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Home. Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercise A1 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise CExercise AExercise BExercise D A. Choose the.

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2 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercise A1 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise CExercise AExercise BExercise D A. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 1. Each key on the board is ________ a different type of function. A. with B. as C. for D. to

3 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercises A2 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise CExercise BExercise DExercise A 2. When he was in danger, nobody came to his ________. A. help B. assistance C. assist D. rescue

4 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercises A3 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise CExercise BExercise DExercise A 3. You need to place the carton of fries with the McDonald’s name ________ the customer. A. to face B. facing C. face D. faced

5 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercises A4 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise CExercise BExercise DExercise A 4. The staff in the kitchen has ________ the message that a customer wanted a special dish. A. received B. ordered C. accepted D. pointed

6 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercises A5 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise CExercise BExercise DExercise A 5. When it comes to ________, I’m best at preparing fish. A. cooking B. cook C. cooker D. cooked

7 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercises A6 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise CExercise BExercise DExercise A 6. Natural foods also ________ vegetables not nourished by chemical fertilizers. A. remove B. have C. contain D. include

8 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercises A7 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise CExercise BExercise DExercise A 7. Modern experts ________ healthy eating suggest we eat more vegetables. A. with B. of C. on D. above

9 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercises A8 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise CExercise BExercise DExercise A 8. She had to ________ so that she could be heard by her parents. A. call up B. call out C. point up D. point out

10 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Changes in the Diet of the Chinese There have been some changes in the (1) of the Chinese. Grain, the main food of most people in China, is now playing a less important (2). While meat and milk are produced in large quantities today, people are also having more vegetables. Comprehensive Exercises B1 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise CExercise AExercise BExercise D B. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. result importance factor diet off role afford diet____ role____

11 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercises B2 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise CExercise AExercise DExercise B The changes in diet can be explained by a number of factors. First, people are much better (3) than before. With a higher income, they can (4) to buy more expensive foods which, in the past, were rarely seen on the dinner tables of ordinary families. Another (5) is that people have realized the (6) of a balanced diet to their health. If they eat too much meat, factor_____ result importance factor diet off role afford importance__________ afford_____ off___

12 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercises B2 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise CExercise AExercise DExercise B they easily put on weight. And lack of a certain amount of vegetables will (7) in poor health. For all these reasons, what was formerly called “a diet of grain” has become one of varied foods. result_____ result importance factor diet off role afford

13 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercises C1 Comprehensive Exercises 2. 就西式快餐而言,我最喜欢汉堡。 (when it comes to) I like burgers most when it comes to Western fast food. Exercise CExercise AExercise BExercise D C. Translate the following sentences into English using the words or phrases you have learned in this unit. 1. 这家小店供应的饮料有茶、可乐、雪碧、矿泉水,等等。 (and so on) The grocery provides such drinks as tea, Coke, Sprite, mineral water, and so on.

14 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercises C2 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise AExercise BExercise DExercise C 3. 顾客在点菜时应该明白无误地告诉服务员自己需要什么。 (loud and clear) The customer should tell the waiter/waitress loud and clear what he/she needs. 4. 那家饭馆十分重视菜肴的质量。 (place emphasis on) That restaurant places a lot of emphasis on the quality of food provided. 5. 本店的特色菜是香酥鸭。 (special) Our restaurant’s special is crispy duck.

15 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercises C3 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise AExercise BExercise DExercise C 6. 我儿子不习惯吃辣的食物。 (be unused to) My son is unused to spicy food. 7. 学生对这种类型的饭菜很感兴趣。 (type) Students are very much interested in this type of food. 8. 这道菜看上去像一盆花。 (look like) The dish looks like a pot of flowers.

16 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercises D Comprehensive Exercises Exercise CExercise AExercise BExercise D D. Translate the following passage from Text B into Chinese. Nowadays fibre is considered to be an essential part of a healthy diet. A lot of fibre is found in unprocessed flour and in many vegetables. However, the fibre has been removed in foods like white bread. In some countries where the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. That is why modern experts on “healthy eating” place a lot of emphasis on the eating of vegetables.

17 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Comprehensive Exercises Exercise CExercise AExercise BExercise D 如今,纤维被认为是健康饮食必不可少的一部分。许 多蔬菜和未经加工的面粉中含有大量纤维。然而,在诸 如白面包这样的食品中纤维就被去除了。在有些国家, 日常饮食含有大量粗加工的面包和蔬菜,某些疾病的发 生率就很低。这就是为什么如今的 “ 健康饮食 ” 专家提倡 吃蔬菜的原因。

18 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Practical Reading and Writing Note of Congratulations Practical Reading and Writing Writing ExercisePractical Reading 在生活中,有很多喜事值得庆祝:过生日、考上大 学、找到好工作、晋升、搬迁新居、结婚、新店开业, 等等。当听到同学、朋友或亲戚有这样的喜事时,我们 需要向他们表示祝贺。给对方写祝贺信是一种常见的庆 贺方式。下面示范的是两封用英语书写的祝贺信,可以 通过电子邮件发送。

19 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Sample Dear Lucy, Thanks for letting me know your new address. It is good news that at last you have a house of your own. Your must be very happy! My wife and I hope to see you two in the new place one of these days. We have just had a potted plant delivered to you. We hope you willlike this token of our hearty congratulations. Best, Peter Sample 1

20 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Sample Dear Jim, I read in the morning paper that after 5 years’ work in a Sino-American joint venture, you are going to start a business firm on your own. Most impressive! I would like to add my congratulations to the many you must be receiving. I’m sure your business firm will be a great success. I sincerely hope you will find in this new venture the happiness and satisfaction you so richly deserve. Cordially yours, Margaret Sample 2

21 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 (1) What is the good news mentioned in Sample 1? (2) What did Peter and his wife send as a gift to Lucy? (3) How did Margaret get to know the news in Sample 2? Practical Reading and Writing Writing ExercisePractical Reading Write your answer to each of the following questions. A potted plant. _____________ The good news is that Lucy has a house of her own.___________ By reading it in the morning paper._____________________________ __________________________________________

22 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 (4) What is Jim going to do? (5) What hope does Margaret express in the note? Practical Reading and Writing Writing ExercisePractical Reading She sincerely hopes Jim will find in this new venture the happiness and satisfaction he so richly deserves. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ _____________ He is going to start a business firm on his own. ______________________________________

23 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Practical Reading and Writing 1. 明确交代写该祝贺信的原因。 2. 说明消息的来源或渠道。 3. 使用合适的词汇或句式表达你得知该消息的兴奋心情。 写祝贺信要注意以下几点: 1. 要写得及时。 2. 不需要写得太长。 3. 感情真挚热情,措词得体,不要夸大事实。 Writing ExercisePractical Reading Tips for Writing a Note of Congratualtions

24 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Practical Reading and Writing Writing ExercisePractical Reading For your reference 写英语祝贺信的常用句式 : 1. I congratulate you upon your success. 2. Please allow me to congratulate you most heartily on your success in… 3. I’m glad to hear that you have been appointed / promoted / are going to get married / are going to graduate from the school with honor…, on which I congratulate youmost heartily.

25 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Practical Reading and Writing Writing ExercisePractical Reading For your reference 4. Your diligence, patience and perseverance have finally paid off. 5. Please accept my sincere congratulations on your success. 6. I wish you every success / a happy life in the future.

26 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Practical Reading Exercise Practical Reading and Writing Writing ExercisePractical Reading Sample answer: October 26 Dear Xiao Xia, I’m so glad that you have recently found a job as assistant manager in an import and export company, on which I congratulate you most heartily. I remember you displayed remarkable leadership during your school days, and now your diligence, patience and perseverance have finally paid off. Please once again accept my sincere congratulations and I wish you every success in the future. Yours truly, Xiao Zhang

27 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案 Notation type here

28 Unit 3 Fast Food 《实用综合教程(第二版)》第 2 册电子教案

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