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1 Study on Strategy of Chinese Technical Standards China National Institute of Standardization Jan 18 th 2005.

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1 1 Study on Strategy of Chinese Technical Standards China National Institute of Standardization Jan 18 th 2005

2 2 I. Changes in and broad Pose Strategic Demands on Technical Standards 1. Economic globalization has incorporated standards into the rule of the game in international trade 2. China needs the strong backup of technical standards in its brand new economic and social development

3 3 II. Strategic Plan (I) Guiding Principles Bear in mind the goals of new-stage industrialization and comfortably-off society, focus on improvement of technical standard adaptability and competitiveness, couple standard independence/innovation with international norms, integrate governmental instruction and market orientation with enterprise as the major player, and meet the strategic requirements of technological innovation as well as industrial and trade development on technical standards.

4 4 (II) Strategic Tasks The fundamental task in China ’ s technical standard strategy for the coming 15 years is: to improve the market adaptability and competitiveness of technical standards. To improve the adaptability of technical standards to technological, trade, industrial and market demands. To develop independently self-proprietary technical standards through effective measures, so as to improve international competitiveness of China ’ s technical standards and therefore increase the international market share of Chinese products. II. Strategic Plan

5 5 (III) Strategic Goals By 2010, form a rather complete national technical standard system initially with the overall technological level of Chinese standards on a par with that of international standards, and technical standards in key areas compatible with international ones. By 2020, upgrade the overall technological level of China ’ s technical standards in certain key areas to the internationally advanced level, putting China high on the rank of international standardization contributors.

6 6 III. Major Strategic Measures (I) Coordinated Development between Technical R&D and Standard Development 1.Establish a smooth channel of communication between technical innovation and standard development 2. Focus on the development of self- proprietary technical standards

7 7 (II) Establishment of Voluntary Standard System 1. Market-oriented 2. Enterprise-centered 3. Limited governmental macro-control 4. Wide range of participation from all the society

8 8 (III) Key Areas of Development Criteria —— Promote China ’ s economic development, and social progress: to establish an innovative country, to boost trade through technology and to go on the path of new- type industrialization —— Take into consideration “ the country ’ s long and midterm scientific and technological development plan ” —— Get integrated with industrial advances, technological progress and comparative advantage

9 9 (III) Key Areas of Development Technical standards in high-tech industries such as IT, top-notch manufacturing technology, new material technology, aviation and space technology, new energy technology, and ocean technology. Manufacturing industry, agriculture, modern service industry Safety, health and environmental protection Resource and energy Technical standards in industries with comparative advantage or unique characteristics

10 10 ( IV ) Substantial Participation and International Standardization Activities To become a country ranking high on the list of international standardization contributors 1. Effective adoption of international standards To improve the technological level of Chinese standards To meet WTO/TBT demands and align with international standards To track international standards for timely adoption of applicable international standards

11 11 ( IV ) Substantial Participation and International Standardization Activities 2.Substantial Participation and International Standard Development Participate substantially in every stage of international standard development Participate in standard drafting given the international standard involves China ’ s national interests Support and encourage efforts of WG leaders, TC and branch TC Secretariat that organize the international standard development efforts

12 12 Actively organize international standardization conferences closely related to China ’ s development Actively participate in bilateral, multilateral and regional standardization efforts Preferential support to foreign trade enterprises and export oriented industries as major player in substantial participation in international standardization efforts Support competitive enterprises to participate in development of prioritized forum, regional alliance and partnership standards ( IV ) Substantial Participation and International Standardization Activities

13 13 Thank You!

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