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If you have your Parent Letter signed, tear off the last page only and turn it in to the inbox Please take out your completed RA Poem Brainstorming and.

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Presentation on theme: "If you have your Parent Letter signed, tear off the last page only and turn it in to the inbox Please take out your completed RA Poem Brainstorming and."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you have your Parent Letter signed, tear off the last page only and turn it in to the inbox Please take out your completed RA Poem Brainstorming and your class notes page from yesterday. Turn the paper over, and write down the learning target! Learning Target: Use a variety of techniques, precise language, and syntax choices to build toward a particular effect

2  Bellwork/Check Homework  Drafting time for RA poems  Homework: Type up a draft of your Random Autobiography poem. It needs to be printed out BEFORE you come to class on Monday!

3  Look at your brainstorming, and choose 2 ideas from your list that you’d like to share with the class. Write a few sentences describing the experience/memory.  For example, “Anarchist Riot” When I was travelling in Barcelona, I went to observe a protest in the main plaza. I got right up to the front of the group yelling at the police, and then the two sides started attacking each other and everyone went stampeding down Las Ramblas. I was worried I’d be trampled!

4  Memory: Anarchist Riot  Details I Want to Include: Scary, Stampede, Stupid, Spain  Memory: Anarchist Riot  Details I Want to Include: Scary, Stampede, Stupid, Spain Possible Sentences: Stampeding anarchists almost knocked me down. Anarchists on the loose chased me down Las Ramblas. Las Ramblas rumbled with angry anarchists.

5  Don’t put pressure of perfection on the first draft. Just write something, then you can always go back and fine tune it.  Don’t forget to try to include poetic language devices (list in purple packet). One way to start: write sentences first, then think about re-working them to “jazz them up.”  Start thinking about the order of your ideas. Which ideas would have the biggest impact next to one another?

6  In 2-3 sentences, explain what you did today with your writing (techniques you tried, choices you made, etc.) and why you did that (what effect were you looking to create?) When you complete this, please turn your notes page into the box. Make sure your name is on it!

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