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Humanistic Approach to Personality Believe we have control over self – Consciousness, Awareness, Free Will Focus on how people reach their full potential.

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Presentation on theme: "Humanistic Approach to Personality Believe we have control over self – Consciousness, Awareness, Free Will Focus on how people reach their full potential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Humanistic Approach to Personality Believe we have control over self – Consciousness, Awareness, Free Will Focus on how people reach their full potential

2 The Zombie infection has spread across Europe and is now beginning to take over the United States. You and your closest friends or family members have decided to load up your mini-van to out-run the epidemic and create an anti-zombie fortress. Due to limited space, you are allowed to bring 1 bag that can only fit 10 items maximum. WHAT DO YOU BRING?

3 Level 1: Basic Physical Needs Food, Air, Water, Sleep Level 2: Safety & Security Needs Predictability, Stability, Freedom from Fear Level 3: Social Needs Love, Friendship, Acceptance Level 4: Esteem Needs Achievement, Recognition Level 5: Self Actualization Self-aware, Reflective, Open to Criticism


5 Carl Roger’s Person-Centered Approach TRUE SELF Who you really are IDEAL SELF Who you want to be Congruence: When your True Self and Ideal Self become the same Incongruence: Having tension between the two; causes anxiety

6 What do you need to merge your True & Ideal Selves? People need to feel accepted – Unconditional Positive Regard: attitude of total acceptance People need genuineness – People who are able to freely express opinions and share information People need empathy – Need people who are trying to understand your thoughts & feelings.

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