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Presentation on theme: "E RA OF G OOD FEELING / MANIFEST DESTINY By Mr. Harnell."— Presentation transcript:


2 H OW IS A MERICA F EELING AFTER THE WAR OF 1812? We felt good about ourselves We had a strong sense of Nationalism

3 “E RA OF GOOD FEELINGS ” Definition: The Period from 1815 to 1824 in America when we felt fantastic about ourselves James Monroe was President from 1817 to 1825 Shall we watch a video….LetsLets

4 D URING THE E RA OF G OOD F EELINGS Noah Webster came up with the first “American Dictionary”…..Webster’s Dictionary

5 E RA OF G OOD F EELINGS Flag was set: 13 stripes, add a star for each state

6 E RA OF G OOD F EELINGS Adopted the Bald Eagle as our National symbol

7 E RA OF G OOD F EELINGS More celebrations on the 4 th of July

8 E RA OF G OOD F EELINGS “Uncle Sam” was introduced

9 M ANIFEST D ESTINY (1800-1900) Look it up…. Widely held belief in the United States that American settlers were destined to expand throughout the continentUnited States

10 M ONROE D OCTORINE Year 1823 Told European Countries to stay out of N & S America Great Britain, France and Spain: Stay out!


12 S ECTIONALISM 1815-1865 Let’s Look it up… Definition: to be more concerned with the interests or your region than with the problems and interests of the country Let’s read this article

13 S TATE ’ S R IGHTS 1815-1865 Look it up All the rights and powers which the Constitution neither grants to the federal government nor denies to the state governments “If it doesn’t say you can’t in the Constitution, it is a decision left to the state”

14 T ARIFF 1800-P RESENT Tariff: Tax placed on an import (good coming into a country)

15 A MERICAN SYSTEM 1820-1850 Henry Clay’s Idea for American Growth 1. Tariff to protect North Manufacturing 2. Get raw materials from west and South 3. Spend Money on Roads and Canals

16 H ENRY C LAY 1820-1850 Speaker of the House of Representatives from Kentucky Supporter of the American System Presidential Candidate in 1824 Known as “The Great Compromiser”

17 A NDREW J ACKSON P RESIDENT 1829-1837 Old Hickory Hero of the Battle of New Orleans Presidential Candidate in 1824 (lost) and 1828 (elected President) re-elected in 1832

18 J OHN Q UINCY A DAMS (E LECTED IN 1824) Monroe’s Secretary of State Son of John Adams Candidate for President in 1824 and 1828

19 E LECTION OF 1824

20 1824 BY THE NUMBERS Constitution says: Must have a majority 261 Total Electoral Votes Need______ Votes House of Representatives decides Only the Top 3 move on Who moves on?

21 W HO ’ S THE “B IG D OG ” IN THE H OUSE OF R EPRESENTATIVES ? Henry Clay: Speaker of the House “I cannot believe that killing 2,500 Englishmen at New Orleans qualifies for the various, difficult, and complicated duties of the Chief Magistracy.”

22 W HO B ECOMES P RESIDENT ? John Quincy Adams

23 W HO BECOMES J.Q. A DAMS S ECRETARY OF S TATE ? (T HE MOST SOUGHT AT POSITION IN GOVENMENT AT THAT TIME ) Maybe I’ll be the next President of the United States....I sure am a Great Compromiser Henry Clay

24 A NDREW J ACKSON ’ S R ESPONSE ? This whole deal is a “Corrupt Bargain”......Wait until 1828, I’ll show you two.....I hate to lose...I hate you rich people from the Northeast like J.Q. Adams......

25 J.Q. A DAM ’ S P RESIDENCY The “Corrupt Bargain” cast a shadow over his Presidency Dark cloud of distrust He had golden dreams National University Scientific Experimentation Standardized weights and measure Build roads and canals

26 1824-1828 It became a four-year long Presidential campaign for Andrew Jackson I’ll get the last laugh

27 C ORRUPT B ARGAIN The 1824 Election: The dealings between Henry Clay and Adams when the House of Representatives decided the Presidency.

28 E LECTION OF 1828 John Q. Adams vs. Andrew Jackson Birth of the Modern Election Mudslinging

29 L ET ’ S L OOK AT THE E LECTION New Political Parties


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