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Katelyn Winans Curriculum and Instruction/ Emotional and Behavioral Disorders November 9, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Katelyn Winans Curriculum and Instruction/ Emotional and Behavioral Disorders November 9, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Katelyn Winans Curriculum and Instruction/ Emotional and Behavioral Disorders November 9, 2010

2 Classroom Theme

3 Start each day with: Quote of the Day: “I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do, I understand.” Riddle of the Day: “Why did the cookie go to the doctor’s?

4 Start each day with: Noodle Doodles MGGESESGG G E N SSGEGSGGE I S HE ARTstand i


6 Classroom Details Sign on the door with velcro options so other people in the school know where the class is. (Cafeteria, Art Room, Recess, Computer Lab, etc.) Daily Agenda/Schedule Student Access Shelves(Books, Games, Craft Materials, Cubby for Each Student etc.) Teacher Only Shelves (Books, Videos, Folders, etc.) Calming Area (Bean bag chairs, Curtain for privacy, Tactile Materials, Weighted Blanket, Music etc.) Time-timer Plants Windows for natural light (shades to close if distracting)

7 Classroom Details Brightly colored posters

8 Class Rules/Policies/Behavior Plan Be honest Follow directions Stay in your seat Be prepared and on time Raise your hand to speak, do not interrupt others Respect other’s personal space and belongings MAKE GOOD CHOICES! TRY YOUR BEST!

9 Class Rules/Policies/Behavior Plan Listen carefully Use good manners Accept Others

10 Class Rules/Policies/Behavior Plan I would have students copy and sign the behavior plan and rules at the start of the year and have parents sign. Always follow school district and school rules. All rules, expectations and behavior plans would be posted in the room for students to refer to. All incidences would be documented, signed by the student and teacher, and kept on file. Students would complete an incident/behavior reflection sheet.

11 Class Rules/Policies/Behavior Plan Students would be asked to complete this form after an incident occurred. The form would be signed and dated by the student and the teacher and kept in a file.

12 Class Rules/Policies/Behavior Plan



15 Technology in the Classroom Class Wiki Space Katelyn's Wiki Space

16 Favorite Children’s Books


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