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CELDT Speaking Practice Activities Speech Functions Grades 3-5.

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1 CELDT Speaking Practice Activities Speech Functions Grades 3-5

2 Speech Functions is the second portion of the Speaking test, which examines the students’ ability to make a request based on a given scenario. Typically, scenarios are based on a conduct in an academic setting. Teacher: Reads the prompt. Student Test Booklet: (Not shown anything) Questions: 5-7 questions on the CELDT Problem Areas: Students focus on the wrong area when answering “You want to visit your counselor to get a college application and ask him what you need to do to graduate. What would ask your counselor?” Incorrect Answer: “What do I need to do to get into college?”)

3 Speech Functions Practice

4 Scoring Rubric

5 Say: Now I’m going to tell you about some situations that could happen to you. Then, tell me what you would say.

6 Day One You have an emergency and have to make a phone call. Your friend has a cell phone. What would you say to your friend? I would ask her (him),_____________? I would say, _____________________.

7 Day One You are at McDonald’s with your aunt. You want to ask your aunt for more fries. What would you say to your aunt? I would ask her,__________________? I would say, _____________________.

8 Day One There is a new student in your classroom. You want to know her name. What would you say to the new student? I would ask her,__________________? I would say, _____________________.

9 Day Two When you walked into the library, you accidentally bumped into the librarian, and she dropped the books she was carrying. You want to apologize to her. What would you say? I would ask her,__________________? I would say, _____________________.

10 Day Two You are drawing a picture. You want to borrow a blue marker from your friend. What would you say to your friend? I would ask him (her),_____________? I would say, _____________________.

11 Day Two You want cereal instead of oatmeal for breakfast. You want to ask your mother for cereal. What would you say to your mother? I would ask her,_________________? I would say, _____________________.

12 Day Three You go to the store, and you want to buy a new pair of pants. You can’t find your size. What would you say to the salesperson? I would ask him (her),_____________? I would say, _____________________.

13 Day Three You were at a birthday party and you spilled your drink on someone. You want to apologize. What would you say? I would ask her (him),_____________? I would say, _____________________.

14 Day Three You want a puppy for your birthday. You want to ask your grandmother if she would buy you the puppy. What would you say to your grandmother? I would ask her,_________________? I would say, ____________________.

15 Day Four You are at the video arcade. You need change for the video game. What would you say to the manager? I would ask her (him),_____________? I would say, _____________________.

16 Day Four There is a new student at your school. You see the student in the hall and he or she looks lost. You want to offer to help the student. What would you say? I would ask him (her),_____________? I would say, _____________________.

17 Day Four You want to ask your teacher permission to go to the nurse’s office because you don’t feel well. What would you say to your teacher. I would ask her (him),_____________? I would say, _____________________.

18 Day Five You have misplaced your backpack in the playground. You want to ask permission from your teacher to go to the playground and look for your backpack? I would ask him (her),_____________? I would say, _____________________.

19 Day Five You forgot to use the restroom during break time. You need to ask your teacher if you can have permission to go to the restroom. What would you say to your teacher? I would ask her (him),_____________? I would say, _____________________.

20 Day Five Your mother expects you to be home right after school. Your friend just invited you over to his house after school to play his new video game. What would you say to your mother? I would ask her,__________________? I would say, _____________________.

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