last Minute Market work in some cases an agreement between public authorities and companies was signed, to have lower fees for waste disposals. Monitoring of the project

11 ZEROTRADE AT LOCAL LEVEL: IO RIDUCO! IO RIDUCO! (“I REDUCE!”) is the local network that aims to involve stakeholders, retailers, consumers and environmental associations in setting up a virtuous process to reduce environmental impacts in trade sector. This will lead to an overall increase of awareness on consumers, retailers and producers as well.

12 WHY IO RIDUCO! The reasons for this proposal stem mainly from two elements: - To test a "collaboration model" with private actors and first of all with large retailers and traders that, locally and on larger areas, can influence their own customers' consumption styles, then lifestyles and their suppliers' production choices; - To launch a strong message to consumers, jointly working out "system" tools easy to progressively implement, able to drive continuous improvements and to be communication tools.

13 HOW TO GET THE IO RIDUCO! LABEL In order to get "Io Riduco!" label, two evaluation tools exist so that the firms' evaluation can be objective, scientific and shared: -a Checklist base for the large retail of different sizes according to the retail type: hypermarkets, supermarkets and small supermarkets; -a Decalogue for small retailers.

14 IO RIDUCO! LABEL Io Riduco! label is an environmental type 1 labels, according to ISO 14024:2001 standard (eco-labels), since it meets the following principles and procedures: Neutrality principle Voluntary Basis Pre-defined threshold Life cycle Shops joining Io Riduco! network have to guarantee lower consumption, wastes sorting, eco-friendly products and technologies offer to their customers.

15 BENEFITS FOR THE SHOPS Joining Io Riduco! Project, shops have as a first benefit a large support from their stakeholders, especially customers, for carrying out an initiative of Corporate Social Responsibility. Visibility will be provided through the tools implemented by Cesena Municipality and through the project information and reciprocal promotional actions by all the network stores. Any other benefit can be decided during the work table debates, in the presence of all the project’s promoters and supporters (large retailers, shops' representatives, municipality etc.).

16 THE STEPS OF THE IO RIDUCO! NETWORK 1.Make a list of possible stakeholders and contact them to spread out the aim of the Io Riduco! Network 2.Involving stakeholders in a participating process in order to share and define a checklist of reduction action in trade sector and a voluntary agreement 3.Sign the voluntary agreement and improve the strategy of CO 2 reduction during the process (it is not a static network, but is all-changing and modifiable model) 4.Collect the adhesions from retail outlets and the number of checklist actions satisfied 5.Give the Io Riduco! diploma/certification to retail outlets that satisfy the minimum point to be reached in the checklist

17 THE STEPS OF THE IO RIDUCO! NETWORK 5.Spread the initiative to citizens and make them aware of this virtuous network in order to push them to look for Io Riduco! retail outlets in their purchasing 6.Monitor and control the effectiveness of the action taken by the retail outlets, with a particular focus on the staff training 7.Keep the checklist updated with new actions and involve different size and type of retailers 8.Spread the project to other public authorities and make them imitate this practice


19 IO RIDUCO! NETWORK  Municipality as a coordinator and connection between:  Large retailers (Coop Adriatica – Conad – Economy – A&O/Famila – Sma/Simply)  Trade associations (Confartigianato – Cna – Ascom – Confesercenti)  Small retailers (Commercio equo)  Consumers associations (Federconsumatori – Adoc – Legaconsumatori)  Territorial associations and local authority (ATO – Province of FC)  Increase awareness reaching different targets: Consumers Producers Retailers This approach will link consumers, retailers and producers in a virtuous network of awareness, going greener, due to the mutual and ongoing pressure and influence.

20 LAUNCH OF THE IO RIDUCO! NETWORK 25 th November 2011, within the European week for Waste Reduction the Io Riduco! Network was inaugurated with a conference held by Luca Mercalli, author of the book “Prepariamoci” and regular guest in “Che tempo che fa” tv programme.

21 Municipality of Cesena Councillor for Environmental Sustainibility and European Projects Lia Montalti +39 0547 356400 Municipality of Cesena Department for Environment Safety and Territory Elena Giovannini + 39 0547 356215 Web: FOR FURTHER INFORMATIONS

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