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The Haber Process.

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Presentation on theme: "The Haber Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Haber Process

2 The Haber Process The Haber process is used to gain ammonia
Ammonia is used for: Plant Fertilliser Hair Dye

3 The Haber Process Nitrogen+Hydrogen Ammonia N + 3H 2NH
*an iron catalyst is used to speed up the reaction (adds surface area) 2 2 3 Comes from methane gas Comes from air

4 The Haber Process H + N Recycled 2 2 COOLER Reaction Chamber H + N 2 2
NH 3 H + N 2 2 Ammonia

5 What are the Ideal conditions to create Ammonia?
Highest yield (amount of product) is theoretically produced by using: Low temperature High Pressure However these are not used. Why not?

6 Why are ideal conditions not used?
Low temperature Slows the rate of reaction High Pressure Too Costly So a compromise is reached...

7 The Compromise Higher temp. used to increase rate of reaction (450C)
Medium pressure used (200 atm)

8 Complete this paragraph using the words in the box
Ammonia is an important chemical used for making fertillisers. The raw materials are ______ from the _____ and hydrogen from _________. These are reacted at about_____C and _____ atm using an ______ catalyst. _____ is removed from the reaction mixture before it can break down into the reactants again by ______ the gas. Nitrogen Air Natural Gas 450 200 Ammonia Iron Liquefying Nitrogen, 200, air, 450, liquefying, iron, Ammonia, Natural Gas

9 Task 2 Create a flow chart NOT a diagram showing the Haber Process

10 Un-reacted nitrogen/hydrogen returned to reaction vessel
Hydrogen and Nitrogen into reaction chamber Hydrogen and Nitrogen into compressor Nitrogen/hydrogen mixture compressed to a pressure of 200 atm and heated to 450C Nitrogen and Hydrogen enter reaction vessel containing iron catalyst Nitrogen and Hydrogen form equilibrium mixture of ammonia Mixture of gases emerging from reactor is cooled Ammonia liquefies and is separated Un-reacted nitrogen/hydrogen returned to reaction vessel

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