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The presentation is made by teacher Julia Apt, gymnasium 74, St. Petersburg, Russia Юлия Ефимовна Апт, гимназия №74, С-Петербург

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Presentation on theme: "The presentation is made by teacher Julia Apt, gymnasium 74, St. Petersburg, Russia Юлия Ефимовна Апт, гимназия №74, С-Петербург"— Presentation transcript:


2 The presentation is made by teacher Julia Apt, gymnasium 74, St. Petersburg, Russia Юлия Ефимовна Апт, гимназия №74, С-Петербург

3 Заметки для учителя В игре 2 уровня. На усмотрение учителя можно играть оба уровня сразу или каждый уровень на отдельном уроке. Возможно также играть разные уровни в разных параллелях. Играть могут 2-4 команды. Предварительная подготовка Для каждой команды готовим комплект карточек с цифрами 1, 2, 3, 4. (Это нужно для того, чтобы все команды могли отвечать одновременно. При ответах они будут сдавать ведущему или учителю карточки с номером выбранного ими ответа). Порядок игры Команды по очереди выбирают вопрос. На каждый вопрос отвечают все команды. Командам, ответы которых были правильные, начисляем очки. Команды, ответившие неправильно, получают 0 баллов. Команда, набравшая наибольшее количество очков, побеждает в игре. Ход игры Учитель либо ведет игру сам, либо предлагает одному из учеников стать ведущим. Задача ведущего – нажимать на вопросы, собирать карточки, открывать правильный ответ и записывать очки. Делим класс на команды. (Я обычно прошу сесть за стол каждой команды по 1 человеку. Остальных учеников прошу построиться у стенки. Затем ученики за столами по очереди вызывают игроков в свою команду.) Команды придумывают название и выбирают капитана. Команды по очереди выбирают вопрос. Ведущий нажимает на номер вопроса и открывает его. Учитель читает задание. У команд есть 30 секунд, чтобы дать ответ. В слайды встроены часы: через 20 секунд звучит предупредительный сигнал, а через 30 – сигнал к сдаче ответа. После сигнала команды сдают ведущему карточки с номером выбранного ими ответа. Ведущий нажимает «Show the answer”. Ведущий записывает на доске набранные очки. (Для удобства ведущего на каждом слайде написано количество очков за данный вопрос – в правом верхнем углу). Ведущий нажимает «домик» в правом нижнем углу, и программа возвращается к главному меню. Когда 1 уровень закончен, нажимаем “to level 2” и переходим ко 2 уровню. В конце игры подсчитывает очки и выявляем победителя.

4 Symbols 10 Traditions Santa Claus Reindeer 2030405060 102030405060 102030405060 1020304050 60

5 Christmas tree 20 Christmas around the world Christmas music Christmas history 406080100120 20406080100120 20406080100120 20406080100 120


7 How many points does a snowflake have? 65 108 1342 Show the answer 6 10 points

8 Which one is a holly? 1 43 2 Show the answer 20 points 4

9 What kind of origin does the Christmas tree have? Egyptian Buddhist Christian Pagan 1342 Show the answer Pagan 30 points

10 Which one cannot be eaten? Christmas Pudding Gingerbread Man Candy Cane Christmas Cracker 1342 Show the answer Christmas Cracker 40 points

11 Red Green White Yellow What colour are the berries of the mistletoe plant? 1342 Show the answer White 50 points

12 Great Britain The USA Switzerland Germany Which country did the gingerbread house come from? 1342 Show the answer Germany 60 points


14 Give a hug Empty your pockets Give a kiss Spin around one time What should you do under a mistletoe? 1342 Show the answer Give a kiss 10 points

15 A coin A cracker A small present A star What should you do under a mistletoe? What is traditionally hidden in the Christmas pudding? Show the answer A coin 20 points

16 The youngest child The oldest child The oldest person in the family The most important guest Who is supposed to open the first Christmas Gift? 1342 Show the answer The youngest child 30 points

17 1942 1952 1962 1972 I n which year did Queen Elizabeth II make her first Christmas speech? 1342 Show the answer 1952 40 points 2012

18 The Christmas tree in London's Trafalgar Square is traditionally given to Britain by ……... AustriaSweden Norway Denmark 1342 Show the answer Norway 50 points Norway Great Britain

19 Christmas shopping Christmas Fair on a frozen River Thames Christmas tree on Trafalgar Square Christmas food market The Christmas period of 1813-14 saw the last ……… in London. 1342 Show the answer Christmas Fair on a frozen River Thames 60 points


21 Pepsi Coca-Cola 7-Up Fanta Which of these companies was the first to use Santa Clause in an advertisement? 1342 Show the answer Coca-Cola 10 points

22 On the chimney In the garden On the roof On the North Pole Where does Santa land his sleigh? 1342 Show the answer On the roof 20 points

23 In the North of Canada In Greenland In the North of USA On the North Pole According to the legend, where is Santa’s workshop? 1342 Show the answer On the North Pole 30 points

24 How does Santa Claus get into the house? He goes through the wall. He comes through the window. He goes down the chimney. He comes through the door. 1342 Show the answer He goes down the chimney. 50 points

25 What should little children leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve? Chocolate Christmas pudding Cookies and milk Roast turkey 1342 Show the answer Cookies and milk 50 points

26 Great Britain Turkey Russia Germany Where did the real St. Nicholas live? 1342 Show the answer Turkey 60 points

27 Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen Comet Cupid Donner (variously spelled Dunder and Donder) Blitzen (variously spelled Blixem and Blixen) Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer The names of Donner and Blitzen derive from Germanic words for thunder and lightning.thunderlightning Reindeer

28 Which one is a reindeer? 1 43 2 Show the answer 10 points 1

29 Blitzen Rudolph Vixen Donner Which reindeer appeared after all the others? 1342 Show the answer Rudolph 20 points

30 Dancer Roger Comet Dasher Which reindeer does not belong below? 1342 Show the answer Roger 30 points "On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer and Vixen On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen! To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall Now, dash away, dash away, dash away all!"

31 It helped Santa to see through the fog. It was really beautiful. It warmed every- body during the snowstorm. What was so good about the red nose that Rudolph had? 1342 Show the answer It helped Santa to see through the fog. It helped Santa not to fall off the sleigh. 40 points

32 8 9 10 12 How many reindeer originally pull Santa's sleigh? 1342 Show the answer 8 50 points "On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer and Vixen On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen! To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall Now, dash away, dash away, dash away all!"

33 Caribou and reindeer are the same species of deer. Reindeer can live as long as 30 years. There are reindeer in Mongolia and Northern China. Reindeer milk is used to make cheese. Which of the following statements about reindeer is NOT true? 1342 Show the answer Reindeer can live as long as 30 years. 60 points

34 Christmas tree

35 Where are most Christmas trees grown? Lapland Northern taiga Wild forests Tree farms 1342 Show the answer Tree farms 20 points

36 Sweets Green leaves Apples and other fruit Chocolates What was used as the first Christmas tree ornaments? 1342 Show the answer Apples and other fruit 40 points

37 Which one CANNOT be used as a Christmas tree? 1 43 2 Show the answer It is a larch (лиственница). It is not evergreen. 60 points 3

38 In which country did the tradition of Christmas Tree start? DenmarkEngland Scotland Germany 1342 Show the answer 80 points

39 Beauty Life Presents Happiness Christmas Tree remains unchanged through the harshness of winter. What does it symbolize? 1342 Show the answer Life 100 points

40 What were the first artificial Christmas trees made of? Cotton Plastic Goose feathers Chicken feathers 1342 Show the answer Goose feathers 120 points

41 Christmas around the world

42 Which one is the Christmas tree near the White House? 1 43 2 Show the answer 20 points 4

43 Which one is the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square? 1 4 3 2 Show the answer 40 points 3

44 In Israel, special celebrations are held at the site of Jesus's birth. In which town or city do these celebrations take place? Tel Aviv Nazareth Jerusalem 1342 Bethlehem Show the answer Bethlehem 60 points

45 The name “Santa Claus” is mostly popular in America. What is the name of the Christmas character of British origin? Saint Nicholas Father Christmas First Foot 1342 Father Frost Show the answer Father Christmas 80 points

46 The poinsettia, the most beautiful Christmas plant, is the native plant of …... Mexico Great Britain USA 1342 Canada Show the answer Mexico 100 points An artificial tree made of poinsettias.

47 In the Netherlands Santa Claus is known as Sinterklaas. How does he deliver presents to children? On horseback On foot In a sleigh pulled by reindeer 1342 In a sleigh pulled by a horse Show the answer On horseback 120 points


49 Frosty Snowy Santa Jolly Elf What is the name of the Christmas snowman? 1342 Show the answer Frosty 20 points

50 Which ones are “Jingle bells” 1 43 Show the answer 40 points 2 2

51 They spoke rude words about Rudolph. They wanted Rudolph to remem- ber his name. They spoke nice words about Rudolph. They wanted Rudolph to choose a new name. What do the underlined words mean? “All of the other reindeer Used to laugh and call him names” 1342 Show the answer They spoke rude words about Rudolph. 60 points

52 What Christmas Ballet is the most famous of all? Swan Lake The Nutcracker Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer Mr. and Mrs. Claus 1342 Show the answer The Nutcracker 80 points

53 “Now the ground is white, Go it while you are young, Take the girls tonight And sing this …… song.” merry winter sleighingChristmas 1342 Show the answer sleighing 100 points

54 Which song was NOT originally written for Christmas? Jingle Bells Silent Night Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer We Wish You a Merry Christmas 1342 Show the answer Jingle Bells 120 points It was originally written for Thanksgiving.

55 What brought Frosty the Snowman to life? A magic wandA hat A carrot A scarf 1342 Show the answer A hat 40 points

56 What is Frosty the Snowman's nose made of? A stickA potato A carrot A button 1342 Show the answer A button

57 History

58 William the Conqueror Alfred the Great Richard the Lionheart Edward the Confessor Which king was crowned on Christmas day in 1066? 1342 Show the answer William the Conqueror 20 points

59 Queen Victoria Queen Elizabeth I King Henry VIII William the Conqueror Which monarch started off the fashion for Christmas trees in Great Britain? 1342 Show the answer Queen Victoria 40 points

60 Queen Elizabeth I Mary Stuart King Henry VIII Oliver Cromwell Who banned Christmas in England between 1647 and 1660? 1342 Show the answer Oliver Cromwell 60 points The English Revolution

61 Sleipnir Tor OdinSaturn Which of Scandinavian gods was the main character of midwinter celebrations in Scandinavian countries ? 1342 Show the answer Odin 80 points

62 reach the North Pole on a sleigh orbit the Moon buy their wives exactly what they wanted for Christmas break the “most Christmas pudding eaten in 24 hours" world record On Christmas Eve in 1968, three Americans became the first men to …. 1342 Show the answer orbit the Moon 100 points

63 In the 4 th century In the 2 nd century In the 1 st century In the 3 rd century When did the first Christians begin celebrating Christmas? 1342 Show the answer In the 4 th century 120 points

64 The END

65 Resources:

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