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Don’t Forget... Contestants …Always phrase your answers in the form of a question!

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3 Don’t Forget... Contestants

4 …Always phrase your answers in the form of a question!


6 500 100 200 300 100 300 200 300 200 100 200 500 300 200 100 400 Causes of WWII The Blitzkrieg The Holocaust WWII Potpourri The Home Front Stupid Answers

7 This global economic crisis increased conflict throughout the world. Causes of WWII for $100 The Great Depression

8 The 3 main countries of the Axis Powers Causes of WWII for $200 Germany, Italy, Japan

9 Japan invaded this Chinese province in 1931. Causes of WWII for $300 Manchuria

10 In this country’s civil war, the Republican government fought a fascist military revolt. Causes of WWII for $400 Spain

11 This secret agreement between Hitler and Stalin enabled Germany to invade Poland in 1939. Causes of WWII for $500 Nonaggression pact

12 Blitzkrieg means “lightning…..” Blitzkrieg for $100 war

13 Over 300,000 Allied soldiers were rescued from this French port city in 1940. Blitzkrieg for $200 Dunkirk

14 The Battle of Britain was fought mostly this way. Blitzkrieg for $300 In the air.

15 Blitzkrieg for $400 Which mistake made by Napoleon was also made by Hitler? Invade Russia (Soviet Union)

16 Blitzkrieg for $500 General who led the Afrika Korps known as the “desert fox”. Erwin Rommel

17 US government’s attempts to fairly ration scarce resources The Home Front for $100 Rationing

18 The U.S. Neutrality Acts reflected America’s policy of this. The Home Front for $200 isolationism

19 The Home Front for $300 This leader mobilized both the British and the rest of the Allies to stand up to Germany and “never surrender”. Winston Churchill

20 The Home Front for $400 Name of prison camps where Japanese Americans were interned Internment Camps

21 The Home Front for $500 British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain followed this policy when he negotiated with Hitler at the Munich Conference. appeasement

22 The Holocaust for $100 The very top of the pyramid of hate. Genocide

23 The Holocaust for $200 “Night of Broken Glass” Kristallnacht


25 The Holocaust for $300 The Nazi government plan to rid Germany and Europe of all Jews. Final Solution

26 The Holocaust for $400 To isolate Jews Hitler ordered they be rounded up and placed in these segregated Jewish areas. Ghettos

27 The Holocaust for $500 Hitler detailed his “Aryan” beliefs and goals for Germany in this book. Mein Kampf

28 WWII Potpourri for $100 The US government did not do much to help Jews escape this The Holocaust

29 WWII Potpourri for $200 One of the two Japanese cities where the U.S. dropped atomic bombs. Hiroshima & Nagasaki

30 WWII Potpourri for $300 FDR’s Vice President during WWII. (He made the decision to drop the bomb) Harry S. Truman

31 WWII Potpourri for $400 One of the two bloody island battles fought at the end of the war— showed determination of Japanese soldiers Iwo Jima & Okinawa

32 WWII Potpourri for $500 Code-named this, the invasion of Normandy is better known as D-Day. Operation Overlord


34 Weaponry

35 Final Jeopardy The goal of the Nazi Holocaust. Racial purity

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