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20. Teaching Reading Teaching by Principles By H.D. Brown.

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1 20. Teaching Reading Teaching by Principles By H.D. Brown

2 1. Scientific Management  Standard or expert model of reading  Bottom-up approach: Scope & sequence or linear practice  Reading strategies & comprehension  Efficiency oriented- Read & understand  Meaning as static or superficial Pedagogical Orientation

3 2. Humanistic Classroom  beauty (deep meaning) or pleasure of text  Rational & logical reading  Canon(classics) for high knowledge  Expert model - enlightenment  High culture & literacy-means for social sucess Pedagogical Orientation

4 3. Learner-centered Approach  Consider sts’ needs/interests  Teachers & Peers as colleagues/facilitators  Diverse genre (text): songs, magazines, movies, NIE, trade books  Emphasize utility & open access  Acknowledge success in different ways Pedagogical Orientation

5 4. Critical/Sociocultural Approach  Reading as socially constructed  Focus on individual or social issues: race, gender, & class issues  Students as knowledge producers, & eventually, change agents  Use any text relevant to students’ life & multiple skills/methods  equal opportunity/equity valued for democratic citizenship, social justice, & empowerment Pedagogical Orientation

6  Definition of text: Any form with sign systems for one to interpret to share meaning - ex) oral stories, images, movies, pictures, videos, books, etc.  Text: Familiar & Unfamiliar  Thus, Reading is an act of how to make the familiar unfamiliar and the unfamiliar familiar Importance of cultural context

7  Important Ways to be a good reader: 1) Read many different types of text: reading multiple texts, intensive- extensive continuum 2) Learn how to think about the text: consider cultures of writing and reading text and thinking about such processes in-depth Teaching Reading in EFL

8  Types of meaning: - Literal, Moral, Symbolic, Critical Meaning  Three important points in reading text:  1) What does the writer say? 2) What is not there? 3) How do I read against the text? Teaching Reading in EFL

9  Connections of Language, Culture, & Thought  Thoughts are represented through language in social contexts.  Reading texts equals reading cultures of thinking and behaving of a person in community  Language is only a tool with which ones ’ thoughts, formed by historical, socio-cultural, socio-political, socio-economical factors, are represented in order to mobilize certain goals or desires of living and acting individuals! Teaching Reading in EFL

10  text=story (familiar and unfamiliar)  "Life is made of stories."  "Our body is a container with many stories that are constantly constructed, deconstructed, and reconstructed."  So what kind of stories do you want to make and tell to the world? What is TEXT?

11  Text is made of Oral and Written forms ( 말과 글 ) - spelling & pronunciation - sign system (alphabet) - sentence structure (grammar) - meaning  Meaning is neither neutral nor automatic since it is constructed by many factors (e.g., historical, socio- cultural, political, economical) in a context of situation where a group of people interact! Definition of Text

12  What is reading? - Reading is trying to understand environment & to communicate by recognizing symbols of what is in the text and what is not in the text.  What is writing? - Writing is trying to understand the alphabetic symbols & make words & drawings in order to communicate to people the facts about their experiences and prior knowledge in order to make connections according to situations What is reading & writing?

13 -myth, fables, folktales, legends -essays -short stories -poetry -novels(fiction-nonfiction) -drama -plays…. Forms of text (Genre)

14 -Fun, artful use of language - Language is play.  Poems  Plays  Games  Movies  Songs  TV ads Poetic Mode

15 -own the process and product of reading and writing  Diary  Bio/autobiography  Journal about my trip  Reading log  Emails Expressive Mode

16 -to teach and direct  Textbooks  Rules  Recipe  Instruction  Sermon Expository/transactional Mode

17 Explicit goals and purpose Implicit goals and purpose (Things we think we know) (Things we think not there) -Sign System -Values & Beliefs -Efforts -Meaning-making - (Prior) knowledge -Culture -Experience -Context -Communication -Benefits -Jobs Why read & write text?

18  Storytelling, Discourse  An act of sharing stories is basic in human culture.  Interesting & live enactment of characters of stories to develop students’ cognitive & emotional abilities  Enhancement of students’ imagination, creativity, & problem-posing & -solving abilities Relationships b/w Speaking & Reading

19 1. Natural Learning Model of language: Holdaway (1986), Cambourne(1988) -observe & learn through real use of language for specific purpose & contexts -Learn when students are interested -Provide chance to practice what is learned naturally -Show when they are confident & ready Relationships b/w Speaking & Reading

20 2. Types of reading  Read aloud  Shared/Guided reading  Independent reading  (Sustained) Silent reading (SSR)  Intensive & extensive reading From storytelling to Reading

21 3. Process of Teaching Reading  Pre(Before)-reading: pics, drawings, graphs, charts, other audio & visual materials, scanning/skimming, titles, vocabulary, predicting questions  While(During)-reading: questioning without interrupting the flow of stories  Post(After)-reading: problem solving, reasoning & judging, sociodramatic play, retelling & writing, tell me, etc. Process of Teaching Reading

22 4. Evaluating Reading -retelling -reading logs -reading passages (Author’s circle, reading theatre) -cloze test -dictation -checklists -anecdotal recording -Reading Miscue analysis(RMI) -self-assessment Relationships b/w Speaking & Reading

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