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CAO Code CR220 CIT Crawford College of Art & Design Department of Fine Art & Ceramic Design Department of Art & Design Education Department of Art Therapy.

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2 CAO Code CR220

3 CIT Crawford College of Art & Design Department of Fine Art & Ceramic Design Department of Art & Design Education Department of Art Therapy and Continuing Visual Education

4 CR220 – NEW COURSE IN 2008 Level 8 ab initio Honours Degree: BA (Honours) in Fine Art/Ceramic Design Incorporates: painting, printmaking, sculpture, photography, multimedia, glass, textiles, metal work, foundry, life drawing and ceramics

5 CR220 – Two Awards BA (Honours) in Fine Art BA (Honours) in Ceramic Design CURRENTLY common intake via CR220 and common first year.

6 CR220 – Minimum Entry Requirements Leaving Certificate 6 Subjects (including English and Irish) Including at least 2 C3s at Higher Level. plus portfolio or FETAC Award plus portfolio

7 CAO Points System - AMALGAMATION Leaving Certificate (maximum 600 points) plus Portfolio (maximum 600 points) or FETAC Award (maximum 400 points) plus Portfolio (maximum 600 points) Note: A minimum of 240 points is required for the portfolio

8 First Year Modules (Both Fine Art and Ceramics) CIT (Induction) Minor 101 Intro to Art History 101 Drawing 101 2D Visual Elements 101 3D Visual Elements 101 5 Credits Art In Context Minor 102 Intro to Art History 102 5 Credits 15 Credits 5 Credits Semester 1 Semester 2 Research & Project 102







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