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O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 1 - Towards a resource loaded schedule Status of project planning and procurement O. Kester 8.

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Presentation on theme: "O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 1 - Towards a resource loaded schedule Status of project planning and procurement O. Kester 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 1 - Towards a resource loaded schedule Status of project planning and procurement O. Kester 8 th FAIR - Machine Advisory Committee Meeting November 26 th, 2012 to November 27 th, 2012

2 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 2 - Outline 1.Charge from the GSI supervisory board 2.New structures at GSI – FAIR @ GSI 3.FAIR Project planning - Master schedule - Budget requirements - Personnel 4.Resource and procurement planning 5.QM/QA 6.Integrated tool for planning 7.Outlook

3 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 3 - Tasks given by the Supervisory Board (04/12)  Create a project structure according to the requirements of the FAIR project at GSI  Focus GSI man power to the FAIR project work  1. Priority  Project Management Structures (recruiting) (For the project and administration)  2. Priority  Accelerator and Common systems  3. Priority  Contributions to experiments  Consolidation of a master schedule  Requirements and resource planning (FTEs)  resource loaded schedule

4 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 4 - Adjustment of GSI as host lab Constitution of a multi-project related organisational structure Establish the new department “Project Portfolio Controlling” Standardize coordination and steering processes Implementation of an integrated project-planning-tool Optimizing the administrative area and the according management systems to strengthen the support to the FAIR project

5 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 5 - GSI Administration kaufmännische Geschäftsführung P. Hassenbach Bauplanung M. Stenersen Technische Infrastruktur G. Walter Gebäude und Anlagentechnik R. Becker Mechanische Werkstatt und Schlosserei M. Romig Zentrale Dienste B. Hachmeister Sicherheit N.N. Recht N.N. Personal W. Dahlem Patente und Technologie- transfer D. Rück Personal/Recht/ Patente A. Lambert Strat. Personal- entwicklung A. Lambert Administrative IT K. Miers Finanzen C. Berz (ab 1.1.2013) Finanzen/ Einkauf/Admin. IT F. Forster Einkauf und Material- wirtschaft M. Spatar Zentrale Mittelkoordination D. Müller (ab 1.1.2013) Controlling/ Organisation J. Henschel (ab 1.1.2013 ) Unternehmens- controlling H. Kühlen Projekt- Portfolio- Controlling M. Gemmer Organisation J. Henschel (ab 1.1.2013) Qualitäts- management N.N.

6 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 6 - Objectives of FAIR@GSI To realize the sub project FAIR ACC successfully as the most important project of GSI Focusing of GSI to the needs of the project Clear structure, planning, processes, documentation, communication, resources and schedule To adhere to the commitments given to the BMBF  cost, scope and schedule FAIR@GSI delivers the GSI contribution to FAIR up to the start of beam commissioning!

7 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 7 - Structure of FAIR @ GSI – project organisation Status 2012/11/09

8 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 8 - Rare Isotope Beams Primary Beams Linac& Operations Stored Beams Accelerator Divisions

9 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 9 - Project organization development  7 divisions, 35 departments and groups  re-directing of 113 employees from research divisions and 30 employees from TI to FAIR@GSI  alignment of inter divisional work – matrix management Harmonized master schedule Detailed resource planning Detailed structure and assignment of the work packages  Co-ordination/prioritization of procurements  in progress  Load planning data in the new planning tool  in progress Status FAIR@GSI

10 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 10 - Technical Supervision – HOAI Contract  Technical support of FAIR accelerator in all project phases  Technical documents and specifications  System planning – interface support  Integration to complete system (Digital Mock Up – DMU ) ► Comprises basically the full configuration-management ► Technical realization for GSI in-kind contributions (for the Super-FRS e.g. Target area, Multiplets, …)

11 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 11 - Information of FAIR S&B is required Master schedule (without experiments and HESR)

12 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 12 - Framework time scheduling (without experiments and HESR) The master schedule is...  aligned for all FAIR accelerators  coupling of machine projects, consistent with the construction planning  the framework for the schedule details  the basis for the procurement planning and steering  the basis for the resource planning

13 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 13 - Long-term analysis of the cash flow and the feed from the different funds Planning of investment budget Overview and analysis of variance FAIR@GSI Investment General overview of the cash flow Accelerator Systems Expected cash flow GSI funds (PoF) Accelerator (HGF) PMA Land (State) PMA Bund (Federal gov.)

14 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 14 - Manpower requirements FAIR@GSI General profile FAIR@GSI (2012 status quo, as of 2013 assessment of personnel Personnel [FTE]

15 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 15 - Zusätzlicher Personalbedarf 15 General profile FAIR@GSI (2012 status quo, as of 2013 assessment of personnel

16 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 16 - Manpower requirements planning Example: Common Systems

17 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 17 -  Personnel increase in  Common Systems, Engineering, Project Coordination  Primary Beams, due to SC magnets  Planning based on the framework time scheduling  Commissioning SIS100 in the year 2018  Priorities of all divisions have been included  Plans for recruitment and redirecting is work in progress Manpower requirements planning FAIR@GSI

18 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 18 - Procurement items Specification documents Status of documents Assignment matrix Procurements – specification tracking matrix

19 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 19 - Control of the work on technical document according to the procurement schedule Prioritisation of the procurement of the FAIR projectIdentification of the required specifications of each procurement itemTracking of the status of each document Steering of the work on the technical documents Tendering processes Priorities given by the project leader FAIR@GSI (done for procurement until July 2013) Next evaluation will extend the list of procurement until end of 2014. All specs for the procurement until July 2013 have been identified. Release process and status of specs is checked by the project coordination every week. The authors of the specs get a priority list according to the procurement schedule. Short term goal are defined and personnel is released from other duties, if the work on the documents is critical. Progress in establishing the documents is consistent with the contract milestones in the master schedule

20 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 20 - In-Kind-contribution by GSI example SIS100 dipole modules GSI contribution:  system design (fixation of parameters)  technical specifications  tendering and contracting  technical follow up, quality assurance  FAT, SAT  documentation 109 units  contract given to BNG  FDR accepted

21 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 21 - 14 RF-resonators Specifications ready, tendering process in preparation Procurement via FAIR GmbH example SIS100 acceleration RF units GSI contribution:  system design (fixation of parameters)  technical specifications  technical follow up, quality assurance  FAT, SAT  follow up of documentation

22 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 22 - Running tendering processesPSP-CodePublishedest. price SC strands SIS100 magnets2.8.2.726.07.20122300 k€ Current Leads SIS100 dipole testbench2.14.13.2006.08.2012250 k€ Cryoplant SIS100 dipole testbench2.14.13.2008.08.20127300 k€ Upgrade SIS18 dipole power supplies2. k€ Design SIS100 quadrupole module2. k€ Cryogenic plant HeSu + Compressor2. k€ Summe16880 k€ System or componentPSP-CodeSignedBudget [k€] CR Debuncher Cavity and amplifier2. SIS100 dipole modules2. Vacuum chambers SIS100 dipoles2. 20123.009 GSI In-kind procurement – long lead items

23 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 23 - Item or systemPSP-Code SIS100 Bunch Compressor System2. Building for SIS100 dipole cryo plant2.14.13.2 Superferric multiplets Super-FRS2.4.2.x Ionisation Profile Monitor SIS182.14.11.x Quench Detection System2. Adsorption pumps SIS1002. Cryo collimators SIS1002.7.4.1.x Super-FRS magnet testing (CERN coll.)  Work load on planning of tendering processes and start of procurements for the GSI In-Kind contributions is increasing.  Good support from the GSI procurement department GSI in-kind procurement in preparation

24 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 24 - ItemPartnerComment SIS100 ferrite cavitiesFAIR-procurementSpecifications released HEBT magnets and vacuum chambers (Batch 1) Efremov, Budker Specifications released, contract prepared, but QA and logistic are not clarified. SIS100 quadrupol modules + magnet testing JINR, Dubna Design of module, clarification of financial issues concerning the Dubna part. HEBT power suppliesBOSE/ECIL India Contract between BOSE/ECIL has been signed, no priority concerning the master schedule, but specs for prototypes required! Systems for beam diagnostics and controls Slowenia Planned release of specs: 07.12.2012, signing contract: 12/2012 Contract preparation in progress Beam diagnostics SIS100FAIR-procurement Tests of SIS100 diagnostic systems  then completion of technical documents Proton-Linac klystrons and CH-cavities France In-kind contribution is not clear, bilateral agreement between GSI and CNRS+CEA pending.  High risk concerning schedule and QA  Intense in-kind coordination required GSI contribution to FAIR procurement and internatonal in-kind contributions

25 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 25 -  Connection of the FAIR accelerator and their buildings to the SIS18  Upgrade of shielding for radiation protection in the building SIS18  Modification of the HKR (Main control room) Feasibility study - schedule - construction measures - construction costs (14,3 M€) - reconstruction HKR (1,6 M€) The reconstruction of the existing HKR is a risk for the project. Alternative solution: New control room in the FAIR building 17_1 Machbarkeitsstudie (Drees & Sommer, 06/2012) Link to existing facility

26 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 26 - Implementation of QA: Functions and job description are discussed with the PL (November 15 th, 2012) Alignment of required QA processes Define the scope of reviews, audits and inspections (measures, functions, identification marks, etc.) Plan for each component  WPLs are included in the process (Q1/ 2013). First operative actions: CR- Debuncher: contracts are available  matching of the quality-related reviews Check and update the project cockpit  which specifications have to established and approved? Align the inspection scope of all components with the technical departments Align the QA with the vendor Status quality assurance – Fair@GSI

27 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 27 - Name of the work package Specification - dates Status quality assurance – Project cockpit Details of the WP

28 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 28 -  First draft concept has been discussed and approved  Implementation of first phase ongoing  Release process has been defined Integrated tool for the planning process Budget according to the plan Milestone: payment

29 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 29 - Planning tool - overview  Schedule, costs and resources combined in one tool (MS-Project-Server)  Objective: up-to-date and consistent data base for project coordination and control  Planning is done by the WPLs  permanent update and control of the WP  Coupling to SAP  automatic transfer of financial data to MS-Project (Obligo and Ist)  Release of new plans via project leaders (multistage release process)

30 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 30 - Outlook – key points for the next half a year 1. Project structure FAIR@GSI established  detailed definition of task and detailed planning in retreats 2. Recruitment and build-up of the project coordination 3. Redirecting and recruitment  position description, web announcements 4. Establishing the communication processes (reporting) 5. Matching of the master schedule with civil construction planning 6. Implementation of the planning tool 7. Follow up of the specification process and procurement 8. Establishing of the configuration management and QM/QA 9. Planning on office and preparation and storage space

31 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 31 - Additional slides

32 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 32 - Personnel status of the Project Coordination Position descriptions in preparation Running recruitment

33 O. Kester, 8 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 26.-27.11.2012 - 33 - Tasks of division “Project Coordination” The division is responsible for -completeness, consistence, sufficient detailing, actuality, documentation and communication of the planning including follow up -definition, agreement, establishment and follow up of corresponding standards, processes and tools Project ControlConfiguration Management Processes & Communication Quality Assurance Milestones Cost control ressources Risk management procurement System design Technical design documentation data storage drawings contracts Internal interfaces Meeting structure reporting Interfaces to external partners Public relations Technical follow up Qualifications Acceptance tests Test procedures approvals => The division plans and steers all task of FAIR@GSI on a superior level

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