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MASTER CURRICULUM DESIGN PROGRAMME - curriculum proposal of the University of Niš - TEMPUS IV MASTS 511170 Niš, 30 th November-1 th December 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "MASTER CURRICULUM DESIGN PROGRAMME - curriculum proposal of the University of Niš - TEMPUS IV MASTS 511170 Niš, 30 th November-1 th December 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 MASTER CURRICULUM DESIGN PROGRAMME - curriculum proposal of the University of Niš - TEMPUS IV MASTS 511170 Niš, 30 th November-1 th December 2011

2 MASTER CURRICULUM FOR SUBJECT TEACHER EDUCATION COMMON FRAMEWORK Purpose – enable students for teaching profession in primary and secondary school  to develop competences according to numerous roles of teacher : transfer of knowledge, facilitate the adoption of skills, habits and values, realize educational goals, planning and organizing classroom activities, evaluate teaching methods and educational process as a whole, cooperation with colleagues, students and school background …

3 Curriculum outcomes According to STANDARDS OF COMPETENCES FOR TEACHING PROFESSION and TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ( National Educational Council, Serbia – April 2011) Four fields of competences: 1.COMPETENCES FOR THE SUBJECT – knowledge and didactics methods 2.TEACHING AND LEARNING – pedagogical competences 3.SUPPORTING STUDENTS’ PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT – psychological 4.COMMUNICATION AND COOPERATION skills

4 Curriculum structure Pedagogical and psychological education /basic and advanced – compulsory and optional subjects Subject didactics - teaching and methodic skills /basic and advanced – compulsory and optional subjects School practice /pedagogical, psychological, methodic Master thesis / concerning pedagogical, psychological, didactic or methodic aspects of teacher’ work

5 Master curriculum of subject teachers’ education - University of Nish proposal First semester (compulsory subjects)ESPB General pedagogy 6 Didactics 6 Basics of psychology 6 Psychology in education /educational psychology 6 Methods of particular subject teaching 6 TOTAL 30 Second semester (optional subjects)ESPB Optional subject 1 4 Optional subject 2 4 Optional subject 3 4 School practice 6 Master thesis 12 TOTAL 30

6 List of optional subjects 1. Mental health in school 2. Psychology of teachers 3. Personality, abilities and learning styles 4. Education of children from vulnerable groups 5. Psychology of adolescence 6. Socio-emotional-moral development and moral education 7. Communication skills 8. Prevention of violence in school 9. Family pedagogy 10. School and family partnership 11. Planning and evaluation in education 11. Educational technology 12. School and media


8 1. COMPETENCES FOR THE SUBJECT AND TEACHING METHODS Teacher: knows well the discipline he/she teaches and its relations to other scientific disciplines; knows the area and knows the subject curriculum, as well as its correlation with other areas or subjects; knows the general principles, objectives and outcomes of education, as well as general and specific standards for student achievement and their interconnection; understands the social relevance of the subject content; has didactic and methodological knowledge required for the course that teaches; knows the technologies that follow the scientific discipline and school subject

9 1. COMPETENCES FOR THE SUBJECT AND TEACHING METHODS Subjects that can develop these competences: - General pedagogy - Didactics - Methods of particular subject teaching - Educational technology - Planning and evaluation in education - Psychology in education - Personality, abilities and learning styles - Education of children from vulnerable groups - Psychology of teachers

10 2. COMPETENCES FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Teacher: has knowledge about the cognitive development of students (cognitive levels and zone of proximal development); understands the nature of learning, different learning styles and learning strategies; understands the nature of thought and the formation of scientific concepts.

11 2. COMPETENCES FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING Subjects that can contribute to develop these competences: - Psychology in education - Personality, abilities and learning styles - The education of children from vulnerable groups - Psychology of adolescence - Psychology of teachers - Basics of psychology - General pedagogy - Didactics - Methods of particular subject teaching - Planning and evaluation in education

12 3. COMPETENCES FOR SUPPORTING STUDENTS PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Teacher: knows and understands the physical, emotional, social and cultural differences among students; knows and understands the psychological, emotional and social development of students; has knowledge about ways to support students from vulnerable social groups; knows the different kinds of motivation and ways to motivate students; knows how to identify, mobilize and encourage the development of capacities of all students, respecting their individuality.

13 3. COMPETENCES FOR SUPPORTING STUDENTS PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Subjects that can contribute to develop these competences - Psychology of adolescence - Personality, abilities and learning styles - Socio-emotional-moral development and moral education - Prevention of violence at school - Mental health in school - The education of children from vulnerable groups - Psychology of teachers - Communication skills - Psychology in education - Family pedagogy - School and family partnership

14 4. COMPETENCES OF COMMUNICATION AND COOPERATION Teacher: understands the importance of cooperation with parents and other partners in the educational work; has information about available resources that can support the educational work (school, family, the local and wider community); knows the forms and contents of cooperation with different partners; knows techniques of successful communication.

15 4. COMPETENCES OF COMMUNICATION AND COOPERATION - Psychology of teachers - Family pedagogy - Partnership between school and students’ families - Communication skills - The education of children from vulnerable groups - Mental health at school - Psychology of adolescence - Planning and evaluation in education - School and media

16 CONCLUSION All subjects contribute to the development of teachers’ competences defined as the standard for the teaching profession All standards of teachers’ competences are covered by the proposed master curriculum program for subject teachers education (exception is the knowledge of scientific discipline he/she teaches and the knowledge of foreign language – these competences are gained through basic studies)

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