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Design, Processes & Challenges National Qualifications Framework in Austria Design, Processes & Challenges Zagreb, 14 th September 2009 Sonja Lengauer.

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Presentation on theme: "Design, Processes & Challenges National Qualifications Framework in Austria Design, Processes & Challenges Zagreb, 14 th September 2009 Sonja Lengauer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design, Processes & Challenges National Qualifications Framework in Austria Design, Processes & Challenges Zagreb, 14 th September 2009 Sonja Lengauer Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture

2 International meeting of NQF experts, 14 th September 2009 Overview  Kick off for an Austrian NQF  Concept  Organisation & structure  Process  Learning outcomes & curricula in VET  Challenges & open questions

3 International meeting of NQF experts, 14 th September 2009 Kick off for the Austrian NQF  European context & national needs  Lissabon-Process (2000)  Maastricht Communique (2004)  EQF consultation process (2005/2006)  First steps towards an Austrian NQF in 2006

4 International meeting of NQF experts, 14 th September 2009 Concept of the NQF: General aims  Enhancing transparency and comparability  Making implicit levels of the Austrian qualifications system explicit  Overarching NQF  Covering all sectors and all forms of learning (outcomes): Formal, informal and non-formal  Facilitating a transparent referencing process to the EQF levels

5 International meeting of NQF experts, 14 th September 2009 Organisation / Structure  Project group consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture and the Ministry of Science and Research  National steering group  Experts for research and counselling

6 International meeting of NQF experts, 14 th September 2009 Development process Three corridors 1. Formal qualifications system 2. Non-formal qualifications system 3. Informal acquired learning outcomes

7 International meeting of NQF experts, 14 th September 2009 NQF consultation process  NQF consultation document in 2007  Consultation process from January to June 2008.  About 276 statements: VET, general education, adult education, HE, social partners.  Analysis of the consultation process

8 International meeting of NQF experts, 14 th September 2009 NQF consultation process: Results  Positive feedback in general  Purpose of orientation  8 levels  Knowledge – Skills – Competence  Learning outcomes approach  Levels 6 – 8: Open for VET according to some stakeholders  Integration of non formal and informal learning

9 International meeting of NQF experts, 14 th September 2009 Pilotprojects in sectors Construction, Tourism, Electro-technics  Aim  Results  Glossary is needed  Principles of allocation have to be clarified  Learning outcomes approach is seen positiv  8 levels are enough

10 International meeting of NQF experts, 14 th September 2009 Corridor 2: Non-formal education  Working groups with representatives of area of education  Strategy paper is in development.  Completion and results of pilot projects: End of 2009

11 International meeting of NQF experts, 14 th September 2009 Learning outcomes & curricula in VET  Working group  Started in March 2009  Concerns all Austrian Curricula in VET school system  Aims: Analysis and adoption of curricula in VET based on learning outcome approach

12 International meeting of NQF experts, 14 th September 2009  Relation with EHEA (Bologna process)  Learning Outcomes  Integration & Validation of IFL / NFL  Stakeholder involvement  Institutional setting (governing structure)  Classification of qualifications  Differences between countries  Referencing to the EQF Challenges and open questions

13 NQF in Austria Thank you for your attention! Sonja Lengauer Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture,

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