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WHICH HAT AM I WEARING TODAY? WHICH HAT AM I WEARING TODAY? Teaching thinking skills to aid decision making and problem solving Sonja Sentočnik.

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Presentation on theme: "WHICH HAT AM I WEARING TODAY? WHICH HAT AM I WEARING TODAY? Teaching thinking skills to aid decision making and problem solving Sonja Sentočnik."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHICH HAT AM I WEARING TODAY? WHICH HAT AM I WEARING TODAY? Teaching thinking skills to aid decision making and problem solving Sonja Sentočnik

2 Do you think thinking skills can be taught?

3 GOALS OF SESSION Development of skills – LEARNING HOW TO USE A METHOD Awareness raising Understanding

4 START OFF 1. Form 4 groups: 6 problem solvers and 1 observer. 2. Case problem solving. 3. Use of thinking hats.

5 GROUPWORK 1 1. Choose a hat in the room next door. Form a group with the participants who have the same hat as you. 2. Go to the corner where you see your hat on the wall. 3. Get ready for the next activity

6 PREPARATION – 20 minutes PROBLEM SOLVING GROUPS 1. Study your thinking style. 2. Study the case problem. 3. Get ready to discuss the case problem with others in a new group using your colour thinking style (use the handout with instructions) OBSERVERS 1. Study all the thinking styles. 2. Study the case problem. 3. Choose a group and help them prepare for the discussion in a new group (use your handouts)

7 PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS - 35 minutes 1. Sit with the original group. 2. Discuss the solutions to the 4 questions at the end of the case problem (USE YOUR THINKING HAT FOR 10 minutes) 3. After 10 minutes PUT DOWN YOUR HAT and continue discussion for 5 minutes - reach consensus about the best solutions. 4. Discuss how you would give feedback to Mrs. Timmons – 5 min. 5. Put the solutions on A3 paper -5 min Note down your observation: 1. How far do the participants employ a particular thinking style? 2. What advantages can you notice when the participants are wearing hats? 3. What shortcomings can you notice? 4. Observe the quality of discussion: A.when the participants are wearing a hat B. when they put it down

8 De Bono thinking hat presentation

9 REFLECTION – portfolio/ OBSERVERS- 5 minutes How did you feel wearing the hat? Why? How did you feel putting down the hat? Do you think you were still wearing any hat(s)? Which is your predominant thinking style? How do you know? Get ready to give feedback

10 1. FEEDBACK FROM OBSERVERS by group – 5 minutes 2. PRESENTATION OF SOLUTIONS / 3 minutes each group

11 REFLECTIVE ANALYSIS INDIVIDUAL PORTFOLIO REFLECTION (10 minutes) : What is the value of referring to thinking styles as different colour hats? What is the added value of the Six thinking hat method? Think of the situations in your school - use of Six thinking hat method? The relevance of case problem solutions for your situation? – Which solutions could you apply?

12 SIX COLOUR HAT METHOD OF THINKING de Bono Six colours – six thinking modes Use one thinking mode at a time (opp. Thinking as confusion) Switch it with ease in a discussion Mapmaking style of thinking: deliberate choice (deliberate putting on a thinking hat) detachment Thinking with intention

13 VALUE OF SIX THINKING HAT METHOD Artificiality: Establish the rules of the game Formality – to request the use of certain type of thinking Direct your attention Teach operacy: not merely to react critically but to set goals, assess priorities,generate alternatives Prevents: stucking in one mode

14 USE OF THINKING HATS Role playing: to avoid risking your ego - ego defence Attention directing: six different aspects of thinking Convenience: it is easier to ask someone to switch gears – e.g. Take off a black hat (rather than Stop being so negative) The rules of the game (of thinking)- powerful learning

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