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 Upside down “triangle”  5 parts to your intro:  Attention grabber  Subtopic focus sentence – definition, explanation  Detailed topic focus – 2sentences.

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Presentation on theme: " Upside down “triangle”  5 parts to your intro:  Attention grabber  Subtopic focus sentence – definition, explanation  Detailed topic focus – 2sentences."— Presentation transcript:

1  Upside down “triangle”  5 parts to your intro:  Attention grabber  Subtopic focus sentence – definition, explanation  Detailed topic focus – 2sentences with more SPECIFIC detail  Thesis statement

2  When introducing a new friend you would start basic and get more detailed:  Her name is Sue  She goes to MVHS  She is a sophomore  Likes to watch movies

3 Start With

4  “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” With these words, Neil Armstrong signaled his success as the first man to set foot on the moon…

5  When my brother was nineteen, he volunteered in a homeless shelter making sure people had a safe place to spend the night. He told me once that he would never forget the time he met…

6  More than a million new web pages appear each day on the internet…

7  Along the murky bottom of the ocean floor, at the deepest part of the ocean, lies the giant squid, a creature so elusive that few people have ever seen it. For hundreds of years, no one knew it really existed-although tales of sea monsters had long hinted of it.

8  In your essay intro you can use a metaphor for your opening  __________ is a _____________

9  “There is a time and a place for everything”.

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