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Achieving Through Collaboration. STEM vs. STEAM Why half is not enough!

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving Through Collaboration. STEM vs. STEAM Why half is not enough!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving Through Collaboration

2 STEM vs. STEAM Why half is not enough!

3 Engaging students in creative problem solving has a direct link to an increase in creative learning. CREATIVITY

4 ● Prepare for college and careers ● Socialize through student collaboration projects ● Build communication skills among peers ● Problem solve together ● Solving real world problems Why Else?

5 It’s your turn to see STEAM in action! You have 10 Minutes to complete the group activity!10 Hands in STEAM

6 Quickly discuss and record where you STEAM could be applied to the activity you just completed. Where do you see STEAM?

7 Coffeeco Table

8 Collaboration and teamwork make STEAM rise! See what we are doing and what is in the works This is Nothing New!

9 School Space Design

10 Self Portraits, facial proportions, average sizes Glasses Design

11 Deep Math and Science connections. -Interpreting, predicting, and drawing conclusions through CO2 Car Data -Using formulas to solve equations to meet a desired value. (velocity, forces, mass) -Real world application of Newton’s Laws CO2 Car Design

12 Generate electricity through common movements; everything can have a dual purpose! -Gear ratios and solving proportions -Alexander Calder Life Energy

13 ● Create models (art) ● Interactive lab activities and collaboration (e.g. making ice cream, measuring, graphing) ● Rube Goldberg Machines (engineering and design process / scientific process) Science

14 6th Grade Math -Tabletop Miniature Golf Project S- recycling (only use recyclable material), physics (friction, force, acceleration) T- online research, online miniature golf games to test different layouts E- creating/building, following design process, testing different materials A- blueprints drawn on graph paper using scale, decorations/aesthetics of golf hole, sketch/analyze designs from online games and field trip to Ocean City’s golf courses M- measurement, ratios, proportional reasoning, collecting/analyzing data using central tendency, angle measurements of putters

15 Extensions: ● Technology: scale model design using software (2D/3D), 3D printer to make putter ● Arts: create a company: given a budget, create a logo, make a brochure using Microsoft Publisher, write a persuasive essay “selling” your hole ● Engineering/Industrial Tech/Math: build a life-size hole using scale and measurement Extensions

16 STEAM at Work!

17 STEM/STEAM CLUB 2013-2014 ● Our 1st year as a club! ● Introduction to STEM ● Introduction to Engineering Design Process ● Design Challenges ● Introduction to Coding: Hour of Code ● Real Life Stem at Great Adventure

18 They loved the design challenges!

19 Plans for 2014-2015 ● Verizon App Challenge o 3 teams are participating o Develop an idea for an app...if chosen, will learn how to build the app from MIT Professional ● Future City o create a virtual future city using SIMCity software o build the city out of recyclable materials ● Video Game Challenge

20 Online competitors collaborating through Google Classroom!

21 2014-2015 continued ● Coding ● STEAM Family Night ● STEAM Career Fair ● More design challenges ● Activities promoting girls in STEAM

22 An example, but STEAM is done in all projects in all grade levels One Point Linear Perspective Students learn the magic of creating a 3-D landscape on a 2-D surface through the rules of perspective drawing while create a connected community. Science- Evergreen and Deciduous trees are discussed as indications of the changing seasons (also taught how to draw using simple shapes to more complex forms) Technology- Engineering- Actual creation of their 3-D landscape drawing Art- Value, Proportion, Scale, Balance (asymmetry, symmetry), Overlapping, Space, visual rhythm Math- Proportion and scale are important concepts emphasized, as well as use of the ruler for creation of correct angles Art

23 Self portrait drawing & photomosaic Art examples continued Native American weaving Also… *Clay and flash animation *Finger Puppet theater *Pottery *Masks *In development, Calder energy producing mobiles

24 Incorporating use of computers in every class Projects include: ● Graphing ● Engineering design ● Research and design ● Skyping ● Digital Storytelling ● Portrait Mosaics ● Google Apps for Education Technology

25 ● Scale models for design playground and arboretum spaces ● Solving real world problems finding volume ● Interpreting, predicting, and drawing conclusions through CO2 Car Data ● Gear ratios and solving proportions ● Using formulas to solve equations to meet a desired value. (velocity, forces, mass) Math

26 ● More collaboration - colleagues, professionals, Colleges and Universities ● Professional Development ● PLCs ● Always looking for growth opportunities. Goals for STEAM Growth

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