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Use slide 2 for classwork

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1 Use slide 2 for classwork
This activity will go over a number of lessons along side the theory Construct food web on A3 paper Label each organism as producer/first order/ second order/ third order consumer List herbivore/carnivore/omnivores Make 5 food chains from food web Take away different organisms, how does it effect food web

2 Lettuce Hedgehog Caterpillar Frog Grass Spider Rabbit Sparrowhawk
Lettuce Makes its own food using energy from the sun. Hedgehog Eats slugs and caterpillars. Caterpillar Eats lettuce. Frog Eats grasshoppers. Grass Makes its own food using energy from the sun. Spider Eats aphids. Rabbit Eats lettuce and grass. Sparrowhawk Eats voles and thrushes. Aphid Eats grass. Thrush Eats slugs and spiders. Vole Eats grasshoppers. Mushrooms Eats dead material. Slug Eats lettuce. Grass snake Eats frogs. Grasshopper Eats grass. Fox Eats hedgehogs, voles and rabbits.

3 Use slide 4 for project See attached project sheet for questions. It can be presented in a power point or word document

4 Phytoplankton Zooplankton Squid Krill Killer Whale Seal Penguin
Phytoplankton Makes its own food using energy from the sun. Zooplankton Eats phytoplankton and algae. Squid Eats zooplankton and krill. Krill Eats algae and phytoplankton. Killer Whale Eats penguin, seal and large fish. Seal Eats squid and small fish Penguin Eats small fish and shrimp Blue Whale Eats krill. Small Fish Eats zooplankton Large fish Eats small fish. Shrimp Eats zooplankton. Bacteria Eats dead material. Algae Makes its own food using energy from the sun. Shark Eats large fish, turtle and seals. Dolphin Eats small fish. Turtle Eats algae and small fish.

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