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WHAT ARE YOUR TRAITS? Trait Inventory Log. Catalyst: Look closely at the picture, list the characteristics you observe about Louis, Crista and Cynthia.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT ARE YOUR TRAITS? Trait Inventory Log. Catalyst: Look closely at the picture, list the characteristics you observe about Louis, Crista and Cynthia."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT ARE YOUR TRAITS? Trait Inventory Log

2 Catalyst: Look closely at the picture, list the characteristics you observe about Louis, Crista and Cynthia. Trait Inventory 10/22/14 18R18L

3 Catalyst: Look closely at the picture, list the characteristics you observe about Louis, Crista and Cynthia. Trait Inventory 10/22/14






9 Catalyst: Look closely at the picture, list the characteristics you observe about Louis, Crista and Cynthia. Trait Inventory 10/22/14 Reflection: Class Traits Tongu e EarthumbWido ws peak ro ll No rol l F re e atta che d b e nt str aig ht yesyes nono # % Reflection:

10 Class Traits TongueEarthumbWidows peak rollNo rollFreeattachedbentstraightyesno # %

11 DOMINANT VS RECESSIVE Gene: A section of DNA that codes for a trait Dominant: Recessive:

12 HAND CLASPING TraitStrength Right Thumb on topRecessive Left Thumb on topDominant Left ThumbRight Thumb

13 TONGUE ROLLING TraitStrength Cannot roll tongueRecessive Can roll tongueDominant

14 EARLOBES TraitStrength Attached earlobeRecessive Hanging free earlobeDominant

15 HITCH-HIKERS THUMB TraitStrength Bent ThumbRecessive Straight ThumbDominant

16 WIDOW’S PEAK TraitStrength Straight hair lineRecessive Point in hair lineDominant

17 Catalyst: Look closely at the picture, list the characteristics you observe about Louis, Crista and Cynthia. Trait Inventory 10/22/14 Reflection: Class Traits TongueEarthumbWidow s peak rol l No roll Fr ee attac hed be nt strai ght ye s no # % Reflection:

18 Catalyst: Look closely at the picture, list the characteristics you observe about Louis, Crista and Cynthia. Trait Inventory 10/22/14 Class Traits TongueEarthumbWidow s peak rol l No roll Fr ee attac hed be nt strai ght ye s no # % Reflection: Does the trait from a dominant gene occur more frequently than the trait from the recessive gene? Explain. 18L

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