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Cardio health concerns. Angina pectoris  = mild to severe chest pain caused by ischemia of myocardium  Eti: atherosclerosis  S/S: “crushing” chest.

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Presentation on theme: "Cardio health concerns. Angina pectoris  = mild to severe chest pain caused by ischemia of myocardium  Eti: atherosclerosis  S/S: “crushing” chest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cardio health concerns

2 Angina pectoris  = mild to severe chest pain caused by ischemia of myocardium  Eti: atherosclerosis  S/S: “crushing” chest pain, pain in left arm/neck  Tx: nitroglycerin drugs, o2 therapy

3 Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)  = inability of heart to pump sufficient amounts of blood  Eti: coronary artery disease or hypertension  S/S: edema (feet, legs, ankles), jugular distension, hepatomegaly  TX: open heart surgery, heart transplant Congest/o- = accumulation of fluid -ive = P.T.

4 Endocarditis  = inflammation of the endocardium  Eti: bacterial infection  S/S: high fever, shock, fatigue, aching muscles  TX: antibiotic End/o- = innermost; within Card/i- = heart -itis = inflammation of

5 Murmur  = abnormal heart sound  Eti: caused by turbulence as blood leaks through defective heart valve  TX: surgery to correct the defective heart valve 

6 Arrhythmia a- = without rrhythm/o- = rhythm -ia = condition  = Any type of irregularity in the rate or rhythm of the heart  Tx: antiarrhythmic drugs, cardioversion, or pacemaker

7 Aneurysm  = area of dilation and weakness in the wall of an artery  Eti= can be congenital or caused by damage from arteriosclerosis  Can rupture without warning  S/S: weakness, pain, sweating  Tx: surgical excision of aneurysm and replacement with synthetic graft

8 Arteriosclerosis  = progressive degeneration that produces narrowed, hardened arteries  Eti: chronic hypertension, fatty plaque deposits, genetic predisposition  S/S: difficulty breathing, chest pain, stroke, MI  Tx: lipid-lowering drugs, angioplasty or stent, removal of plaque

9 Varicose Veins  =damaged or incompetent valves in a vein  Eti= blood flowing backward and collecting in a preceding section of vein. Can be caused by injury, long periods of sitting with crossed legs, constant standing, congenital  S/S: distended appearance, bulging/twisting vein, pain, heavy feeling  Tx: laser treatment, destruction of vein and redirecting blood into deeper veins

10 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy hyper- = above; more than normal -trophy = process of development; growth -ic = P.T. cardi/o- = heart my/o- = muscle -pathy = disease

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