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The Strategic Classroom : Balancing Individual Needs and Academic Standards Stephanie Hathcock, BCBA |

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1 The Strategic Classroom : Balancing Individual Needs and Academic Standards Stephanie Hathcock, BCBA |

2 Autism Spectrum Disorder Deficits Social-emotional reciprocity Non verbal communication Developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships Severity Based on social communication and restricted repetitive patterns of behavior “But may not become fully manifest until social demands exceed limited capacities or be masked by learned strategies in later life.” With or without Intellectual impairment Language impairment Medical/genetic condition Other neurological, mental, or behavior disorders Catatonia *adapted from dsm.html


4 WHAT IF YOU… Autism is ‘gray’ and must be interpreted with each individual

5 Problematic Behaviors Define each problem behavior Assess each problem behavior (A – B – C) Replace each problem behavior



8 Replacement Behaviors Define each positive behavior you wish to see. Assess each positive behavior to determine if the student has the skills to independently respond. Break it down into achievable steps and determine prompts needed to support the student.

9 Example Replacement Behaviors 1. Sitting, working, attending, completing task 2. Requesting (i.e., “Break please”) 3. Commenting (i.e. “I’m mad, “I’m tired of working”) 4. Increased work stamina 5. Compliance when redirected

10 Example Support Tools 1. First/then 2. Visual rewards 3. Model phrases in the moment 4. Visual Timer 5. Token system/Caught you doing good

11 Breaking down Skills & Goals Task analysis is the process of breaking a skill into smaller, more manageable steps in order to teach the skill. As the smaller steps are mastered, the learner becomes increasingly independent in his or her ability to perform the larger skill. *This should be used to problem solve any situation

12 Task Analysis: Brushing Teeth 1.Obtains materials 2.Takes cap off toothpaste 3.Puts paste on brush 4.Replaces toothpaste cap 5.Wets brush 6.Brushes left outer surfaces 7.Brushes front outer surfaces 8.Brushes right outer surfaces 9.Brushes lower right chewing surfaces 10.Brushes lower left chewing surfaces 11.Brushes upper left chewing surfaces 12.Brushes upper right chewing surfaces 13.Brushes upper right inside surfaces 14.Brushes upper front inside surfaces 15.Brushes upper left inside surfaces 16.Brushes lower left inside surfaces 17.Brushes lower front inside surfaces 18.Brushes lower right inside surfaces 19.Rinses toothbrush 20.Wipes mouth and hands 21.Returns materials

13 Task Analysis: Classroom Activities 1.Arrival 2.Morning Work 3.Bathroom Break 4.Work stations 5.Read to self 6.Lunch 7.Independent work 8.Dismissal


15 Prompting Types & Levels Top 5 Teacher Requests 1.Work Independently 1.Stay in seat 2.Keep desk organized 3.Keep hands to self 4.Turn in homework

16 The Social-Emotional Climate Carl Rogers, a well known psychologist and founder of the Client- centered approach to counseling. 3 Basic conditions to the client-counselor (student-teacher) relationship 1.Accurate Empathy- how accurately one person can accurately infer the thoughts and feelings of another person. 2.Unconditional Positive Regard- accepting and respecting others as they are without judgment or evaluation. The opposite says that they only feel worthy if they match the conditions laid down for them by others. 3.Genuineness- Exuding a personality that is transparent, open, authentic, and sincere. *adapted from The Process of Counseling and Therapy 4 th ed., J. Moursund & M. Kenny, 2002

17 Emotional IQ: What’s yours? Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. This ability also allows us to recognize and understand what others are experiencing emotionally. This recognition and understanding is, for the most part, a nonverbal process that informs thinking and influences how well you connect with others. *

18 Relationship Building Strategies Behavior Contract Student input when possible Check in/Check out Positive behavior feedback (“3 stars and a wish”) Confidential cues (‘Sealed Envelope Method’)






24 Recap and Q &A 1.It’s all about the relationship! 2.Assess behaviors to determine the pay off 3.Define 1-3 goals for positive replacement behaviors 4.Break down tasks & goals into small achievable steps 5.Prompt, then fade your level of prompting 6.Make it visual!

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