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1. Introduction. 1. What is a test? A test is a measurement device or tech­nique used to quantify behavior or aid in the understanding and prediction.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Introduction. 1. What is a test? A test is a measurement device or tech­nique used to quantify behavior or aid in the understanding and prediction."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Introduction

2 1. What is a test? A test is a measurement device or tech­nique used to quantify behavior or aid in the understanding and prediction of behavior. A test measures only a sample of behavior, and error is always associated with sampling process. Test scores are not perfect measures of a behavior or characteristic, but they significantly predict the behavior or characteristic.

3 An item is a specific stimulus to which a person responds overtly; this response can be scored or evaluated (for example, classified, graded on a scale, or counted). Because psychological and educational tests are made up of items, the data they produce are explicit and hence subject to scientific inquiry. A psychological test or educational test is a set of items that are designed to measure characteristics of human beings that pertain to behavior.

4 2. Types of Tests Ability tests: Measure skills in terms of speed, accuracy, or both.  Achievement: Measures previous learning  Aptitude: Measures potential for acquiring a specific skill.  Intelligence: Measures potential to solve problems, adapt to changing circumstances, and profit from experience Personality tests: Measure typical behavior-traits, temperaments, and dispositions.  Structured (objective): Provides a self-report statement to which the person responds "True" or "False," "Yes" or "No."  Projective: Provides an ambiguous test stimulus; response requirements are unclear

5 성취도 검사 (Achievement test)- 능력 검사 학교에서 특정한 내용을 학습 한 후에 보는 성취도검사, Ex) 다음 중 가장 강수량이 많은 계절은 ? ( 초등학교 사회 ) 1) 봄, 2) 여름, 3) 가을, 4) 겨울 Ex) 다음을 간단히 하시오. ( 중학교 1 학년 수학 문자와 식 ) 3(A+7)-4A+6=

6 적성검사 (Attitude test)- 능력검사 워크넷 커리어넷 o o

7 지능검사 (Intelligence test)- 능력검사 Raven’s Test K-abc 인물화에 의한 간편지능검사

8 구조화된 성격검사 (structured personality test) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory ( 다면 적 인성검사 ) – True/False, Yes/No, Standardized, gold standard of personality test – MMPI to MMPI-2-RF(N of items from 567 to 338) – ‘I often feel sad.’ – ‘I feel that I am being watched.’ – ‘Other people control me by sending their thoughts into my mind.’ hasic_Personality_Inventory hasic_Personality_Inventory

9 투사적 성격검사 (projective personality test) Rorschach Inkblots - a projective test based upon people's interpretations of ten ambiguous inkblots. Scoring is based upon the imagery used, the referents used, etc. RorschachInkblots Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) - The test subject is asked to make up a story for each of a collection of pictures, describing what happened to lead up to the picture, what is going on at that moment and what might occur in the future. Again, scoring is subjective, based upon imagery and characterizations and descriptions of the images. Sentence Completing Test

10 RorschachRorschach InkblotsInkblots

11 Thematic Apperception Test What has led up to the event shown What is happening at the moment What the characters are feeling and thinking What the outcome of the story was

12 Themes are success and failure, competition and jealousy, feeling about relationships, aggression and sexuality.

13 Children's Apperception Test

14 Sentence completion test

15 Questions What are the types of tests? What is psychological testing? A test measures only a sample of_______, and ______is always associated with sampling process. Test scores are not perfect measures of a behavior or characteristic, but they significantly ________ the behavior or characteristic.

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