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Reviewing the “Introduction to WHMIS” Worksheet. First Things First!!! Be sure to write in correct answers for yourself and make corrections to help the.

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Presentation on theme: "Reviewing the “Introduction to WHMIS” Worksheet. First Things First!!! Be sure to write in correct answers for yourself and make corrections to help the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reviewing the “Introduction to WHMIS” Worksheet

2 First Things First!!! Be sure to write in correct answers for yourself and make corrections to help the you study for any upcoming quiz Ask questions if you are unsure about an answer I have on the board… this is your chance to get feedback and to make sure you are on the tight track PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE KEEPING A TALLEY OF TOTAL MARKS IN THE MARGIN SO THAT I CAN SEE HOW YOU’RE DOING

3 Question 1 8 marks total for this question


5 Oxidation Reaction Many people don’t realize how important the OXIDATION warning on bottle of harmless looking powder can be… lets have a look!!! Potassium Permanganate + Glycerol KMnO 4 + C 3 H 8 0 3 Potassium Chlorate + Sugar KClO 3 + C 6 H 12 0 6

6 Question 2 Draw the four different consumer product symbols that are on the side of daily house hold items and what they mean Total of 8 marks… 1 for the diagram & 1 for the explanation

7 Question 2 Draw the four different consumer product symbols that are on the side of daily house hold items and what they mean Total of 8 marks… 1 for the diagram & 1 for the explanation

8 Question 3 What do the following three shapes mean when it comes to labeling consumer products Total of 3 marks for that question so far Danger Severe and immediate harm will occur Warning Special hazardous exist which require special care Caution Moderate hazard… long term or hidden harm

9 Question 3 Are the above shapes used in WHMIS or Consumer Labels? Total of 1 mark for that part CONSUMER LABELS

10 Question 4 Below is an example of a WHMIS label that must be present on chemicals that are used in the work place. What are the 8 different parts that make up a WHMIS label. Total of 8 marks for this question

11 Wrapping Up!!!! Quickly add up your score and give yourself a mark out of 28 I’m going to record the marks for curiosity to compare to your quiz that you will be writing While that is happening, you can be filing these sheets into your notebook in the correct order and filling in your marks record sheet

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