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Chapter V Semantics by WJQ. semantics The study of the linguistic meaning of words, phrase and sentences is called semantics.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter V Semantics by WJQ. semantics The study of the linguistic meaning of words, phrase and sentences is called semantics."— Presentation transcript:

1 chapter V Semantics by WJQ

2 semantics The study of the linguistic meaning of words, phrase and sentences is called semantics.

3 Meaning can be studied from different levels: morphemes, words, phrases, sentences and texts. word meaning sentence meaning

4 Different views concerning the study of meaning: *meaning-as-naming view: labels *meaning-as-concept view: the mediation of concepts of the mind semantic triangle

5 *Meaning-as-context view: meaning should be studied in terms of situation, use, context –elements closely linked with language behaviors. J.R.Firth

6 e.g. It is getting cold here. e.g. the seal could not be found. The zookeeper became worried. the seal could not be found, the king became worried.

7 Meaning-as-S-R Behaviorism: (Bloomfield) S--R

8 Analysis of meaning Componential analysis is a way to analyze lexical meaning. In terms of semantic features or semantic components of meaning

9 semantic features are aspects of the meaning that characterize the word. e.g. “mother”– parent / female the aims of componential analysis is to find those features that are necessary and sufficient for presenting the meaning of a given word.

10 CA defines the meaning in terms of presence or absence of particular features. We use + / - to indicate the semantic features of words. CA is useful in that it allows us to capture the similarities and subtle differences among related words.


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