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Conducting Needs Assessments | October 3, 2012 The Future of Aging in the Town of Chatham Chatham Council on Aging Needs Assessment Study Jan E. Mutchler,

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Presentation on theme: "Conducting Needs Assessments | October 3, 2012 The Future of Aging in the Town of Chatham Chatham Council on Aging Needs Assessment Study Jan E. Mutchler,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conducting Needs Assessments | October 3, 2012 The Future of Aging in the Town of Chatham Chatham Council on Aging Needs Assessment Study Jan E. Mutchler, PhD Center for Social & Demographic Research on Aging Gerontology Institute John W. McCormack School of Policy & Global Studies University of Massachusetts Boston April 11, 2016

2 Outline of Today’s Presentation: ▸Goals of the Chatham needs assessment study ▸Methods of investigation ▸Key findings ▸Recommendations

3 Goals of the Chatham needs assessment study ▸To investigate and document current and future needs and preferences of Chatham’s older residents ▸Primary focus is on the Council on Aging ▸Secondary focus is on Town amenities and other Town offices

4 Methods ▸Demographic data ▸U.S. Census Bureau ▸Projections from the Donahue Institute, UMass system ▸Resident survey ▸All Chatham residents age 50+ eligible ▸Mail-back survey with web response option ▸Response rate of 39% (19% for those age 50-59; 42% for those age 60-79; 51% for those 80+)

5 Methods (cont.) ▸Three focus groups: municipal organizations; nonprofits; residents ▸Seven key informant interviews ▸COA comparisons with 5 other communities ▸A summer resident survey


7 Age distribution of Chatham (2010) NumberPercentage Under age 18 74912% Age 18-49 1,50625% Age 50-59 92915% Age 60-79 2,15735% Age 80 and older 78413% Total 6,125100%

8 Age distribution of Chatham (2010) NumberPercentage Under age 18 74912% Age 18-49 1,50625% Age 50-59 92915% Age 60-79 2,15735% Age 80 and older 78413% Total 6,125100% 48% are age 60 or older

9 Expected senior growth in Chatham

10 An older age profile in Chatham is expected

11 Over half of Chatham homeowners are age 60+

12 More than 1 in 4 older residents lives alone

13 Median household income is lower among Chatham seniors than middle-aged households

14 Disability is higher among older residents


16 Chatham’s seniors are committed to aging in place ▸Two-thirds of the seniors have lived in Chatham for at least 15 years; one-quarter for 35 years or longer ▸92% say it is “very important” or “somewhat important” to live in Chatham as long as possible ▸70% think their current home is where they will always live

17 Maintaining and adapting homes can be a challenge ▸ I am concerned about managing the stairway to my apartment, and finding another that is as reasonable.

18 Residents are receptive to higher density housing ▸ Our present home is too large to manage and very isolated. We’d like to move to an independent living that offers progression to memory care.

19 Many Chatham residents restrict their driving ▸ I am concerned about having adequate transportation to lead an active life.

20 Transportation options used in Chatham Non-driversDrive with modifications Drive without modifications Spouse/partner or child 67%32%18% Friends or neighbors 34%13%5% DART Dial-A- Ride 8%1% ˂ 1% FISH for medical appointments 14%3%1% COA transportation 18%2% ˂ 1% How do I get around if I can’t drive?

21 Satisfaction levels are mixed with respect to transportation options

22 Survey respondents are socially connected: using phone, email, social media, or getting together

23 But some respondents lack relationships with neighbors

24 Many Chatham residents need services and supports to stay at home I am concerned about staying healthy enough to live on my own or finding a suitable place to live with assistance

25 Many Chatham residents are involved in caregiving My greatest concern is the lack of a senior-care day center respite for caregivers

26 Working, retiring, and uncertainty ▸39% of respondents age 60-79 say they have done no financial planning for retirement, or need to do more ▸One-third of respondents age 60-79 work for pay ▸Among these individuals, 52% do not anticipate retiring, or are “not sure” when they will retire

27 “During my retirement, I expect to have adequate resources to meet my financial needs, including home maintenance, real estate taxes, healthcare, and other expenses” I am concerned about being able to stay in Chatham and living on Social Security at age 67. I am still working full-time to be able to pay the bills, eat, and put gas in the tank with little left over.


29 Chatham Council on Aging is a community asset ▸A source of services and activities, referral and leadership ▸A resource for older adults and caregivers ▸A bridge between community amenities and residents aging in place

30 Expect growth in use of the COA

31 High likelihood of participating in COA programs and services in the future

32 Residents rate service functions of the Chatham COA as important (% rating service as important to them or their family) Age 50-59Age 60-79Age 80+ Outreach services56%58%49% Chatham COA transportation 50%58%44% SHINE49%53%41% Health and wellness screening 53% 51%

33 Activity functions of the COA are priorities for expansion ▸Top-rated program/service for seniors was learning opportunities and educational seminars—also a top priority for expansion ▸Fitness activities were well rated in importance and for expansion ▸Survey respondents highlighted aerobic exercise/strength training and life-long learning as priorities for expansion

34 Some residents travel to senior centers in other towns

35 Visibility and public awareness of the COA could be improved ▸A common problem accessing the COA was “not knowing what programs and services are available”

36 Selected comments about the COA ▸At 76, I still have energy. Would like to exercise but not ready for chair exercises yet. ▸The Chatham COA does not meet the needs of people who are over 80 years old…the real old people need health care not recreation!!

37 Selected comments about the COA ▸The COA building is inefficient for any senior to navigate. The parking is a nightmare. ▸You are doing a great job! Your building is beautiful and easy to access, and in a perfect location. ▸I feel the COA is doing an excellent job serving our older population. We are blessed to have them.

38 Focus groups on the COA ▸Better communication is needed ▸Service function is the top priority, but active programs including exercise are important. Socialization programs are important in reducing isolation. ▸Adult day program: “Chatham should take care of its own” ▸Seniors need to advocate for themselves

39 Interviews on the COA ▸The COA plays an important role in Chatham ▸Service function is priority, but activities are also important. ▸Opportunities for partnerships? Life-long learning programs with the library? ▸Programs that would help seniors plan: planning for retirement, how reverse mortgages work, etc. ▸More entertainment programs may be needed, especially in winter. ▸Better publicity, awareness are needed ▸Space needs are recognized

40 Community comparisons CommunityAll-age population Population age 60+ % age 60+Median HH $ Chatham6,1252,94148%$64,936 Brewster9,8203,76838%$60,515 Eastham4,9562,16944%$58,356 Falmouth31,53110,85735%$60,973 Harwich12,2434,62938%$62,927 Orleans5,8902,98451%$60,303

41 Features of comparison senior centers CommunityPopulation age 60+ Dedicated square footage SqFt/ senior Number of floors Chatham2,9419,004 3.12+ Brewster3,7686,760 1.82+ Eastham2,169 5,400 2.52+ Falmouth10,857 4,0200.4Single level Harwich4,629 32,000*6.9 Single level Orleans2,9848,3502.8Single level *Community center; COA has full access

42 Our recommendations ▸Plan for growth in the senior population, including the 80+ population ▸By 2035, nearly 20% of Chatham’s residents are expected to be age 80 or older ▸The 80+ population may require more or different services ▸Promote housing options for aging in place in Chatham ▸Information on home modifications may be helpful ▸Receptivity to Senior Independent Living and Assisted Living ▸Recognize limitations posed by restrictions on housing density

43 ▸Promote awareness of transportation options already available, and expand transportation services for seniors ▸Many older adults modify their driving in ways that restrict access ▸Transportation barriers have implications for isolation, socialization, and accessing services ▸Need more transportation options including for trips that are not medical visits ▸Need more transportation options for out-of- town medical visits Our recommendations (cont.)

44 ▸Protect and potentially expand outreach programs, especially those directed toward the “at risk” senior population ▸Isolation is a concern in Chatham, especially in the wintertime ▸Identifying seniors who may be at risk is a challenge ▸Build awareness in the community about isolation concerns and associated resources

45 ▸Expand caregiver support programs in Chatham, including access to adult day care ▸Caregiving is a common experience, and often a challenging experience ▸Caregiver respite is a commonly expressed need ▸Strengthen COA capacity and programming ▸Protect the service functions ▸Consider expanding the activity functions ▸Expect increased demand for COA services Our recommendations (cont.)

46 ▸Improve visibility and public awareness of the COA ▸Nurture existing cross-departmental and public-private relationships in Chatham ▸Emergency services-COA ▸Nonprofits-COA ▸The COA has a role in organizing and maintaining these networks Our recommendations (cont.)

47 Thank you! Jan E. Mutchler:

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