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Published byPrudence Greene Modified over 8 years ago
nadyaaMcyaa KaooáyaatIla saMskRtI nadyaaMcyaa Kaoáyaat ipNyaasaazI va isaMcanaasaazI maubalak paNaI ]plabQa Asalyaanao tsaoca SaotIsaazI saupIk jamaIna AaiNa pSaupalanaasaazI kurNao ]plbaQa Asalyaanao sava- p`acaIna saMskRtIMcaa ]dya AaiNa ivakasa nadyaaMcyaa Kaoryaat Jaalaa. ]da: [ijaPt..naa[-la nadIcyaa Kaoáyaat [rak..tOiga`sa nadIcyaa Kaoáyaat caIna..yaaMga%sao nadIcyaa Kaoáyaat Baart..isaMQau nadIcyaa Kaoáyaat
[ijaiPSyana saMskRtI : mah<vaacao mau_o 1.naa[-la nadIcao mah<va. 2.Aaiqa-k jaIvana. 3.samaaja vyavasqaa. 4.samaaja jaIvana. 5.rajyavyavasqaa. 6.klaa va iva&ana. 7.Qama-klpnaa.
The 5th-century bc Greek historian Herodotus traveled extensively throughout the Mediterranean world, observing the different peoples he encountered. When writing about Egypt, he discussed the pyramids. Herodotus
[ijaPt : p`mauK eoithaisak izkaNao
A French officer of Napoleon’s engineering corps found this stone near the city of Rashîd (Rosetta), Egypt, in 1799. Known as the Rosetta Stone, it provided the key to the translation of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. The Rosetta Stone, inscribed in 196 bc, contains the same message—a decree praising the Egyptian King Ptolemy V—carved in three different scripts: Egyptian hieroglyphs, Egyptian demotic, and Greek. Scholars deciphered the hieroglyphic and demotic versions by comparing them to the Greek translation Rosetta Stone
raoJaoTa yaoqaIla iSalaalaoK [.sa.1798: f`oMca saonaanaI naopaoilayana baaonaapaT- yaanao [ijaPtvar svaarI kolaI. %yaacyaa saOinakaMnaa raoJaoTa yaoqao ha iSalaalaoK saapDlaa. iSalaalaoK hayaraoiglaifk ilapIt Aaho. yaa iSalaalaoKa KalaI majakUracao ga``IkBaaYaaMtr Aaho %yaamauLo hI ilapI vaacata AalaI. fo`Mca Saas~& Sa^mpaoilana yaanao yaa ilapIcaI ]kla kolaI. yaa SaaoQaanao [ijaPtcyaa saMskRtIivaYayaI ivapula maaihtI ]plabQa JaalaI.
[ijaPtmaQaIla rajyakto-
f^rao [ijaPtmaQaIla laaok rajaalaa f^rao mhNat. %yaalaa saUya-pu~ maanat,. tao rajyap`mauK tsaoca Qama-p`mauK haota. rajaalaa madtIsaazI vairYz maMDL Asao. kamao QarNao baaMQaNao kalavao kaZNao SaotIcyaa isaMcanaacaI vyavasqaa
P`aacaIna [ijaP%a maQaIla s~I rajyak%yaa- raNaI haTSaosauT jagaatIla pihlaI s~I rajyaktI- raNaI naoif`iTTI iva#yaat p`Saasak
This painted limestone bust of the ancient Egyptian queen Nefertiti dates from about 1350 bc (Staatliche Museen, Berlin). This painted limestone bust of the ancient Egyptian queen Nefertiti dates from about 1350 bc (Staatliche Museen, Berlin). Wife of Akhenaton, Nefertiti supported and assisted her husband in implementing new religious ceremonies during the mid-14th century bc. Wife of Akhenaton, Nefertiti supported and assisted her husband in implementing new religious ceremonies during the mid-14th century bc. Nefertiti
Aamaonahaotop : raNaI haTSaosaUT Qama-sauQaark va SaaMtIcaa purskta-
samaaja vyavasqaa : [ijaPt maQaIla samaaja tIna p`mauK vagaa-t ivaBaagalaolaa haota. Paihlaa vaga- : rajaa va %yaacao naatovaa[-k,, Qama-gau$saamaMt,]ccapdsqa dusara vaga- : vyaaparI,vaastuiSalpI, klaakar, vaOV, [trbauiwjaIvaI, itsara vaga- : karagaIr, SaotkrI, majaUr, yaaiSavaaya samaajaat gaulaama va yauWkOVaMcaa maaoza vaga- haota. itsaryaa vagaa-tIla laaokaMnaa va gaulaamaaMnaa sa@tInao ipr^imaD,kalavao,rsto tyaar krNao [.kamao krNyaasaazI rabavaUna Gaot Asat. gaulaama va yauQdkOVaMvyaitir@t [tr kaoNaahI vya@tIlaa gauNava%tocyaa baLavar Qama-gau$ ikMvaa AiQakarIhI haota yaot Asao.
samaaja vyavasqaa :
tIna vagaa-tIla laaokaMcao jaIvana Paihlyaa daona vagaa-tIla jaIvana samaRQd haoto. itsaryaa vagaa-tIla laaokaMnaa va gaulaamaaMnaa sa@tInao ipr^imaD,kalavao,rsto tyaar krNao [.kamao krNyaasaazI rabavaUna Gaot Asat.
laaokjaIvana kuTuMba samaajaacaa maUlaBaUt GaTk. is~yaaMnaa samaajaat mah%vaacao sqaana saMp%tIcaa vaarsaa Aa[- kDUna maulaIkDo jaat Asao. is~yaa va pu$Ya daoGaohI ivaivaQa AlaMkaracaa SarIr sauSaaoBanaasaazI krIt Asat. kMzhar,kNa-BaUYaNao, r%najaDIt baaMgaDyaa,AMgazyaa [.AlaMkar laaokp`Iya haoto.
P`aacaIna [ijaPt maQaIla manaaorMjanaacaI saaQanao caamaDyaacao ikMvaa gavatacao caoMDU maatIcyaa va laakDacyaa baahulyaa hI maulaaMcaI KoLNaI haotI. maaozI maaNasao bauQdIbaL,pT [.baOzo KoL KoLt Asat.
Hockey Hockey Ancient Egyptians played a game that is similar to our present-day hockey. Drawings on tombs at Beni Hassan in Menia Ancient Egyptians played a game that is similar to our present-day hockey. Drawings on tombs at Beni Hassan in Menia Archery was a well-known sport in Ancient Egypt.In the 21st century BC King Amenhotep II boasted that he pierced the middle of a thick brass target with four arrows. He then set a prize for anyone who could do the same.ypt. There are many drawings of scenes of fishing hobbySaqqara tombs
History records that the Pharaoh, together with those who were born on the same day of his birth, participated in hectic marathons. No one was allowed to have a meal before covering 180 stages of his race. One of the ancient Egyptian plates at the "Marorika tomb" Tug of War marathon
naaOkaivahar saMgaIt mauiYTyauQdo tomb of "Mery Ra"
[tr KoL naomabaajaI Baalaafok Baarao%taolana jalatrNa ]Mca}DI
Aaiqa-k jaIvana SaotI ha Aaiqa-k jaIvanaacaa payaa haota SaotIsaazI laakDacaa ]pyaaoga krIt gahU,saatU,kaMdo,vaaTaNao,kapUsa, fLo, Baajyaa hI mah%vaaca I ipko.
[tr vyavasaaya maasaomaarI,kuMBaarkama,sautarkama, baaMQakama,ivaNakama,jahajabaaMQaNaI, [ijaPtmaQaIla laaok kapUsa va tagaacyaa QaagyaapasaUna AitSayamaulaayama kapD ivaNaIt Asat. maatIcaI saubak BaaMDI banavat Asat.
period (5000 bc-3000 bc) kuMBaarkama
ceramic pieces have been made along the Nile for more than 7,000 years.
[ijaiPSayana klaa sqaap%ya klaa :ipr^imaD iSalpklaa : isfM@sa, maMidro, ica`~klaa : maatIcaI BaaMDI,,kacaocyaa vastU, maMidro,ipr^imaDcyaa iBaMtI [. var
laoKnaklaa: ppayarsa pasaUna kagad.kajaLI,iDMk,paNaI yaapasaUna Saa[- saurvaatIsa ica~ilapIcaa vaapr.
[ijaiPSayana sqaap%ya klaa : ipr^imaD [ijaiPSayana sqaap%ya klaa : ipr^imaD
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gaIJa a
ipr^imaD dgaDaMcyaa p`caMD iSaLa ekmaokaMvar rcaUna Anaok maaozI dalanao Asalaolyaa i~kaoNaakRtI Bavya [maartI maQya dalanaat maRt SarIr zovalaolao Asao. maR%yaUnaMtr dfnaasaazI rajao va EaImaMt laaok Asao ipr^imaD baaMQat. igaJaa yaoqaIla ipr^imaD [.sa.pU.29maQyao ha KufU rajaacaa savaa-t Bavya ipr^imaDbaaMQalaa gaolaa. ek laaK maaNasao satt vaIsa vaYao- kama krIt haotI. yaacaa payaa saumaaro 693 caaO.maI. ]McaI 144maI. sarasarI2.5Tna vajanaacyaa 23laxa iSaLa vaaprlyaa gaolyaa.
ipr^imaD caI AMtga-t rcanaa
Mount Sinai At 2,637 m (8,652 ft), the top of Mount Sinai offers a spectacular view of the surrounding jagged peaks and steep slopes ipr^imaDsaazI laagaNaaryaa p`caMD iSaLa yaaca isanaa[-cyaa DaoMgaratUna AaNalyaa jaat
The Bent Pyramid, constructed in Egypt during the reign of King Sneferu (2575 bc-2551 bc), was constructed in two stages. In the first stage, the architects built the walls at an angle of 55 degrees. Then they encountered structural problems and flattened the angle to 43 degrees. The pyramid’s unusual shape gave it its name. The Bent Pyramid, constructed in Egypt during the reign of King Sneferu (2575 bc-2551 bc), was constructed in two stages. In the first stage, the architects built the walls at an angle of 55 degrees. Then they encountered structural problems and flattened the angle to 43 degrees. The pyramid’s unusual shape gave it its name.
Step Pyramid, Şaqqārah The Step Pyramid of King Djoser was built during the 3rd Dynasty at Şaqqārah, Egypt. It was designed by the architect Imhotep. The pyramid was the first monumental royal tomb and is one of the oldest stone structures in Egypt.
The Pyramid of Khafre was built as the final resting place of the pharaoh Khafre and is about 136 m (446 ft) high. The Pyramid of Khafre was built as the final resting place of the pharaoh Khafre and is about 136 m (446 ft) high. Pyramid of Khafre at Giza
Located on the west bank of the Nile River on the outskirts of Cairo, the pyramids at Giza, Egypt, rank as some of the best-known monuments in the world.
This dig, near the Great Pyramid at Giza, uncovered a cemetery for many of the workers who built the pyramid..
iSalpklaa : isfM@sa, maMidro, ipr^imaD samaaorIla isfM@sa isfM@sa mhNajao maanavaI caohra va isaMhacao SarIr AsaNaarI maUtI-. AbaUisaMbala yaoqaIla dgaDat kaorlaolao rajaaMcao Bavya putLo hI iSalpklaocaI ]dahrNao haoya. karna^k yaoqaIla maMidracyaa kaorIva Bavya stMBaaMvar ekavaoLI SaMBar maaNasao ]BaI rahU Saktat.
Giza's Sphinx and the Great Pyramids The mysterious Sphinx, with its lion's body and man's head, and the perfect symmetry of the pyramids at Giza are world-renowned symbols of Egypt's ancient heritage.
Great Sphinx More than 4000 years old, the Great Sphinx of Giza is the most famous emblem of ancient Egypt.
Ramses II Ramses II devoted his reign to building great monuments such as the Great Hall of the Temple of Amon at Al Karnak and many of the temples at Abū Simbel.
Temple at Al Karnak, Egypt The group of temples at Al Karnak were built over a period of approximately 1,500 years. Some of the most important additions were made by Thutmose III, who ruled Egypt during the 1400s bc.
Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Amon at Karnak The hypostyle hall at the Temple of Amon in Karnak, Egypt, has more than 100 columns, each more than 20 m (70 ft) high. The hall was built during the reign of Ramses II in the 1200s bc.
Luxor Temple Thebes, ancient capital of Egypt, was the site of the Luxor Temple.
The temple of Hatshepsut is a rock- cut tomb and mortuary temple built in the 15th century bc at Dayr al Ba ḩ rī near Thebes.. The surrounding area was planted with trees and flowers during Hatshepsut’s reign and for many years after. Temple of Hatshepsut
This relief, from the 5th Dynasty (2465 bc-2323 bc), shows the deceased seated at a table stacked with offerings of food..
Death Mask of Tutankhamun The death mask of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun is made of gold inlaid with colored glass and semiprecious stone. The mask comes from the innermost mummy case in the pharaoh’s tomb, and stands 54 cm (21 in) high.
Egyptian Mummy Egyptian Mummy The ancient Egyptians are believed to be the first people to practice embalming, in which a dead body is artificially preserved to retard the decaying process. The Egyptians believed that it was necessary to preserve a body in order to allow the soul to survive. The ancient Egyptians are believed to be the first people to practice embalming, in which a dead body is artificially preserved to retard the decaying process. The Egyptians believed that it was necessary to preserve a body in order to allow the soul to survive.
British archaeologist Howard Carter, left, and an unidentified assistant examine an Egyptian mummy inside an ornate sarcophagus. Carter’s major discoveries include the tombs of Thutmose IV, Queen Hatshepsut, and Tutankhamun.
This mummy is the body of gender-bending female pharaoh Hatshepsut, who ruled ancient Egypt as both queen and king nearly 3,500 years ago, archaeologists announced today. haTSaosaUT raNaIcaI mamaI
Osiris and Anubis Egyptian mythological figure Osiris lived in the fabled underworld as the ruler of the dead [ijaiPSyana Qama-klpnaa
In Egyptian mythology, Isis is the goddess of motherhood and fertility temple of Isis, Memphis
Cat Goddess This bronze figure with inlaid blue-glass eyes dates from Egypt’s Late Period (712-332 bc Egyptian Goddess Selket Gold leaf covers this statue of the goddess Selket, found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun of Egypt. Selket, the goddess who heals bites and stings, is portrayed as a beautiful woman with a scorpion on her head. Gold leaf is made by hammering solid gold metal until it is very thin.
In this sunken relief sculpture (carved into the surface of the stone), Akhenaton is shown making an offering to Aton, who is depicted as a solar disk.. In this sunken relief sculpture (carved into the surface of the stone), Akhenaton is shown making an offering to Aton, who is depicted as a solar disk.. Horus was the god of sky, light, and goodness. He is often depicted as a falcon or with a falcon’s head. Pharoahs were associated with Horus.
The Egyptian god Ptah was, among other things, patron of the arts and of artisans. Anubis and the Mummy The ancient Egyptians believed that their god of the dead, Anubis, was the inventor of embalming
Amon-Ra, Father of the Gods appears frequently in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and art. For the Egyptians, the ankh sign represented life.
Temple at Luxor Temple at Luxor The ancient Egyptian temple at Luxor on the east bank of the Nile River was built to honor the gods. Begun in the 1200s bc, it was added to by each succeeding dynasty. The use of colossal statues and obelisks was a standard for all Egyptian temples at that time. This temple was connected to the temple at Al Karnak by a street about 3.5 km (2 mi) long, lined with hundreds of sphinxes. Once a year the image of the god Amon was transported by barge from Al Karnak to Luxor, as part of a huge festival. The ancient Egyptian temple at Luxor on the east bank of the Nile River was built to honor the gods. Begun in the 1200s bc, it was added to by each succeeding dynasty. The use of colossal statues and obelisks was a standard for all Egyptian temples at that time. This temple was connected to the temple at Al Karnak by a street about 3.5 km (2 mi) long, lined with hundreds of sphinxes. Once a year the image of the god Amon was transported by barge from Al Karnak to Luxor, as part of a huge festival.
dated about 1400 bc, during dated about 1400 bc, during
Section of the Egyptian Book of the Dead Section of the Egyptian Book of the Dead The Egyptian Book of the Dead was a text containing prayers, spells, and hymns, the knowledge of which was to be used by the dead to guide and protect the soul on the hazardous journey through the afterlife. Beginning in the 18th Dynasty, the Book of the Dead was inscribed on papyrus. The Egyptian Book of the Dead was a text containing prayers, spells, and hymns, the knowledge of which was to be used by the dead to guide and protect the soul on the hazardous journey through the afterlife. Beginning in the 18th Dynasty, the Book of the Dead was inscribed on papyrus.
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The Egyptians - not the ancient Greeks - were the true founders of medicine, according to a study that pushes back the origins of healing by at least a millennium. Imhotep is now regarded as the father of medicine. The Egyptians - not the ancient Greeks - were the true founders of medicine, according to a study that pushes back the origins of healing by at least a millennium. Imhotep is now regarded as the father of medicine.
hayaraoiglaifk ilapItIla majakUr
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